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HollandTHG t1_iybx6im wrote

Dark Souls 2 and The Surge.


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iybytpd wrote

I don’t think dark souls 2 is hated.


HollandTHG t1_iybz0oc wrote

I don't think you've ever made a DS2 appreciation post in a DS Reddit lol


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyc0bo3 wrote

Well I mean every game has people who hate it. I’m just saying that the majority of people don’t hate it. I haven’t actually beat a dark souls game before. I tried Mortal Shell for like an hour and then realized that it really was as hard as everyone said. I’m just saying that I’ve heard a lot of praise for Dark Souls 2. I’ve heard more hate on Eldin Ring than I have on Darksouls 2.


HollandTHG t1_iyc0jwz wrote

I've been listening to and reading vehement hate from all sides for DS2, since it's initial release, so I'm still gonna keep that as one of my two votes lol. Most of the hate I've heard on Elden Ring is based on it not having an easy mode, or the lore not being just openly explained at every turn, and even claiming that people only enjoy it because so many people hate it, whiiiiiich is wildly inaccurate.


Galactonug t1_iyc7jpl wrote

It's definitely the most hated lol, at least historically; could be Elden Ring because of the sheer popularity it gained. I quite enjoy every one though. They're all awesome