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bustedbuddha t1_je4n70h wrote

fallout 4 is a splinter group. I thought it was the reunified BOS I thought it was that the outcasts of fallout 3 won and then had combined with air resources from the western brotherhood.


CevicheLemon OP t1_je4ok4j wrote

Nah FO4 BoS was given official permission to make Maxson an Elder from Lost Hills and re-established comms and everything


bustedbuddha t1_je4yeut wrote

Exactly, so they weren’t a splinter group right?


CevicheLemon OP t1_je50i8i wrote

The others went no-contact or broke away, the BoS in 4 basically got a seal of approval due to their results and relatively similar ideology to the original BoS to do their own thing

So still a splinter