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NoSkillzDad t1_ixyfjzo wrote

Reply to comment by Cytraxe in Xbox- activision deal by Empty_Regret6345

LoL. You might need to do some research dude. I mean, they just bought destiny dude... Like, 😂, that's just one of the latest examples.


Jetherial t1_ixyfxx7 wrote

My 2 cents. Both Bungie and Sony have been very clear that the bungie acquisition will not turn Destiny exclusive, it was a condition of the Bungie sale. New IPs are on the table but Destiny will remain open.


NoSkillzDad t1_ixyh0ig wrote

... For now... Microsoft said exactly the same about cod.

I hope you don't just believe everything they (don't, Microsoft, ...) promise because if one thing is sure it's that corporations break their promises when they see fit.