You ever notice how the brotherhoods who get stuff done...all seem to be the ones who are splinters?
Submitted by CevicheLemon t3_125adim in gaming
Reply to comment by Raystafarian in You ever notice how the brotherhoods who get stuff done...all seem to be the ones who are splinters? by CevicheLemon
They are pretty good though. Not sure where OP got BoS raiding people’s homes though for scraps of tech. If anyone that does it, it was the Mojave chapter. Even then it’s only after obtaining one of 4 major endings.
Lyon’s “generosity” was not because he was selfless and altruistic. He fucked up by directly disobeying orders and was told to fuck off.
With no more recruits coming from the West, he got desperate. He purposely relaxed recruitment protocols for bolstering his forces. His attitudes caused serious harm as inexperienced BoS members fell quick, taking the more reliable ones with them.
Outcasts rebelled and went Westward with as much tech as willing.
Once both Lyons passed, Maxson eventually took over. He knew Lyons was right but not with how quick or disorganized.
Non-humans are not shot on-sight: Supermutants attack first, they make comments about Strong but do not kill him or attempt to.
Ghouls had potshots taken at them, but Lyon’s Chapter did this too before Maxson took over. Danse has his affinity raised for helping Ghouls. Even congratulating the ones at the Slog for their hard work.
Synths are a bit of a different story. I don’t like Maxson’s stance but he can be convinced to spare one. This could be a key moments that shifts for future releases. Time will tell. But what exactly are the capabilities of a synth?
First free synth settlement…commits same atrocities as Institute did. Just as BoS feared
I don't think letting synths run free is a good thing. If they start self replicating, it is over for humans any time they so choose. Humans can be trusting, but it's not in our nature to allow such competition to survive. Synths aren't affected by radiation, hunger, thirst, poison, and can replace destroyed limbs. They are perfect for the wasteland. Smart machines which can be terrifying combatants or perfect slaves.
... except most of this only applies to generation 2 synths. And generation 2 didn't have true AI. Gen 3, as far as I remember, has all the same drawbacks that natural born humans do.
Now, could they modify gen 3s to be more resistant to rads or regrow limbs. Probably, but I'm not sure that's in scope for the discussion.
gen 3 are still immune to radiation.
And that's canon? I haven't played the game in years but I feel like I would have remembered that.
yes. its possible for a settler to have been an institute synth, and if happiness is low enough, they will rampage, like in diamond city. the easiest way to find out is via the vats weakness perk, since anything thats not a ghoul/robot and has full radiation immunity is a synth.
this is also how we know sole survivor is not a synth, since radiation does damage them.
That feels more like Bethesda not bothering to differentiate gen 2 from gen 3 in their code than actual lore. I dunno, I'm skeptical unless it's actually stated in terminals / dialog somewhere.
gen 3 synths are the only humanoid ones. so bethesda specifically chose to give this special group of npcs radiation immunity.
nick also states, if you take him to the glowing sea, that radiation isnt much of a problem for him, due to him being a synth. nick is also one of 2 prototypes for gen 3 synths. (DiMa being the other), so presumably, especially with gen 3 synths having the immunity, it does ally to them.
.... except Nick and dima have the body of a gen 2. That is to say, mechanical. Of course they're immune.
You say, "specifically chose", but it could just be a simple case of copying the stats from gen 2 and pasting them to save time. This IS Bethesda we're talking about here. Without specific dialog to confirm it, I remain skeptical.
In the creation kit, ARE gen 3 synths even their own race? I'm not a modder so I don't know how to check. I always assumed they just plopped synth components in the inventories of regular human NPCs.
And all of that aside, it doesn't really make sense when you think about it. Gen 3 was designed to pass for / infiltrate humans. Not getting sick from rads would be super suspicious. Furthermore, the amount of genetic manipulation that would be required to make them immune would probably trigger all sorts of bio / DNA scans. Not saying many exist in the wastes, but it's still a really dumb idea.
They would have to be separate, since they have their own programming, like the murder rage on low happiness, as well as having full rad immunity. They have a completely separate ai to gen 2, due to being settlers, not enemies (the only other type of gen 2 we meet)
edit: dont downvote them just for not agreeing with me, yall.
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