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lapqmzlapqmzala t1_jef84yj wrote

You are going to need like at least $1000 for 4k 120hz, probably a lot more, especially for newer games like Diablo or those crazy graphical mods for Minecraft.


Forsaken-Thought OP t1_jef96z3 wrote

1k I could swing. I just don't know what models of GPU I should even be looking at for specs like that lol


REDBEARD_PWNS t1_jeg3i8v wrote

it's useless to have 120hz with 60 fps going to it

or sell that high refresh rate monitor and get you a nice 75hz with freesync/gsync and maybe that could free up some budget for you to make the components more doable.

my 10700k + 3060ti played d4 beta at ~80-100 fps @ 1080p but what you have to realize is 4k is literally rendering the same picture with 4x as many pixels (granted with more details) and every frame requires 4x the data that a 1080p monitor would.