Submitted by WeepingRayven t3_yhuqwe in gaming

I've played and loved Oblivion, Skyrim, KoA:R, DOS2, P:WotR, BG3 and a couple others.

I don't like Witcher 3, Souls/Elden Ring, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon Age, Diablo, PoE, Grim Dawn, Dragon Age, Black Desert Online, Final Fantasy, or ESO.

Really having a hard time finding some I enjoy. Even non-magic focused games



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Keksis_theBetrayed t1_iufthx6 wrote

Arx Fatalis, if you can tolerate older games.

Arkane's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and Dishonored are fun too, but they're much more linear.


badmoon_reisen t1_iufu9ps wrote

Ni no Kuni was an enjoyable game. I'm a huge fan of Miyazaki stuff though.


Keksis_theBetrayed t1_iufujhr wrote

Then definitely do yourself a favor and play Dishonored. I can't speak to the sequel's quality as I've not played it, but the first game was really enjoyable. It is a stealth game at its core, but it's a very fun one.


Onyx8789 t1_iufuqqy wrote

Asheron's Call. There's a spell for everything....


adubsi t1_iufwbs0 wrote

Have you tried kingdoms of amular


adubsi t1_iufwtuv wrote

lol my bad. It’s kinda a niche game but kingdom hearts 3 has really fun magic incorporated with its combat.

Not really “magic” but the force unleash game was really fun demolishing people with the different force abilities you had so if you haven’t played that and like Star Wars you might enjoy it


6363tagoshi t1_iug1cbc wrote

Since you enjoyed Baldurs Gate 3 how about Divinity Original Sin 2?


Nydhogg18 t1_iug1nyn wrote

Sounds like Forspoken will be for you, but it’s not out until next year, along with Harry Potter


mfuentz t1_iug1sds wrote

It’s pretty old, but might be your style. Gothic. It’s on steam.


mfuentz t1_iug1uug wrote

Fable is also pretty good


Nydhogg18 t1_iujjb09 wrote

I’m as well. The combat and magic look fantastic, and I’m okay with the intentional cringe from the main character, I’m hesitant on the world itself and how much side content there’ll be. I’m already sold on Hogwarts though, but that’s because I’ve been wanting a game just like it for over a decade now


WeepingRayven OP t1_iujl5z9 wrote

For me it's the actual gameplay that I'm not so sure about. I don't really care much about stories in games. But the mechanics themselves look kinda like Spiderman meets Witcher meets Sunset Overdrive