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hurdygurdy21 OP t1_jegbxhs wrote

As far as I am aware it will officially shut down in September as far as any new content or updates but I believe they will keep the servers up. For a while anyway. That makes me think this won't be the last of this kind of Avenger game.


Reece3144 t1_jeglsw4 wrote

I hope it is the guardians of the galaxy is a better game and midnight suns also for superhero games out that aren't shutting down anytime soon.


hurdygurdy21 OP t1_jegmm1w wrote

That is true but I do like the idea of an MMO/Destiny style Avenger game with a larger roster. That's what this Avengers tried to be it just missed the bar and wanted a more concise, linear story. Which I think bottle-necked a lot of the content. Also leveling each individual character is just pure annoying. I like how Ruined King did their character additions. When they joined they were at or near your current level.

Guardians was a surprise to me. I loved it more than I thought I would. My only complaint was I would have loved to be able to swap characters rather than just use them like attacks. Maybe in a sequel. I get for the first game it was Peter's story so you were him the whole game. I also wish the choices made much of a difference. As far as I am aware it is just minor dialogue and cutscene switches.


Reece3144 t1_jegmz75 wrote

Midnight suns feels like you are playing superhero XCom and it's a blast 🤭


hurdygurdy21 OP t1_jegncwi wrote

I know. It's a lot more fun than I thought. Could do without the friendship simulator but the rest of the game is fine. It's on sale for PS right now and I am buying it when I get money. It just sucks I'll have to restart from scratch (I've been playing with the Xbox Gold trial but missed it on sale)