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PM_ME_UR_TA--TAS t1_iui7gtz wrote

I just spent 963 hours and 47 minutes playing the entire Final Fantasy franchise.

Does that count?


JiNX_FF t1_iui7j9b wrote

free fire = must be around 1600 hours


BBQShapes85 t1_iui7lrr wrote

FIFA, absolute time sink grinding that game.


DukeOfHeliopolis t1_iui7rfz wrote

Persona 5 Royal it was around 180 to 200 hrs. not sure


Bladeauras t1_iui8186 wrote

Black desert online with 3,798 hours. Game was just too good and now I hate it...


PREClOUS_R0Y t1_iui8bjt wrote

I've been gaming since NES so it may have been Dragon Warrior IV or something. The one that I remember devoting myself to for a while was Romance of the Three Kingdoms X on PS2.

It had my favorite battle system, engrossing RPG elements, a very interesting secondary larger-scale battle system known as Campaign Mode, and more.

Also, fans of the series may have a different take but I think ROTK X is the obvious zenith for the series. While other games before it were also great, the series fell apart by ROTK XI and XII and it just sucks now.


MrThr0waway666 t1_iui8mo8 wrote

Me me spent the most on Titanfall and Titanfall 2. Well over 5000 hours between the 2 games combined.


Leramar89 t1_iui8shm wrote


I started in BC and played pretty consistently up until about half way through Legion. I don't know the exact number of hours but it was longer than any other game I've played by miles.


brian11e3 t1_iui985s wrote

I have a World of Warcraft character that has a play time measured in years. Its older than a lot of people in this subreddit.

I have not played WoW for several Xpacs, alot of that time was racked up in Vanilla and BC.


Maxsim888 t1_iui9cmn wrote

Elite Dangerous 2400+ hours


Lechneto t1_iui9f27 wrote

Original Diablo 2 LoD. Never had an actual time played but estimates by me and friends are that it must have been >20k hours.

Did nothing but play that game in almost all of my free time starting at 10-11 until i was 17, and then kept playing more casually for another 2 years or so.


Avias23 t1_iui9jjq wrote

TES oblivion - 150hrs and i was just doing side quests. My vacations got over before I could even start the main questline.


OldDinosaurus t1_iui9jxh wrote

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - unknown but it was almost the only game I played back then. From current gen. (ps4/5) it is either GTA V or Read Dead (online).


nomadic-king t1_iuibl00 wrote

WoW by a country mile. Haven't played since 2016, but it's still liable to be #1 forever.

Distant second is either Monster Hunter World or Slay the Spire.


Krastynio t1_iuibp1i wrote

The one i have records on is EUIV with 1003 hours... But i believe is Rome TotalWar since i played it since 2005/6 and was basically the only thing i played at for all highschool..


Player_Panda t1_iuibqcu wrote

Part of me wants to know how long I sank into wow over all my characters (included deleted ones). Just so I know how to answer this whenever it comes up.

The other part of me doesn't want to go into cardiac arrest from shock.


StoryAndAHalf t1_iuibv5x wrote

As a kid, it might have been an NES tanks game where you could make your own maps. That or Pokémon Blue, which was my only GBC game for few years. Later F-Zero GX, perhaps, trying to unlock everything. Nowadays, Bloons TD 6, because I keep it running while I do other things!


Kapun666 t1_iuic0gg wrote

Heroes of might and magic 3. I've never owned a pc where it haven't been installed. It's just that good.


lukeyboy987 t1_iuicb89 wrote

Breath of the Wild at about 130 hours.


Xano74 t1_iuiezbq wrote

Team Fortress 2. Since the game game out I have around 5000 hours on it.


FullDerpHD t1_iuifiwt wrote

Counterstrike global offensive


Lyceus_ t1_iuifscq wrote

Civilization 4. Just one more turn!

I've also played a lot of Age of Empires (especially 2) and Age of Mythology.

In recent years I started with Paradox games and I've played so much Crusader Kings 2.

IMO strategy games have the highest replayability. For non-strategy games, I've got 300+ hours on The Witcher 3.


shupack1 t1_iuigmo6 wrote

Just under 3K hours in dota 2, my gf as well. What can I say, we play dota casually


cGuille t1_iuihzcg wrote

I would say Overwatch, Mount & Blade, and Urban Terror.


Bladeauras t1_iuijkva wrote

It just got to the point where I had nothing I really wanted to do and the updates never sparked anymore interest 😕. Great game I just think I over did it a bit.


One_Disaster245 t1_iuikqic wrote

Including mmos, Runescape.

Not including mmos, probably Binding of Isaac or Black ops 3 (500 hours in bo3, over 1k in Binding of Isaac but my gf also loves the game and refuses to close it after she's done playing).


ekso69 t1_iuio46b wrote

Something like 2.5k hours on Diablo 3. Probably more on d2 as a kid but it didn't have a playtime counter.


bcrisp3979 t1_iuiq91b wrote

Destiny 2 with 2211 hours. I hate this game I play it everyday.


JJohnson25 t1_iuisabl wrote

150hrs in the witcher 3 and still not done quit playing it to wait for the nex gen patch to release


squirrlyj t1_iuisahl wrote

No Mans Sky or GTA V.. I cant remember exactly which has more


squirrlyj t1_iuiswqo wrote

Considering the content it has now compared to what it had on release yes.. that is a lot of time I spent in the early stages of its release. I havent played it in over a year


bideodames t1_iuitiwz wrote

I played well over 600 hours in cyberpunk 2077 across multiple saves trying different builds


Z3r0sk1llz t1_iuittsb wrote

Ark. 3800 hours.

200 hours in skyrim and never finished it.


Kenny2nyce t1_iuiysaa wrote

1125 hours played on RDR2 both story and online


unumumunu t1_iuizm4x wrote

I have 2000 hours in RimWorld and I am still playing it. It's so good.


andy01q t1_iujayub wrote

Heroes of the Storm. About 10k hours or around 4 hours per day for the past 7.5 years. More hours on most days, but some days without. No regrets either.


Hudds83 t1_iujt62c wrote

Counter strike. Played it religiously for 10 years.

I'd estimate 5000+ hours