CGNoorloos t1_je8x4hq wrote
Cool, but from what game is this? Or it it only a render?
Zero1030 t1_je8x85m wrote
The inn in dun morough?
cyberdogg13 t1_je8x9ty wrote
Damn dude .... Almost all my characters where dwarfs. I felt something with this image. Thank you
UncomfortableReview t1_je8xvzm wrote
Khonos or something wasn't it?
Myrrmidonna t1_je8xx2a wrote
Best starter area for the best race! <3
TimeTravelMishap t1_je8y0ix wrote
Horde through and through now(well when i play anyways) But my first toon was a gnome. I'll never forget entering Ironforge for the first time
NovaHorizon t1_je8y99k wrote
Care for a round of Hearthstone?
[deleted] t1_je8yn3i wrote
Potion_Shop t1_je8yw6l wrote
It's a render. He/She posted it on s/Blender.
fdl2phx t1_je90dt5 wrote
Ah, Kharanos. Drink up, lads.
LeClubNerd t1_je9189l wrote
topjben OP t1_je91x6x wrote
Yep i made this on Blender.
Camaro_LT1 t1_je91yzr wrote
Love Kharanos. Now it makes me wanna log into wow and visit Kharanos.
topjben OP t1_je9232e wrote
"Well met!" Yes, in Kharanos exactly.
EZ-PZ-CLAPS t1_je92p98 wrote
darw1nf1sh t1_je9382x wrote
Originally WoW
Spethual t1_je93cwx wrote
Hopefuly you mean Dwarf's and not those pesky Gnome.
CCGamesSteve t1_je93eo9 wrote
It's a very nice blender render.
Myrrmidonna t1_je956ml wrote
Wait, you mean those strange mutated rats were not my drunken stupor halucinations?
Kystael t1_je957yt wrote
JonTheWizard t1_je95kz1 wrote
A cozy retreat from the Dun Morogh cold.
Hashashin455 t1_je96ow0 wrote
Rock and Stone brother!
Majestic-Iron7046 t1_je97lsj wrote
How is this even possible? At least once a day i end up writing these lines of dialogue on Reddit, what a coincidence!
It is not a mere coincidence, in reality i am a dwarf.
I will now sing "The misty mountain cold" for the rest of the day.
USS_Barack_Obama t1_je97q8c wrote
"I kill two dwarves in the morning, I kill two dwarves at night.
I kill two dwarves in the afternoon and then I feel alright.
I kill two dwarves in time of peace and two in time of war.
I kill two dwarves before I kill two dwarves and then I kill two more"
That's what I think of your best race.
Why did Blizzard remove that /joke anyway?
Majestic-Iron7046 t1_je97vwk wrote
The first time i played WoW i picked Night Elf, yes a vulgar elf... i am not proud of my origins but it's not the conditions of your birth that determines who you are, or the mighty acts that you commit.
Now i play regularly Dwarf Fortress, Deep Rock Galactic and i changed the idraulic system in my home to use homebrew alcohol.
I would forge my own tools but i already got sued twice because of my garden forge and the high flames that you can see from afar.
I grew a beard and tend to it by giving it even more alcohol.
ethman14 t1_je98p8h wrote
I was a Horde man throughout, but made a DK human to play with my friend's guild during WotLK. So I never really experienced the Alliance starting areas until later on trying the game again during WoD. Definitely felt cozy in the Dwarf/Gnome area getting out of the snow and into the pub.
DukeCornholio t1_je99do2 wrote
Maybe copyright or too offensive, originates from Sublime’s “Two joints”
Spethual t1_je99wjj wrote
[deleted] t1_je9ba91 wrote
Plastic_Feed8223 t1_je9c2d9 wrote
Barrel House from Barrel World?
Theycallmetheherald t1_je9cb83 wrote
Wow this was exactly the inn i though about before opening... crazy after 15 years..
That game was special.
ecrw t1_je9cbkb wrote
Laugh all you might but nothing fucked you up like a fe gnome in r14 gear in WoW Classic
endrestro t1_je9ccdk wrote
Holy shit. I didnt read the title first and immediately thought dun morogh. Well rendered. Fond memories
MatichetTwoPointO t1_je9cfvb wrote
This looks like it could be a building in Clash of Clans
[deleted] t1_je9d2a1 wrote
[deleted] t1_je9ezy7 wrote
WarcraftFarscape t1_je9f9rk wrote
Sublime covered that song from The Toys which came out 8 years earlier
pwnstar t1_je9fazq wrote
I don't remember seeing this in the undead zone?
Mad_Lala t1_je9fi5a wrote
I played WoW, but I didn't recognize the place
Flecco t1_je9ge03 wrote
Images you can hear. The theme from... Was it dun morogh? One of the ambient tracks from when I was younger.
CameToPoop t1_je9ge6a wrote
Now I wanna see such a render from every single inn in the entire game...!
[deleted] t1_je9guee wrote
Lexisseuh t1_je9hcm9 wrote
I haven't played WoW in so many years, and yet I still recognize this place. Feels good man.
FuzzyDunlop227 t1_je9hlcw wrote
Alliance does seem to get cool looking base camps. But horde definitely has the cooler races. Lok'tar ogar!
[deleted] t1_je9iouc wrote
Cirtius t1_je9ip75 wrote
Someone should turn that into a STL for 3d printing
d4_H_ t1_je9irdc wrote
And that’s incredibile, I played wow for a bunch of hours, that mean like 30hr max trying different races, sadly the game is not for me (also considering the price) but even that I instantly recognised that inn, it does look cool!
Cleeq t1_je9j193 wrote
This really feels like it's straight out of Tunic. I love the art style!
Reddcross t1_je9j2ed wrote
First stop on the way to Ironforge!
immigrantsmurfo t1_je9j58n wrote
I love me a blood elf but don't really align myself with Horde. Would much prefer to poke around stormwind as a blood elf than an alliance race.
Chyvalri t1_je9jb1a wrote
I've been playing WoW for 18 years. The first 12 as alliance only. In all that time, I've never thought to /silly on a horde character. I have no idea what their jokes are.
topjben OP t1_je9k4y1 wrote
- Running through the tunnels dodging the troggs to leave coldridge valley.
- Drinking a dwarf pale ale while learning brand new spells.
- Taming your first pet.
- Aggroing 3 Frostmane trolls at once on the hills.
- Fishing on the ice lake.
- Fighting gnomes near Gnomeragan
- Discovering the ram mounts in the little farm, just under the yeti lair.
- Mining in the excavation site.
And finally stepping into IronForge, damn!
[deleted] t1_je9k5mf wrote
That's clearly Orgrimmar.
Van_Lee t1_je9kdpv wrote
I just leave this here for you:
Wind Rose - Drunken Dwarves 🎶
topjben OP t1_je9kg9o wrote
Working on Crossroads, a bit complicated, might take some more time :p
CameToPoop t1_je9kjjt wrote
No problem, I can wait a few minutes! :P
topjben OP t1_je9krqs wrote
Juuuust a bunch of them :P
maglen69 t1_je9kvld wrote
> But my first toon was a gnome. I'll never forget entering Ironforge Lagforge for the first time
ApexRevanNL716 t1_je9ky8l wrote
60 seconds later. Oh. Yeah I prefer Goldshire
Omnifob t1_je9l70l wrote
"I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, no problem!"
[deleted] t1_je9lrqy wrote
Friedcheeze t1_je9m9jl wrote
Coziest inn in wow
CGNoorloos t1_je9m9oq wrote
Ah shame. But looks great for sure.
CGNoorloos t1_je9mep4 wrote
That i know haha. I meant if it perhaps was a new game that flew under my radar. But thanks anyways :)
Olliebeani t1_je9mguz wrote
I went here when I was 5 years old on a dwarf warrior playing with my sister and my mother. Good times.
[deleted] t1_je9n56x wrote
itsafuseshot t1_je9nokw wrote
It still is. Wow classic is alive and well.
(Not wotlk classic, there are official vanilla servers with great populations)
Crankylamp t1_je9nq4n wrote
ChugaChugaChuga ChOOOoooOOO!
Doracy t1_je9o1ue wrote
I remember raiding the area! For the HORDE!!!!!
Moar_Input t1_je9pwo0 wrote
They also would always wreck Alliance in BGs :(
GrowCanadian t1_je9qlo3 wrote
Is this ai generated or hand made?
O-o-ozing t1_je9rbqp wrote
Time to put "Mine! Mine! Mine!" by Windrose on and transform into your true self.
notsocharmingprince t1_je9re18 wrote
Gets me right in the feels bro. Thank you.
idontcarewhatever222 t1_je9rpld wrote
I never played Alliance seriously, only started a few humans. Horde ftw
UrBobbyIsAWonderland t1_je9rpr1 wrote
Nah, the internet ruined it.
Original WoW came out even before YouTube. People don't realize how old it is. Gaming culture was different. there was no meta. It was pure discovery. It just doesnt work like it used to.
[deleted] t1_je9ru20 wrote
ballsmigue t1_je9s09l wrote
I've only done that zone a small handful of times and I still knew where it was.
Just shows how much of the map really sticks with you.
itsafuseshot t1_je9ta0w wrote
That’s fair, it’s not the same, but classic era servers (vanilla, not wrath of the lich king) are well populated, and still a lot of fun
Shoopbadoopp t1_je9tv59 wrote
I remember when people would finish their quest in the yeti lair then just sprint out aground s bunch of yetis. Eventually they would aggro leash, but then all aggro to whoever was still around and likely kill them. This was before they made changes to aggro
holdit t1_je9ueh2 wrote
The first couple months of WoW Classic gave me the same feeling as back when it first came out. Was incredible
Psychic_Jester t1_je9ugsc wrote
From the thumbnail I was thinking that or Winterspring. Spent many an hour farming thorium and the dragon sinew for my hunter. I finally got it the last few weeks it was available and never got the drop from Domo
FuzzyDunlop227 t1_je9v7a0 wrote
I used to get wrecked by gnome rogues. Those little bastards sneak up on you so easily.
AcanthaceaeVisu t1_je9v7rb wrote
I love this
ReallyGargoyled t1_je9vv5p wrote
i've sat on top of that barrel on the roof so many times, drinking dwarven ale.
[deleted] t1_je9w6pt wrote
[deleted] t1_je9w88g wrote
[deleted] t1_je9wapi wrote
Yo_Wats_Good t1_je9wvmt wrote
First ally char was a dwarf hunter and I thought it was so cool the buildings were fun to run around in. Ironforge was also mind blowing.
I joined an RP server by accident and people were in the tavern RPing which was first experience with it. I didn’t stay in the server and my main became a Human Prot War but it was cool
FlatteringFlatuance t1_je9xdlu wrote
Comment stealing bot
milkman1218 t1_je9xxg1 wrote
I will forever remember the night elf starting island. Such a great memory of a young me getting addicted to the most popular mmo at the time.
sudin t1_jea0r8y wrote
Rock and stone, or you ain't comin' home!
The-Cynicist t1_jea0y8j wrote
Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest were always my starting areas (Undead). I loved those areas so much especially coming off the high of WC3. The early years of WoW really were something special.
The-Cynicist t1_jea1jnr wrote
I’m with you on this. The sense of wonder and the unknown was vast in the original game. At best you had some spotty article pages on Thottbot if you were lost. Now every inch of the world map has been marked and gone into detail by thousands of YouTubers. Not to mention every min/max guide for the flavor of the month so your character just ends up being uncompetitive or a complete cookie cutter. Really I wish we could go back to 2000s era internet in general, it was a lot more exciting.
Tigerstorm6 t1_jea1u5a wrote
Certainly a lot calmer than Goldshire, I can tell ya that!
Tigerstorm6 t1_jea21p1 wrote
My brother once went into detail about the kinds of mentalities players have when playing a certain race. For gnomes, he said (and I quote), “Gnome players have a screw lose. I’m convinced. [They’re] the kids that torture ants outside with a magnifying glass.”
Shibbystix t1_jea26ph wrote
Yeah, the thing that made wow so special is the thing that cannot exist anymore BECAUSE of the times.
The best thing about wow was exploring out in the wild and randomly seeing someone else doing the same. I made my first long term net friend running from troggs near Karanos.
Now, everyone is using the same speed Lvling guide to level as fast as possible, and people run right past everyone because everyone is trying to max lvl as fast as possible. It's so streamlined that most of the servers are on the exact same paths to get to places, doing the exact same quests and skipping the same quests.
You don't randomly meet strangers in the wild anymore to team up
[deleted] t1_jea35iw wrote
ThickKnotz t1_jea3jar wrote
Dude you just syked me the F up
AvidReads t1_jea3ztz wrote
A good rendering of thunderbrew brewery in kharanos
BifronsOnline t1_jea46ns wrote
This looks like something that could be straight from Tunic.
Please_obtain_taco t1_jea4gj3 wrote
I wish I still talked to all my old wow buddies. I’d send them this.
milkman1218 t1_jea5r44 wrote
Tell me about it, I can still remember thinking how am I going to get 100 gold for my first mount! I remember it taking ages back in vanilla not only getting to level to 20 but grinding gold unless you were a high level crafter was such a pain. I was always jealous of druids, eventually made a druid tank for cata.
right_foot_down t1_jea5ros wrote
You have hit me right in the feels, haven’t logged since 2009(ish), and I was right there again. Thanks for that
Derp_duckins t1_jea5x7r wrote
Was scrolling and this stopped me in my tracks. Immediately recognized it was the inn in dun murough.
Love the art style!
ISAV_WaffleMasta t1_jea606d wrote
topjben OP t1_jea6yc5 wrote
Made fully on Blender
DarkTechnocrat t1_jea8t2s wrote
TIL there is a keg on the roof. I've played since release lol
50MSK t1_jea94bu wrote
Wash yer back
[deleted] t1_jeaade3 wrote
MajinBuuMan t1_jeac72y wrote
That's what made me stop playing most MP games in general.
Meta this, meta that, find the most efficient ways to do things and stick to that.
Even first person shooters are going that way...
I like my sense of wonder and adventure in video games and that's gone from most multiplayer now.
tnnrk t1_jeaceyu wrote
God I would love a brand new wow version built in UE5 with all the new tech they added. Still keep it slightly stylized but overall way more realistic and detailed. Would be so fun to go back and play through it like that.
tylerjn85 t1_jeaezst wrote
missing the npc outside who gives the sausage quest
DogDavid t1_jeafnsj wrote
There should be snow on top of the barrel
Oh it's supposed to be warm, then some of the snow around the barrel and pipes should be melted as it's not actively snowing
BeginTheResist t1_jeag8uz wrote
Wow was amazing I have never found a game that filled the void it left in my life. This pic reminds me of when the servers were down but one was open so everyone fiending would hop on and make a new character, so you had a few hundred lvl 1 dwarves all chit chatting and doing stupid stuff. Man those days were it.
Cooleybob t1_jeaga9p wrote
"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game."
It's essentially an inevitability with competitive multiplayer games. If the goal is to "win", then the most efficient method of achieving that will be found and dominate the scene. For MMORPG's like WoW, that really sucks when the whole point of the game was to explore, quest, collect gear, and build your character however you wanted.
Lysvaerd t1_jeaghzr wrote
Bizee2 t1_jeai6q7 wrote
I remember spending a lot of time there not leveling and just doing something else.
relaps101 t1_jeaijzx wrote
The undead don't start there, silly.
Mysterious_Fennel459 t1_jeak1kr wrote
Only people that plays gnomes or dwarves. I lived in Orgrimmar.
[deleted] t1_jeamb4k wrote
Island_Monkey86 t1_jeao2v1 wrote
Absolutley love it, thanks for sharing!
Yeahgeebs t1_jeapcj9 wrote
Watsh’yer back
FizzgigBuplup t1_jeavwg9 wrote
Those kegs were off limits. Must’ve been some secret dwarven brew! ;-)
Availaber t1_jeawede wrote
Would much prefer to poke around storming as a blood elf than an alliance race.
Corny_Toot t1_jeayqkf wrote
Remember it? I can hear that place!
That looks super cool.
KristianJoseph2022 t1_jeaz1e6 wrote
COC vibes
Durakan t1_jeb1vst wrote
Alliance scum.
JobsInvolvingDragons t1_jeb4ay7 wrote
Nothing has been ruined, you are just ignorant and cynical. The magic is still very much alive in classic wow, if you choose to minmax the fun out of it that is on you alone.
_-Redacted-_ t1_jeb4fd4 wrote
Hard disagree.
"Those who do not stand with the Forsaken stand against them. And those who stand against the Forsaken will not stand long."
4ngryMo t1_jeb8xi0 wrote
A, simpler times.
Hollywood330 t1_jebb2l4 wrote
I clicked on the picture before reading the title, and I was hit with nostalgia even without fully knowing.
eddwardl t1_jebga27 wrote
SorryWhatsYourName t1_jebjlqu wrote
"Interest ya 'n a kite?"
QuillQuickcard t1_jebqoeu wrote
Blew my mind in 04. The building had an INSIDE! A full inside! And I could into it without a door or loading or anything.
By the heat of the fire and under the catchy music, I thought that truly, nothing would be the same again
SkySweeper656 t1_jebraxd wrote
I want to go back. That was my first "trip" in that game ever. Going into that inn... it feels like home.
uzasno t1_jebryzf wrote
So lucky to have been there day 1 in 2004
Swordbreaker925 t1_jebrzp4 wrote
That’s not Elwynn Forest
[deleted] t1_jebvoa9 wrote
Murdering_My_Time t1_jec2m7v wrote
Thereisnoyou t1_jec5bus wrote
Kinda looks like any dwarf Inn tbh
hoes-in-this-house t1_jec9jzu wrote
You nailed it! Stepping into IF though..its like the most unique feeling I've ever had
Orcrist90 t1_jeca54k wrote
Ah winter, yes winter.
hamfist7 t1_jeca8ay wrote
Now I want an isometric arpg of WoW
Dwarfdeaths t1_jeccr9d wrote
Or maybe the one in loch modan
[deleted] t1_jecnh84 wrote
InconspicuousFool t1_jecqdbd wrote
Looks old discord marketing
Porsche4lyfe t1_jecrdib wrote
Ahhh... My first dwarf build.
[deleted] t1_ject1du wrote
[deleted] t1_jecvqao wrote
ChristianLW3 t1_jecxm1n wrote
Elwynn is the weakest starting zone
ChristianLW3 t1_jecxyb9 wrote
Azeroth needs more dwarf towns. Distinct while being a great balance between style & believable
Wish menethil harbor had stone structures
huh_phd t1_jecy29s wrote
I just got nostalgia everywhere
TinyRodgers t1_jed2kbi wrote
Man I remember this inn being my base of operations during the pre-legion invasions.
domestic_omnom t1_jed9hf0 wrote
I grew up playing the original warcraft 1,2, and 3. To actually walk through the dark portal and return to the orcs' homewold was pretty damn epic.
downonthesecond t1_jedkoi4 wrote
Never played anything after Warcraft 3, but it reminds me of Captain Toad.
agamemnon2 t1_jedpwd4 wrote
I think you're mistaken. It's completely different to go back to a "classic" version of a game that's no longer being developed, than it was to explore the same MMO when it was still active. It's the difference between visiting a famous artist's house when they're alive, and visiting it 40 years later when it's been turned into a museum.
JanGuillosThrowaway t1_jedud0w wrote
I did get that feeling again when WoW classic dropped. There were so much activity in the world. someone posted about grouping for the elite quests in Loch Modan and I dragged my NE priest up there and completely but barely saved a group consisting of three warriors and a hunter.
That was such a great time. I'd like to get back into classic now but I guess the experience would be very different from those first months.
UIRBetter t1_jedv7ns wrote
This isn’t Durotar 🤔
Limonade6 t1_jee2dd0 wrote
One of the reasons why I wanted to play wow was because of these cosy inn's that you can walk in and out of. Really immersive.
Swordbreaker925 t1_jeenzkx wrote
Ah hell no. I looooove classic fantasy forests
Particular-Knowledge t1_jefmp27 wrote
Think I might have to stop in for a pint of Thunderbrew Lager.
[deleted] t1_jegig3r wrote
I can safely say I will die and never have another game that had the same impact on me as vanilla WoW did.
queckc t1_je8x421 wrote
I love this