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mrhippoj t1_je8s9lr wrote

It's very wordy, but the story is good and the gameplay is brilliant. Every character brings something unique to battles so deciding who to bring can make a huge difference to the strategy you use. It has this cool elemental system where you can do things like melt kce with fire and then use lightning on it to damage everyone standing in the puddle. The story also has several branching paths, my playthrough ended up being totally different from my friend's. I'd definitely recommend it, even if it is a bit overwritten


haugen1632 t1_je9rk02 wrote

I played the demo and was thrown off by the in my view extremely trope heavy story and setting. Is it not that bad in the full game?


mrhippoj t1_jec0nbx wrote

There's definitely a LOT of plot so you might find it a bit overbearing. I'm quite into all that but at times I found it to be too wordy. The combat rules though


Backyard_wookiee t1_je9xfst wrote

I bought it but am having a hard time getting through the story... it's quite boring and text heavy. Battles are fun though.