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TearsOfTheOrphan t1_iyb69o5 wrote

I need a background of Kratos just sitting in a thick leather recliner by the fire just chilling reading one of these.


rowgw t1_iyb6kz7 wrote

Does anyone bother to mind explain what are those?

The palm print one looks like Death Stranding but in different colour and it was not PS exclusive initially CMIIW.


bicuspid_fish t1_iyb73cj wrote

Even The Order 1886 is represented. Very cool


iReddit2Fast t1_iyb8h6v wrote

Seems like Clank and Astro might be a bit too obviously robots to fit in with the Norse look.


disguyman t1_iybamh6 wrote

3rd row, 3rd book, is that dreams?


ImpossibleGT t1_iybarro wrote

They're collectable poems, and each one is a reference to a Playstation game. For example one called "The Sunrise of Nothingness" is Horizon: Zero Dawn, while "Those Who Remain, Part the Second" is Last of Us Pt. 2.


tampaheat t1_iybbwy0 wrote

Second row farthest left is Bloodborne


IncurableInuendo OP t1_iybc5w3 wrote

From top left: Row 1: Horizon, MLB: The Show, Ratchet and Clank, The Last of Us Row 2: Bloodborne, Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima, The Order: 1886 Row 3: Concrete Genie, Death Stranding, Dreams Row 4: Days Gone, Astro, Journey


D-The-DarkArtist t1_iybl7hx wrote

Can I add that this easter egg is also reflective of another forgotten Playstation exclusive that tells each individual characters' story through someone reading similar looking books? Can we dubb it an "Odin Sphere" reference easter egg too? Even if it's not intentional. Lol


msdss t1_iyblouf wrote

All of the poems are references to the games.


DrSmirnoffe t1_iybm7p4 wrote

IIRC one of Kvasir's poems basically describes a baseball game.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kvasir had some sort of interdimensional lens, or access to the Infinite Corridor from Castlevania. After all, Brokk and Sindri were able to step in and out of the Realm-Between-Realms.


MurrTheBlur t1_iybmxil wrote

Man, I wish I actually read the poems and had the moment where it clicked for myself, that would've been a good feeling lol. Oh well, nice catch and a very cool way to incorporate easter eggs!


K-rumbblez t1_iyborry wrote

Maaaan journey, what a game. Short and sweet and just a good experience. Love that we still get easter eggs for it all these years later


Nydius77 t1_iyborxn wrote

Sure can tell the people who didn’t actually read the poems as they picked them up. The text of each poem was blatantly referring to other games.

My favorite title will always be “Large Society Ground Orb The Performance”


Brougoo t1_iybp19r wrote

You just noticed after collecting all of them?? Did you ever read them first


Android_304 t1_iybve51 wrote

Glad ASTRO got a shout out. The one they included with the PS5 was fun AF


Swordbreaker925 t1_iybw97w wrote

I love easter eggs, but some of those are a little TOO obvious.


DonLindo t1_iyc5pl4 wrote

Are these the Kvasir relics?


ExtraMayo-Free t1_iyc62nv wrote

Yea all the Kvasir Poems are all decorated with other main PS titles logos. Very very neat


ArciusRhetus t1_iyc93jn wrote

Oohhh, I love it when you collect something, they are actually displayed somewhere.


paq1kid t1_iycasv7 wrote

You get these from collecting the poems. Does this mean the poems relate to the games on the cover of the books? Didn’t really pay attention to them lol


DiFToXin t1_iycau2e wrote

it basically is. Bridges is a network of outposts with their HQ in that area

the books are collectibles that are connected to poems that describe the games a little

definitely worth looking up if you dont plan on playing the game


Stiggyman t1_iycbwve wrote

can't wait for the PC version hopefully some time 2023


HindHusk t1_iycdhuu wrote

Into the band of the Hawk!


AncientPhoenix98 t1_iycey3m wrote

Loved the Death Stranding poem:

"A Kvasir work of brilliance that, if misunderstood, proves the ignorance of the reader"


murfi t1_iycfln2 wrote

I'm a simple guy.

i see bloodborne, it makes me fear the old blood.


Goomvario t1_iycg10o wrote

Idk man, I'm already getting an xbox to christmas.

It's a lose lose situation for me, get xbox or ps5.

Good controller VS game i never played which looks cool.


mtahsin1246 t1_iycjtj6 wrote

There is an artifact in Midgard that looks like the dagger thingy from Uncharted 2


shaun_the_duke t1_iyckvy4 wrote

Was kind of expecting to see a infamous reference


Elmer-Fuddd t1_iycl3cj wrote

Its true, you can kill kratos as ratchet and clank in playstation all stars battle royale, actual proof that ratchet and clank are more powerful. Then again, parappa the rappa can kill a god, so maybe its not so accurate


TarDreams t1_iycoh1q wrote

I’m upset there’s no flaming headed clown


Firvulag t1_iycpaog wrote

You JUST noticed the poems you have been collecting the whole game?


TheOddi t1_iycphwq wrote

man bloodborne... is a really good game. first intro to soulslike for myself at 14, it was a crazy game to play.

Funny enough, only two souls game ive played were bloodborne and elden ring, and i didnt even know they were souls games.


AnderLafont t1_iyct5kd wrote

I really enjoy this small details, ngl


Peace-D t1_iyctxq1 wrote

I wonder what they'll end up with in the PC version. Most likely the same ones, but it'd be cool to see some nods into other directions or franchises that are also available on PC like Crash and Spyro.


MiliardoK t1_iyculjn wrote

Huh never noticed they displayed the poems you collected like that.


Daryno90 t1_iycutdv wrote

If they even reference The Order 1886, I really wish they would had reference Gravity Rush (which was a much better game). Anyway R&C Rift Apart did something similar too. I always liked how the PS studios will give references and nods to each other


HachObby t1_iycy2tg wrote

It includes MLB, but not Destiny? Weird choice.


DI0nysOO2 t1_iyczfqz wrote

I just saw this and thought why there’s a picture of squidwards house


Colt_Is_W420 t1_iyd013h wrote

Wow that's stupid, no jack and dexter? Waste.


alex99x99x t1_iyd1tm4 wrote

And? It’s still owned and published by Sony.

MLB the show has been a ps exclusive for years until currently and finally being put on other platforms.

This Easter egg just simply shows some ps exclusives and ones that sony has punished such as the order 1886.


Moochkins t1_iyd29a1 wrote

Ugh, even as a Sony fanboy, these constant meta nods are getting pretty cringe.


JOWhite63087 t1_iyd7h4r wrote

Seeing a big lack of Jak & Dexter here. I guess those 4 games didn't mean much to Sony


Cbtwister t1_iyd8dsh wrote

Is this at the tree house?


GreenElite87 t1_iyd9e6n wrote

Horizon Forbidden West also has easter egg carvings/totems. So far I've found the two smiths.


htxscrew t1_iyd9qga wrote

You sound insufferable. MLB the Show was a PlayStation exclusive for years and when you start it up on Xbox you still see the PlayStation studios logo.


God_Hand_Edge t1_iydd40q wrote

the most representation bloodborne got since its only dlc 💀


Slurm818 t1_iydfyf5 wrote

I’m insufferable because this game was released after MLB The Show was no longer a PS exclusive…but it was included in this Easter egg of PS exclusives?



lalosfire t1_iydlt1i wrote

I saw a post on /r/bloodborne that was like "hey I think I found a Bloodborne Easter Egg!" Which is noteworthy because they said think. Clearly didn't read any of the others they may have found and clearly didn't look at the cover lol.


JKTwice t1_iydlvp6 wrote

No Resistance or WipEout or Killzone :/. I guess there’s only so much shelf space though


lalosfire t1_iydp1h3 wrote

Their are some that are harder to discern for sure. But some are plainly obvious if you've played those games, especially because of the covers of each book. If you've played those games you should pretty easily be able to tell which is Rachet, Bloodborne, Astrobot, MLB the Show, etc. On the Bloodborne sub especially where people get that symbol tattoo'd super frequently.


ShasaiaToriia t1_iydql5m wrote

I wouldn't call it rubbish, but I would have been upset if I'd bought into the marketing and preordered.

I bought it a few years after release for $20 or so and had a fun time. I beat it, put it down, and haven't touched it since, but it was a fun little excursion.


Refactoid t1_iydr874 wrote

"Whaaaaa Microsoft is going to weaponize exclusives, it's so not fair.... 😭😭😭" gtfoh 🤣


Xenoxia t1_iydr8pd wrote

Quite a few of those aren't exclusives though, and some others there may lose that exclusivity status in the future.


brycejm1991 t1_iydutvo wrote

>it's a web, emanating from New York

Its not though, while it is hard to tell here, if you pull up the bridges logo, where the web emanates from is visibly lower than where NYC is


Cutman_ t1_iydwqi3 wrote

And they we're mad of BATIM having a gift shop


SubUrban2547 t1_iydx24x wrote

They need an InFamous one. Not sure what it would be though.


Godsfallen t1_iye1u00 wrote

I had an hour to play games the other night and knew if I kept going in Ragnarok I’d lose all sense of time and end up staying up late again, so I decided to start a new game in Bloodborne just to see if I could get the Blades of Mercy early and mess about with them. Needless to say, I ended losing all sense of time and ended up staying up late again


FeralGrizz t1_iye9847 wrote

The order 1886 deserves a sequel, at least Sony remembers it exists


brycejm1991 t1_iyeab2v wrote

It's not though. NYC, in DS, was destroyed and is just a massive crater. The spot where the web starts for the logo is supposed to be capital knot city, a city built on/near the ruins of Washington DC.

Edit - shocking, you blocked me after literally giving the most childish response. Sorry that I do things differently than you and felt the need to explain my self. Get off your high horse and fuck off. (see further down thread)

Edit 2 - wtf was the point of editing that comment, you didn't say shit. Either talk to me like a normal person or stfu.


Secret_Detective3255 t1_iyeegou wrote

I mean New York City is only like 200 miles from DC, that's a pretty reasonable conclusion if someone just glanced at it without any other context. It's not like it's Moscow being mistaken for London or something.


Opalessence- t1_iyei76h wrote

Awee concrete genie too?? Absolutely adored that game


brycejm1991 t1_iyeih5c wrote

>that's a pretty reasonable conclusion if someone just glanced at it without any other context.

Which is totally fine, I wont argue with that. Its also not the best version of that Logo. What I will argue with is someone who says semantics. In my experience, which is obviously anecdotal, people use the term "semantics" as a way of telling a person they are wrong, and ending a conversation. The person is in fact wrong, and saying semantics is asinine.

Edit - I lied, I will argue it a bit. NYC is closer to where the first ring is, than it is to the actual start point. If you dont know where NYC then it can be understandable, but NYC is that far down.


SirBastian1129 t1_iyel0gg wrote

Did not notice a Twisted Metal reference there. For shame Santa Monica.


FartTuba69 t1_iyenkwu wrote

Xbox exclusive bad. Sony exclusive good? Me on PC


0393847 t1_iyenmd8 wrote

I'd have loved it to get a sequel. It had it's problems, but they were all very fixable, and the game did a lot of things very well. One of the coolest and most imaginative settings I've seen in a game, too. A series had such potential.


KPMG t1_iyf3ixv wrote

And now, as a table!

Horizon MLB: The Show Ratchet & Clank The Last of Us
Bloodborne Uncharted Ghost of Tsushima The Order: 1886
Concrete Genie Death Stranding Dreams
Days Gone Astro Journey

brycejm1991 t1_iyf8uqu wrote

>Funny that it’s straight up a spider web.

Which is why thinking its spider-man is reasonable. However given that the other covers all reasonably make sense with their associated games, the fact that the web stretches across the US, should have been a flag that that thought was wrong.

That said, I fucking loved death stranding, but they could have done something else such as Sam's, or better yet Mama's, Odradek.


zapharus t1_iyfa71n wrote

Or simply just the silhouette of a baby encased in a cocoon or something. As someone who’s never played DS, every time I think of that game the first images that come to mind are the baby in a jar, Norman Reduus, the dead sea mammals from the trailers, and the goop creatures.