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TheHellBender_RS1604 t1_je320k4 wrote

Really Man Iron Galaxy literally have one job to make highly good & optimised PC Port that they can't even handle that properly. This game is literally panned to 'very negative' ratings on steam that itself shows the port is a big mess.


adit07 t1_je32mzm wrote

Iron galaxy makes the worst ports


noxsanguinis t1_je34e18 wrote

If it was up to Naughty Dog, i think they would have, or even made it themselves, but i think they have little to no say in this matter. I think Sony is the one calling the shots in this.


xiosy OP t1_je34mxz wrote

What’s the point releasing this on Pc if your port is gonna be so bad and get massacred by the Pc community ? I rather had this exclusive to the consoles rather than receiving a terrible port like this. I waited 10 years for this to come to pc and this is the result ? It’s pathetic


online_republican t1_je35c34 wrote

I just wanted to play TLOU on a PC. Its been 10 years, this is one of the best games of all time, apparently. Didnt need the remake. Could have just ported the original over and wed have been done with it.


The_nemea t1_je36aey wrote

Guess I'll wait on it for a bit. I'm not buying a Playstation. Fuck them.


gothpunkboy89 t1_je38li8 wrote

>What’s the point releasing this on Pc if your port is gonna be so bad and get massacred by the Pc community ?

The bar to be "massacred" by the PC community is 40 feet underground.


TheLoneWandererRD t1_je3dy2f wrote

Its a shame iron galaxy messed it up since playstation pc port are usually well optimized and that’s the headline general public see


PappaKiller t1_je3gqjj wrote

And there are morons on twitter saying pc is not powerful enough for ps games. They are underpowered.

There are fans and there are literal brain dead freaks.


tehsax t1_je3q4lk wrote

Yeah, but it proves that console games can do mods. You said consoles can't do them, which is objectively wrong. It's just a matter of "do the developers want you to use mods" rather than a "can it be done".


IIIdeletedIII t1_je41ivi wrote

Thank you. You proved my point exactly. /r/AshyEarlobes was cherry picking in the first place making this statement

>Come on over to console.
>The games work

There are a multitude of examples of games working great on console and pc and many examples of games not running great on console and pc. So why even bother making the argument other than to be petty and pedantic in an /r/gaming comment section and try to use this sub par port of a popular game to push a false consoles are better than pc narrative.


ilovepizza855 t1_je42ug8 wrote

Should get Nixxes to do the port. Nixxes has a far better track record


MeetThyEnd t1_je44aic wrote

I swear this is every new release on PC, port or not. Even when Elden Ring came out the Steam reviews were “mixed” for the first week or so due to performance issues. In a week it’ll be patched and everyone will just forget why they were mad lol. This post is a bit dramatic.

(Nb4 “fanboy” comments I didn’t buy this game this is just a pattern I see)


Fordfff t1_je453xf wrote

And you doubled down on it lol. The number of fucked up launches are heavily leaning towards pc, but keep on defending your choice of platform by all means. You're like a vegan lol


FocusInfamous8793 t1_je46ef8 wrote

Every game should have a demo to test the game before buying it. This way, you would know if the port is bad before even taking the decision to buy or not.

Also... simple and better options : don't buy this crappy ports.


serafin152 t1_je49fss wrote

Stop buying bad games. They will notice. But what did you do? 10k sold copies release date on steam. Refuind this garbage cash grab. Stop buying early access games.


QuintoBlanco t1_je4sp8e wrote

This is actually part of the problem. And you are being optimistic with 'in a week'.

Games are clearly released before they are ready.

The people who play games in the first 4 to 6 weeks get a sub-optimal experience.

The obvious solution is to wait two months before buying a new game, which its what I do, but I miss the communal experience of a whole bunch of people discovering a new game at the same time.

Plus the more logical solution is releasing games when they are ready.