UnholyCatFlaps t1_jeehkc2 wrote
Loved replaying the Reignited Trilogy. My favourite remains the first game, but I enjoyed all of them.
Timon7992 t1_jeei4z9 wrote
Mine too. I think that Ripto was a far more interesting villain than the sorceress, the talismans were much more interesting collectibles than dragon eggs, and the music in the hub locations were something out of this world.
OherryTorielly t1_jeej01v wrote
This game was so awesome. I remember being young and having a hard time beating some levels and my Dad would come and help me beat them. Even he found some of them challenging!
moshpitti t1_jeekyxg wrote
That was the remake to rule all remakes (first game), it absolutely blew me away. Them taking the generic collectible dragons and making them all unique, thematic characters that fit each world was the first time a remake like that didn't just make it feel like how I remember it looking as a kid, but improved on it.
SilentThomas OP t1_jeelx39 wrote
The trilogy is worth every penny . Best remake ok all time imo. 3 of the classics all in one
DaHotFuzz t1_jeemj7d wrote
Ripto's Rage was definitely my favorite as well. I loved the home worlds. It was such a vibe playing the remastered trilogy.
saintnegative t1_jeerbck wrote
This was my favourite. I always struggled beating the levels but it was so much fun!!
frictiondick t1_jeet3gm wrote
Motion sickness
[deleted] t1_jeez84z wrote
SweetMonia t1_jef2br8 wrote
I prefer the second one, but all the games in the trilogy are good
wheels429 t1_jef44yk wrote
I think the voice actors changed, which kind of bummed me out. Unless it's just been so long since I played the original that I forgot what they sounded like.
redgroupclan t1_jefemjc wrote
My girlfriend LOVED the Reignited Trilogy. Unfortunately there's no game that scratches the same itch for her. She doesn't like Yooka Laylee and she said Crash Bandicoot looks too fast-paced for her. And well...what other similar PS4 games are there?
LadyLazaev t1_jefhsov wrote
Choosing between Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer and Year of the Dragon is an exercise in futility for me. I owned other games before I owned Spyro 2, but it was the game that solidified gaming as my hobby for the next 24 years.
LadyLazaev t1_jefhz0h wrote
She could try A Hat in Time. It's not quite like Spyro but it's also a collectathon.
BlowStiffCock9000 t1_jefm02g wrote
I really want a Banjo Kazzoie RM in the same vein.
Blaster92 t1_jefyvos wrote
*Gateway to glimmer
Xyothin t1_jeg3mp7 wrote
ratchet and clank?
Nankoto t1_jegf6b9 wrote
Only had Nintendo growing up, so I finally got to play them all at 30. Thoroughly enjoyed.
GRUNDLE_GOBLIN t1_jeghuwi wrote
Ratchet and clank for sure
Razgrez11 t1_jegrc0p wrote
I'm right with you, OP. I sometimes wonder if they will make a new title like they did with Crash 4. But shiver at the thought it might be am exclusive if they did.
Qorhat t1_jegt4ol wrote
A fellow person of refined class I see
GeraltofIndiana t1_jeeh34n wrote
I remember getting this for Christmas in 99. The excitement when I opened that gift has always stuck with me. Absolutely great game