ArcherGorgonite t1_iudfc5q wrote
How so
LucifersFairy t1_iudffzi wrote
Replaced Henry Cavill with Liam Hemsworth
Edit: Seeing as some people are having issue with this comment, not saying that Netflix forced out Henry, it is well known he left on his own accord after not being pleased with the writers behind the show, but it was Netflix’s idea to instead of coming to agreements with Henry or stopping the show instead replacing him with Liam Hemsworth.
Was also just trying to clarify what OP was likely referring too to this comment.
ArcherGorgonite t1_iudfjd7 wrote
I'm pretty sure Henry was the one to step down from his role. It's not Netflix or Reds fault
LucifersFairy t1_iudfm9y wrote
Never said it was. Stated what happened because you asked.
Edit: Also Henry has said numerous times how he was displeased that the Netflix writers for the show weren’t staying true to the source material and not doing his character any justice.
Tr4c3gaming t1_iudfni2 wrote
What happened now?
All i know is... While the books etc diverge from the game and series...
Its fine, all 3 can coexist together... i mean the OG series was barely known before the games...
Just because metro 2033 has nothing to do with the books at some point doesn't make it necissarily bad either.
Sure actors switching may make things weird but i wouldn't call it ruined. The whole thing never stuck to any source material properly in the first place.
Henk_Potjes t1_iudfq72 wrote
I can understand Netflix, but CD Project Red? They made The Witcher franchise made famous worldwide outside of eastern Europe and the Witcher 3 is considered a masterpiece by many a gamer.
DamashiT t1_iudfsey wrote
They didn't replace him, Henry quit on his own.
ArcherGorgonite t1_iudftaq wrote
I asked "how so", in response to that they ruined the series. Clarification is key.
Skatingraccoon t1_iudfthx wrote
The books are the original media. The TV series was actually pretty faithful, at least in the first season, they took more liberties in the second season. Video games are like a big fanfic homage to the series.
Tr4c3gaming t1_iudg0rl wrote
Yeah, which i find funny because remember when everyone thought the series was gonna be meh because it looked nothing like the games.
And then people went like "y know the books exist right?"
I feel like what people want witcher to be are 3 distinct things. And people are not quite certain what direction is the correct one
I read and watched and played all of it and don't see much problems, sure i see the differences being massive but if you treat it as roughly different media albeit in the same universe it works out.
LucifersFairy t1_iudg4l2 wrote
Yes, and I answered. OP is very likely talking about the fact that Henry has been replaced by Liam because of how Henry wasn’t pleased with the writers of the show not staying true to the source material and not doing the character of Geralt any justice so has decided to no longer player the character.
Imagine asking a question then getting angsty when someone gives you the answer.
Lymbasy t1_iudg6gg wrote
CDPR and Netflix made the Series
Lymbasy t1_iudg97y wrote
CDPR and Netflix produced the Show
the_blast_radius t1_iudgcrz wrote
There was a meme on the front page that called Liam a third-rate Hemsworth. Like, do you know how badly you have to fuck up to upgrade Luke to second-rate?
ReturningDukky t1_iudgd82 wrote
No, Netflix did. CDPR isn't the full owner of the rights to The Witcher. It was a book series long before it was a game series.
Acrylic_Starshine t1_iudgdov wrote
Never really got the Witcher. Not really interested in eastern European history. Loved the outline of Kingdom come: Deliverance but never got into because of the unfamiliar history/lore etc.
I enjoyed season 1 of the witcher as i knew it was some guy who killed monsters (played a little 2&3 never really liked them) but i went into the show basically knowing nothing.
Some cool scenes but it was a far reach from Game of Thrones for me which is why i started watching it in the first place.
Season 2 came along and it was on my calendar but never got around to watching it. Dont know how much it deviates from the books.. but i wasnt really invested enough to watch it more.
kill_kenny_1 t1_iudgdqh wrote
What did CDPR do wrong this time? Why are we taking out our pitchforks again?
gormmlord t1_iudgk96 wrote
I'm pretty sure CDPR has nothing to do with the show. The games and the show. Are entirely separate.
Tr4c3gaming t1_iudgog6 wrote
I mean even if the witcher by cdpr is nothing like the book series which the movies are based upon
Lets be real here most people would have never even been aware of the witcher franchise before the games.
I would have loved it more if the games stayed more true to the source but it may have made the games worse. Now we just gotta live with this weird split.
-GermanMasterRace- t1_iudgq4i wrote
They ruined it before they even aired the first episode.
mighty1993 t1_iudgvev wrote
Bullshit. I do not even know what CD Project has to do with that. So far they did great Witcher games with nearly no hate whatsoever. Recently their company's reputation has been hurt and partly been restored which all happened due to company and investor mismanagement on the subject of Cyberpunk.
About Netflix you could technically argue into the direction of them approaching topics in a weird way that repels a lot of people or including thematics that do not go well with the displayed story. Anyway Netflix's The Witcher was rather good even though they did a lot of weird things. Having a writer hating the books and only Henry carrying the whole series is bad but ruining it? No. They had a chance, they made something out of it and now it is time to let it go.
[deleted] OP t1_iudgvrv wrote
Realistic_Ad8138 t1_iudh2r1 wrote
Imo you can NEVER make a game the same way as a book, why? Because freewill, no player character is going to do the exact same thing the character of the book or show would do, close? Sure. But same thing no. Even if they follow the same story, the PC is going to do things differently.
Tr4c3gaming t1_iudhp5z wrote
Yeah exactly i am not complaining either
It is just this thing which always will cause a stir with people
Sometimes it is better to diverge from the story. Else you get this anime game problem... where the story ends up super stiff because it tries 1:1 to stay on the source... it is one of the reasons why anime games are so hit and miss if you think about it (apart from flawed gameplay concepts often)
ArcherGorgonite t1_iudi8b6 wrote
The OP clearly said that they ruined it. I'm asking how.. I hope you can understand that. And Henry stated he is leaving to play superman again.
ReturningDukky t1_iudic2o wrote
We live in the Instant Gratification age. People buy Instant Oatmeal these days. People use the microwave these days. People use broadband highspeed internet these days.
No, people can't wait and see these days.
I fucking hate modern humanity.
Realistic_Ad8138 t1_iudifo0 wrote
Oh I was agreeing with you, I was going to go on about how it would be a mindless story if it was a 1:1 concept like that, and not very fun to play through because you don't have replayability imo
Geralt_Romalion t1_iudp9nl wrote
Netflix? Yes.
The Witcher games are the best thing that ever happened to the franchise, even with the liberties they took compared to the source material.
Henk_Potjes t1_iudrlfp wrote
It's true that the games have serious deviation issues compared to books In my opinion. For example they made Geralt way too handsome (in Witcher 3). There are way too many monsters. Geralt would never (willingly) enter a plot to kill a king. He hates politics. And many more things.
Concerning your second point. Isn't that a good thing? I'm one of the people. I played Witcher 3 first, then read the books and then the show. For me it was better that way. Because now when I read a line I could hear the voice actors say those lines. I could picture the scenes in my head because i had models. It only enhanced the experience of the books.
If they had made the games more like the books, it would definitely have been worse or at the very least boring games. Can you imagine just hunting one measly ghoul for 30 minutes in one area?
I think people should just see the three as different entities with the Witcher Netflix series definitely being the worst of the bunch.
DirkDiggyBong t1_iudromf wrote
No, I don't agree.
LaserGadgets t1_iudx9ph wrote
Remember Ben Affleck being announced as Batman? People cried....screamed....cried again. Then he did a decent job. Just fucking wait and stop acting like a baby!
EarlGrey_Picard t1_iudfbkm wrote