Submitted by x2FrostFire t3_1274g2f in gaming
OlTommyBombadil t1_jecmn1h wrote
Nothing really to get. These companies have two options: spend millions and do an in-person event or make a YouTube video that gets the same amount of attention and not spend millions
Sucks, but that’s the world in 2023
(Just to be clear, I hate it and I’m not trying to say you’re wrong)
angelkrusher t1_jecp06h wrote
I got what you're saying, all good
Like I mentioned Sega and some other companies actually wanted to do something. Honestly they still can, but they just need a new strategy. These guys only job is to figure out a new format and I won't say it simple, but man it's been years and no dice. Sad.
It's not just games either, a big photography show in New York changed formats and it was such a disaster it got canceled as well.. after the first revision got canceled. Welp.
Sigh...imho, there should not not be an E3
At least I have my memories of bring there in Dreamcast heyday, random trip with two friends no car and have to hitchhike in LA. Those were the days 😂
Dasteru t1_jecpuw3 wrote
E3 needs to rebrand from its current media targeted, behind-closed-doors, AAA publisher advertising event, to a gamer targeted indie dev event, with a focus on demo booths and merch.
bauN7 t1_jecs1zp wrote
Keighley seems more and more douchey every day. It's annoying how all of the gaming journalists and personalities have appointed him "king of the gamers" despite how his shows actually are. TGA is fine but is still too long, too full of ads, and you can see how his own ego gets in the way with celebrity appearances and such.
Last year's Summer Games Fest sucked and all I remember is how it had zero cool reveals, was way too long, and The Calisto Protocol's boss used his segment to kiss Geoff's ass. He also had Gamescom last year and it was really bad. I hope he does a good job with his events but I think we're missing out big time by losing E3.
It's worth remembering that he's 100% the product of nepotism with his extremely wealthy father pulling strings to get Geoff opportunities within the industry,
notactuallyabrownman t1_jecs228 wrote
You only get one shot at your brother's widow.
tomtomeller t1_jecx5c2 wrote
I once stumbled upon Summer Games Done Quick
Is that still a thing. Just all speed runs of any game put there with all these different modifiers.
My and my roomates lived by the TV religiously for the whole week it was going on
real_horse_magic t1_jeczzne wrote
Found the head E3 guy’s Reddit account.
real_horse_magic t1_jed03ks wrote
It needs to be ComicCon for video games
MarcSpector95 t1_jed2mzy wrote
The doritos pope takes no prisoners
Acquire16 t1_jed3630 wrote
There's already conventions like that. Biggest one is PAX which happens across the US and in Australia. E3 served a very specific purpose as a trade show. For an industry that's primarily digital software there's no reason to do such a large in person event anymore.
UnsolvedParadox t1_jed671k wrote
They could have done something like that years ago when Keighley asked for more creative control or he would leave.
E3 refused & now he’s snatched their soul.
Link64U t1_jed86gl wrote
Yeah, Games Done Quick is still around (happens twice a year)
tomtomeller t1_jed89yq wrote
Summer and winterni presume?
Still on twitch i hope
Link64U t1_jed8hgi wrote
Yes to both
tomtomeller t1_jed9fpv wrote
Thank you
I have no more awards but you deserve one
PalmBlock t1_jed9rwu wrote
GDC is the industry trade show now.
E3 was marketing padding it’s budget and launching their marketing campaigns for the fall/winter releases. It’s main purpose was to get gaming magazines (remember those?) running previews of games coming out at the end of the year, or building the hype train for a future release. There was a minor aspect of retailers and publishers talking about shelf space, total orders, marketing materials and such, and you had small publishers that were shoved to the back and sides of West hall or stuck in the dregs of Kentia Hall (often joked as “can’t afford a better hall”) trying to negotiate some retail buys but that’s pretty much it.
GDC basically stole the industry specific panels and learning workshops.
The changing nature of game retail killed the retail meetings. GDC also stole whatever remained of this part of the show.
And the death of game magazines and transition to the internet only of game journalism eliminated the need for an industry only show.
So no, the industry isn’t making a fool of itself, it’s performing a mercy on a show that was basically useless to the current and future marketplace that only survived as long as it did by virtue of established inertia and nostalgia, sliding into irrelevance. Would it have lasted a bit longer without Covid? Sure, but the writing was on the wall by 2017 so it didn’t cut much short. The only ones who should be lamenting it’s passing are marketing douchbags who now no longer have justification for millions in their budget and the local cocaine dealers, prostitutes, and bikini models that now don’t have that sweet summer paycheck.
Those random corny shows and game awards filled with trailers give them more bang for their buck marketing wise. And the closed off nature of E3 and game journalism moving to the digital space made it so E3 was basically a bunch of Youtube videos whose only difference from any other time of the year was an E3 logo plaster at the start and end by the last few shows anyways.
If E3 wants to survive and become relevant again it should become a PAX knockoff. Open it up to the public, demo showcase, etc.
Or it’ll stay trash as an industry trade event nobody really cares about. And like trash it’ll end up in a dumpster and forgotten about.
MatStomp t1_jedb3nd wrote
OrcRobotGhostSamurai t1_jedfiw4 wrote
Keighley is an opportunistic greedy ass. The only reason game awards exists is because everyone was sick of how expensive E3 was. A prime spot at the game awards is 500,000, so hopefully his show goes the way of E3 too.
Erurice t1_jedfns9 wrote
I think I speak for many when I say that we only watch the game awards for trailers. I guess it’s cool to see a game you liked win an award, but they don’t really mean anything, and tons of games go unnoticed anyways. No one cares about the rock having a trailer for black Adam at summer games fest, and the celebrities at the game awards have somehow gotten worse when they talk.
SadLaser t1_jedgwbs wrote
Am I the only one who doesn't understand why anyone likes Geoff Keighley or how he got any clout in the industry? It boggles the mind.
I don't care much about E3. Nothing to do with that. I just can't figure how he managed what he has managed.
AlsoKnownAsAC t1_jedj083 wrote
You need to do research then instead of throwing a tantrum
Real_Mousse_3566 t1_jedjo06 wrote
Geoffs shows are just trash man. Accept it. Their shows doesnt come close to the peak of E3
GENOCIDE_324 t1_jedkot6 wrote
You're a little...oddly passionate about E3's demise, why?
CTH2122 t1_jedktnd wrote
keighley has been doing the game/journo thing since 94 but didn’t really get well known till the game awards in 14 which was made because in his words the spike VGA’s he was hosting a year before stopped being about game achievements and became too promotional and commercial he’s also worked for the big websites like gamespot spike tv G4TV he did a MTV special on gears of war called race to launch you may know him as well from doritogate
[deleted] t1_jedm4az wrote
[deleted] t1_jednllm wrote
Give me E3 over his ad filled crap any day.
SadLaser t1_jedoch2 wrote
Honestly, your reply to me is 1000X more tantrumy than what I said. Literally asked a simple question, then you got snapped back with this nerdliness. Calm down.
Oiljacker t1_jedp0yb wrote
Oiljacker t1_jedp4yr wrote
for real i have been excited about e3 in pre covid era, but this time i called its fall. they fucked themselves over. game awards are much more better than the shit we be getting these days
pepinyourstep29 t1_jedpcte wrote
He's made his entire career by exploiting the game industry. This is just yet another predatory move on his part to get more ad revenue.
blahteeb t1_jedq5r2 wrote
PAX and Gamescom are already that.
While it'd be nice to have more events, it's really only necessary at this point for the locality.
Publishers only have a handful of games to show a year so they don't need 10 different shows. One or two would suffice. However, as someone from the Midwest, it'd be really nice to have something grand closer to home.
But yea, if you're looking for a gaming convention similar to ComicCon, you're just looking for PAX or Gamescom.
MooseSaysWhat t1_jedqe10 wrote
Honestly, I don't find Summer Game Fest that much better. It just feels disjointed and pretty boring in my opinion.
Also, why is Geoff Keighley so hyped up? He's responsible for the Game Awards, which also fucking sucks.
Shattered_Disk4 t1_jedqwn8 wrote
He stands over the flaming ruins..
He smirks
“I’m your god now” he says
The E3 signs crumbles before him, unable to withstand the heat from the flames.
Hunter_X_101 t1_jedqz6e wrote
I'm interested to see what Summer Game Fest does over the next few years - in the same way that The Game Awards replaced the VGAs, if they play their cards right and keep the big names on board it's possible we could see a Summer Game Fest Expo as a compliment to the longer online event at some point (though I certainly don't think it's likely to happen in the short term).
Spaciousfoot66 t1_jedrp0f wrote
Tbh Geoffs show are always bad
Rob_using_Reddit t1_jeds2ap wrote
The world has changed, E3 doesn’t need to rebrand, we simply don’t need E3 anymore
SodecDash t1_jedsn89 wrote
Indeed they are.
taisui t1_jedt95q wrote
I attended E3 in the early 2000s during its prime. I remember fondly of the MGS2 trailer debut, Nintendo Gamecube and Xbox announcement, the fall of the Sega Dreamcast. E3 was technically a "trade show" and a lot of journalists, whom themselves hardcore gamers, attend and try to beat each other to publish the first story on new games. There are conference talking about the industry, business, and technical workshops about new technology. I've been in interviews with Peter Moore, J Allard, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Cliff B, Yuji Naka, Yu Suzuki, and so on. It was genuinely exciting. I also remember Nintendo released a bunch of trailers online, on the day before E3 floor is to open.
So looking back, I think that was the key difference. I remember getting the tripod and try to find a good spot and waiting for the MGS2 trailer premier, so I can get a good feed and upload the video, back then, you need to be in the media and have an invite in order to attend the press conference, and you try to write the stories and there are even media area with internet so that the journalists can work and send out news.
Now, completedly different, every major press conference is broadcasted live, every trailer is available the moment the embargo was lifted, media already know and probably have already written stories just waiting to be published because they are already briefed on the new titles. So, what's the point of attending the floor show anymore? All the big titles are already knowns, doing interviews on the noisy floor is horrible because all the music and noise are interfering, not to mention the slots are all scheduled way in advance, good lucky trying to score an interview with famous industry personalities.
Today, having a highly produced press conference is just so much easier, the Internet really is what killed E3. I've attended PAX and similar shows, none of them comopare to the prime days of E3.
Xacktastic t1_jedtw33 wrote
Of course. Nothing will, we are well past the conference era. No point with telecommunication so readily available, cheaper, and easier.
monkeymystic t1_jedtzby wrote
What an ass Keighley is.
Not really a huge fan of how Geoff Keighley is using these news just to promote his own shit.
He seems happy that E3 is dead, just for his own winning. He should atleast be more respectful about the news IMO.
fartfartfartfartfarl t1_jedw7l7 wrote
>The industry in my opinion is making a fool of itself
The classic redditor who has a deep insight into how to run international businesses.
It's not a matter of opinion. These giant corporations don't make decisions on a whim.
Or do you still think of giant corporations as your buddies that make games?
xXTheFisterXx t1_jedwcbu wrote
Go check out Games Done Quick on their youtube channel. They put out a VOD of all the runs from both Summer Games Done Quick and Awesome Games Done Quick (the winter event)
JavelinJohnson t1_jedx6ah wrote
Man i remember this guy from back when i was on and always hanging out on the gametrailers forums then they shut it down because of the fkn blackhole that is reddit
KingTut747 t1_jedx93s wrote
Not sure what planet you’ve living on this century.
But on earth, most things have been replaced or changed due to the alternatives presented by telecommunications technology.
djr7 t1_jedxmmm wrote
Now THIS is something I think Geoff could do successfully... since his game awards "show" is so mediocre
S3HN5UCHT t1_jedxq4h wrote
Summer game fest doesn’t even hold a candle to the beast that was E3 a decade ago
ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp t1_jedyn8h wrote
> in his words the spike VGA’s he was hosting a year before stopped being about game achievements and became too promotional and commercial
The fucking irony of that.
PepsiSheep t1_jedz9ff wrote
He is such a bellend. He even posted a "I'll miss E3, but it ended up shite so watch my thing" tweet around this time too.
[deleted] t1_jedzaps wrote
I9Qnl t1_jee0c6h wrote
As opposed to most E3 shows in the last decade? Only Sony really had good E3 shows.
No-Progress-4146 t1_jee0vih wrote
Fgoat t1_jee1yep wrote
The game awards is a cheesy joke. It will never have the impact of e3 of old.
StraightMix t1_jee24tf wrote
Do you always get people in Reddit to do searches for you?
tomtomeller t1_jee27eb wrote
krazyeye6 t1_jee2rm0 wrote
Geoff: yoink
NecessaryJellyfish90 t1_jee38qa wrote
The last Sony e3 was absolutely awful.
Oiljacker t1_jee3gjj wrote
But e3 is no longer the e3 of old. Now the e3 is a cheesy joke, not the game awards. E3 will never be the e3 of old, and that deeply saddens me how they fucked up
Austin_Redfield t1_jee4q89 wrote
Too bad Geoff's shows are always a snore. Too much filler.
KCILON t1_jee4x3f wrote
adwarkk t1_jee50p4 wrote
It's simply cold realistic take upon situation. That's all there is to it. E3 isn't some sacred symbol to industry, it was functional tool, and as this person pointed out, functionalities of it aren't really there any more.
So no, giving more proper extended answer isn't "being passionate about demise". He just gave properly detailed answer why.
adwarkk t1_jee54xl wrote
Besides that they do also run various thematic speedrunning shows on theirs twitch when they're not running The Big Marathons.
tomtomeller t1_jee5sj1 wrote
Oh really. I havent used twitch since then
Like 10 years
Grenflik t1_jee76ze wrote
I remember back in the day working at GameStop, was there 2001-2010 and the only real perk working there was either getting to go to E3 for free or at a heavy discount. I can’t remember anymore it’s been so long.
hectorduenas86 t1_jee8nv0 wrote
The last 2% are the best, that’s why they leave it on the milk
amcman125 t1_jee8w0w wrote
How'd E3 fuck themselves?
hvdzasaur t1_jee92d2 wrote
Industry has also just shifted focus towards these events. Most major publishers do have a presence at Gamescom.
SrsJoe t1_jee98si wrote
Gametrailers shut down because people migrated to YouTube, the way their website worked just wasn't feasible
ZeroDwayne t1_jeea661 wrote
Why angry joe deserves credit for his interviews way back when
[deleted] t1_jeeasai wrote
DazedWriter t1_jeeb0ad wrote
LegendaryWeapon t1_jeec192 wrote
No one should be surprised but this
dmrukifellth t1_jeec2jx wrote
“Oh no! Anyway…”
CouchWizard t1_jeec5p1 wrote
Unsure if you've been, but at least PAX East has only had that as a side attraction. It's maybe about 15% indie, 15% AA, 10% AAA, 15% PC hardware, and 45% merch booths. Expo/Convention as a dev to consumer thing days are numbered, and the writing on the wall was when PAX started being streamer focused
threeeyesthreeminds t1_jeecc5k wrote
Summer game fest is even worse than e3 though. If I have to listen to Geoff dick ride Sony all week again I’ll just pass
oldnyoung t1_jeed7z0 wrote
I loved the gaming magazines’ coverage of E3 in the 90s, always looked forward to those issues
Dav1959 t1_jeedbbe wrote
I guess we get to thank our reformed orthodox rabbi; bill clinton for this?
MaoWasaLoser t1_jeef251 wrote
That's literally just Pax though.
And Pax East this year was a little disappointing. Way more tabletop stuff now and way less video games.
Sherezad t1_jeefkvj wrote
As a kid going to E3 was the equivalent of being invited to Wonka's factory. I would of given anything to have attended it during it's hay day.
I9Qnl t1_jeefswn wrote
Means the last E3 with Sony was awful too. Who had good E3s? Ubisoft? EA? Even Xbox was ass.
Kikaelsmokes t1_jeeg68l wrote
I believe COVID killed E3, not the internet an Geoff.
We had E3 when the internet was plenty advanced for several years.
Side note though, how is Geoff permanently the gamer awards guy, like I don't hate him, but it's crazy to me how he gets these roles every single time. Makes me feel like he has some crazy background I don't know about.
willingtony t1_jeegfo5 wrote
He is a fucking piece of shit.
BoiFrosty t1_jeehjww wrote
Basically they wanted lots of money/ advertising rights for various companies to have press conferences at E3 proper so all three big publishers said fuck that and held their press conferences around the same time and still in LA but not actually part of E3.
Iirc from 2019, xbox, play station, Nintendo, Bethesda, square enix, and the PC games press conference were all held the week before. Those shows and the associated panels are the biggest draw of E3 and almost none of them showed up.
[deleted] t1_jeehqh8 wrote
Penitent_Exile t1_jeehu8f wrote
E3 is a thing of the past, we live in a different world today. I'm thinking something like mix of Indie hubs and non-pretentious AA-presentations could be the future.
Cstone812 t1_jeei2hm wrote
Summer games fest is always trash.
esk88 t1_jeeikbx wrote
he's such an asshole though
DennisKilledMaureen t1_jeejip9 wrote
He's just someone who stuck around the longest while most people leave game journalism for better prospects.
I find every event these days being a Geoff Keighley vehicle pretty insufferable. He's too full of himself.
Unholyvalor t1_jeejww8 wrote
Quote by Hunter Biden
PositiveChi t1_jeek1xb wrote
Neither has E3 for the last decade lol
GishTanker t1_jeekyo9 wrote
jeff fest!!!!
sirchbuck t1_jeelbbr wrote
In an industry where almost every single big player is is a faceless, souless entity, personalities that you actually remember are far and few between, everyone knows Randy Pitchford, Bobby Kottick, Todd Howard, Yves Guillemot, Kojima, Hidetaka Miyazaki etc.But such a sizable portion of them are just so blatantly apathetic and out of touch with the industry.
This makes Geoff Keighley stand above many of them because he genuinely believes in the medium and the industry and always tries to prop up not only great industry icons but outstanding independent developers too when he can. His shows are a celebration of these developers, E3 instead is a business event for these developers, but at the very least on the surface, his shows have some heart. Just look at some of the biggest memes of last year or any year he is involved in, there are so many memeable moments.
Look, he's got faults when it comes to corporatism, but that is mostly in the past decade ago when he was memed to death as the Dorito pope, google dorito pope if you don't know that past.
Ok-Ambition-9432 t1_jeelspt wrote
God status.
idelarosa1 t1_jeelt4i wrote
At this point it’s brother’s (time) window
doodlols t1_jeeltzp wrote
He truly is a Shark. Gotta hand it to him.
EpicSausage69 t1_jeemudz wrote
Geoff has always been a savage. Ever since he called out Konami for their lawyer bullshit preventing Kojima from accepting his award for MGSV I will support Geoff in everything he does. Because you know for a fact Konami was not okay with him calling them out like that.
[deleted] t1_jeen234 wrote
BaseOrFeed t1_jeen8q9 wrote
IMO, his shows would be a lot better if he just acted as producer/organizer and had someone else host. He seems to be good at networking and organizing events, but he just completely lacks stage presence and charisma for me.
jasparkat t1_jeeoaw9 wrote
Those trichomes look delicious.
CritikillNick t1_jeep55s wrote
Geoff Keighley sucks and is way too full of himself. Plus his events are 96% boring as fuck ads
[deleted] t1_jeepl7p wrote
JavelinJohnson t1_jeeqee3 wrote
Yea i agree about, im talking about the gametrailers forums, those types of forums were mostly replaced by reddit
Legosheep t1_jeeqoks wrote
Tell that to Dalinar Kholin
leo_x_alky t1_jeesi6l wrote
But can Geoff name 10 books?
The_Rox t1_jeesrmm wrote
for industry events, GDC exists and appears to have eaten heavily into what E3 covered.
flaccomcorangy t1_jeesuzp wrote
It is a little saddening that I don't think anything will ever replicate that feeling of E3. The day coming when every studio would have stuff to show, and they compete to one-up each other. Then we talk about the winners and losers of E3 when it's all over.
Companies just doing random pressers throughout the year doesn't have the same feel. And I really don't believe this is a nostalgia thing. It just doesn't. I see so many announcements for a Playstation State of Play or something, and I sometimes have to wonder, "Will you actually have anything good to show, or are you just going to say, 'we're still working on that game.'" It's like Bilbo in the LOTR: "Like butter scraped over too much bread."
Jarathen t1_jeeswmm wrote
He should just call it Keigh3.
[deleted] t1_jeet4b2 wrote
notactuallyabrownman t1_jeeukjp wrote
He just took his chance when it came up, I don't recall multiple attempts on his behalf?
Legosheep t1_jeeuq77 wrote
I recall multiple attempts on Navani's part.
notactuallyabrownman t1_jeev2cp wrote
In which case the statement still holds true. If I'd said you only get one chance at your dead husband's brother, on the other hand...
nutbarski t1_jeevtr6 wrote
Right? It's weird, I feel like every time I watch TGA he says all the typical "games are a respected medium" all that stuff, but then at the same time the way he sets the awards up the games take a backseat to sponsors, ads and concerts-- makes it feel like a hollow sentiment every time lol
Achaern t1_jeew5k1 wrote
Angry Joe at E3 is the Drake/NBA meme in action.
Daetok_Lochannis t1_jeexlqb wrote
I'm so glad I got to be a kid in the days of E3, GamePro and wildly innovative console hardware. The gaming community is so much different now, and not I think in a good way. I feel old.
Macho-Fantastico t1_jeezed2 wrote
Can't blame him to be fair.
wrproductions t1_jeezspa wrote
Lot of hate for Geoff in this thread, when in reality if Geoff wasn't doing what he was doing E3 week this year would be very, very quiet.
JesuszillaSon t1_jeezv4z wrote
It's a shame every summer game fest has sucked so far. I was looking forward to E3 and people interactions and live interviews and reactions to publishers showcases.
marioquartz t1_jeezvtu wrote
For a lot of people there are ZERO diference in both options. They mayority of people watch the events by streaming. And that was previous to the pandemic. I dont see any diference to how was 10? years ago.
ApsIsce t1_jef281a wrote
He doesn’t remember burning e3
igozoro t1_jef60ji wrote
>You only get one shot at your brother's widow.
respect on the niche joke
Nicolhime t1_jef7drq wrote
Holy shit i wasn't expecting a Stormlight reference
top-knowledge t1_jefblyh wrote
Of course you’d get downvoted for this bahaha
top-knowledge t1_jefc4w1 wrote
He’s built the necessary business connections through years of hard work in journalism to be able to put on successful events like this.
Let’s not pretend like that’s an easy thing to accomplish.
I think people really understate how difficult it is to maneuver the social aspect of business relations.
dnttrip789 t1_jefcwo3 wrote
E3 is the definition of “this meeting could have been an email”. I’m surprised it took this long to shut down.
Rigman- t1_jefectx wrote
These new shows suck so much. They’re nothing like they used to be. No fun, no fanfare, just glorified movie trailers for two hours broken up by “World Premiere” and “World Exclusive” stingers.
These events used to be a celebration of gaming. Now they’re a soulless corporate shell of what they used to be.
SadLaser t1_jefj0va wrote
>Let’s not pretend like that’s an easy thing to accomplish.
Literally doing the opposite. I don't think it's easy, but I don't see him having the skills to pay the bills.
SadLaser t1_jefjxbb wrote
That's a fair breakdown.
Lordkillz t1_jefkuy0 wrote
Comparing to his event lol E3 was where the hype was at
goliathfasa t1_jeflbi1 wrote
GaaraSama83 t1_jefltbd wrote
Keighley be like: The king is dead, long live the king.
thetoadbandit t1_jefnd1m wrote
He’s right though.
TheLastDesperado t1_jefp2z6 wrote
*insert Orson Welles clapping gif here*
Melia_azedarach t1_jefp6gx wrote
The guy has spent a decade building up The Game Awards and for the first few years it only got a few million views per show. 2022 saw over 100 million viewers during the event. The guy has definitely worked for it. I mean, he's only 44. Guy looks almost 10 years older.
Autarch_Kade t1_jefpa5w wrote
Feel like him hosting is promoting himself, his brand. Certainly there is value in that for him.
ophaus t1_jefpxq9 wrote
He's not brutal, he's an awkwardly enthusiastic salesman. Seems to be profitable for him.
rudiano t1_jefsptd wrote
Summer Games Fest is trash though, and Geoff's VGA had a random 15 year old kid walk onto stage lol
PhantomPain0_0 t1_jefvdr3 wrote
Dorito pope strikes back
averagemiragemain t1_jefvhi1 wrote
Agree, he can't match the E3 hype.
RKD__ t1_jefvpok wrote
How do you not mention GDC lol
RKD__ t1_jefvt1c wrote
That's great, but unfortunately all the announcements at the event are kinda ehh
saddamjuicessein t1_jefwfuv wrote
rent. free.
Felradin t1_jefxihx wrote
Bruh I’m actually just reading through Way of Kings the first time and I get this reference.
Acquire16 t1_jefyc2c wrote
And yet his career shows otherwise. You don't like him for some reason and seem intent on belittling his achievements despite them contradicting your reasons for disliking him. He is one of the most recognizable gaming journalists in the world and he genuinely cares about gaming. The guy clearly has the skills and has been very successful because of it.
SadLaser t1_jefys4d wrote
He's scummy, has no stage presence, doesn't have any impressive knowledge or skill beyond connections. I don't understand why people in the industry respect him. I'm not belittling his achievements, I'm belittling him. I think he's mostly a pompous windbag.
taisui t1_jeg08hh wrote
>It is a little saddening that I don't think anything will ever replicate that feeling of E3.
This is true, but you have to also realize that generation grew up on video games are way more open about their kids playing video games today than ever before. In a way, gaming is main stream and with that the mystique is long gone.
hotkarl628 t1_jeg2pac wrote
Hell nowadays the initial releases are the tech demos so why let people try their broken games for free when they can charge us $60, and just spend their launch year making the game playable.😑
RasolAlegria t1_jeg7izy wrote
You took the words right out of my mouth. I've never liked Geoff. He gives me the impression of thinking that he's the shit because he's part of the cool ones (his connections in the gaming industry), and as you said, he's self-absorbed.
[deleted] t1_jegcoc7 wrote
Helian7 t1_jegdg6a wrote
Lets hope there is 99% less adverts.
Alucard661 t1_jegdlzw wrote
The king is dead long love the king
Akira051986 t1_jegdmio wrote
Emotional Damage!!
lahankof t1_jegg77o wrote
The Pope has blessed the Summer Game Fest coming June 8th.
BigPooser t1_jegjxxj wrote
Summer game fest will never have the hype of E3 tho. Nothing against Geoff. It’s just not the same
_JuicyJ666 t1_jegk9p5 wrote
What's the summer game fest?
BigPooser t1_jegkwji wrote
TGA is just kinda silly. How can you have a game of the year award that doesn’t include December releases like Forza Horizon 5 a few years ago and it was GOTY??
BigPooser t1_jegl5uk wrote
Daddy’s money is how
canad1anbacon t1_jegl80x wrote
I think Geoff's shows have been getting better. They actually had pretty decent reveals last year
Not as good as E3 at it's best, but E3 itself won't be able to top past E3. The big publisher's just don't need these events anymore
BigPooser t1_jegl9o4 wrote
It was quiet as hell last year at SGF…
wrproductions t1_jeglrli wrote
On the announcement side, maybe, but it still enabled a bunch of gameplay reveals for a lot of anticipated games such as Modern Warfare 2, A Plague Tale 2, System Shock remake etc.
Willdrick t1_jegn2q7 wrote
Ehh, what's to not like? We still have Keigh3.
Screw the ESA
rollerballchampion t1_jeh3bkx wrote
You’re not alone. It seems less about games and more about Geoff getting to hang out with movie and tv stars by way of the Sony connections. At least in the cringeworthy awards show format.
angelkrusher t1_jecm2n1 wrote
The industry in my opinion is making a fool of itself. They're letting the biggest publishers hubris take down what once was a great show and what could be again. Sega even wanted to attend, and they are not a small publisher. Then they pulled out because everybody else is jumping ship.
And what is the replacement? Random corny shows when most of the publishers don't even have their shit together.
IGN summer of gaming was absolute shit last year. I won't even bother tuning in this year. The interviews were at some point so bad nobody had anything to say.
You have the game awards which is generally a couple of stars and 100 trailers and it's much much better.
Maybe there's more insight out there, but I don't get it. Every industry has their trade shows and celebration and presenting their wares to the industry and the buying public. But we're getting just a bunch of random YouTube videos which we get all through the year anyway?