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KanykaYet t1_iy45f4q wrote

I really think they need to revisits this world.


Pender8911 t1_iy45km3 wrote

A fun tech demo but some parts were atrocious


FatherofJuice t1_iy47hd4 wrote

I honestly forgot about this game


farbekrieg t1_iy48p8r wrote

it was like a very short visual novel


xiosy t1_iy48rtu wrote

Ps5 still hasn’t gotten a tech demo like this the order looks better than 2022 games


Farley2k t1_iy49jhu wrote

It is $10 right now. For that I am willing to try it.


4K40FPS t1_iy4a85c wrote

It has lore and character build up, they can really start an amazing NEW franchise on this game by treating this one as a starting act, It just needs to be long. I really hope it happens one day


djdeforte t1_iy4afbx wrote

Was not a big fan of the game play, or lack there of. It was like 10 min of cut scenes with 2 min of game play. Maybe it changes later on in the game but it turned me off pretty quickly.


Vynloran t1_iy4ahcr wrote

This was the shortest full-priced game that I've ever purchased.


Its_Hari t1_iy4azh7 wrote

I still can't believe this game came out in 1886


DragonfruitAsleep976 t1_iy4d46w wrote

I like the gameplay and setting, the problem is that it was too limited. There was like 3 of the same boss fight, the final boss was one of them.


matariel99 t1_iy4e1hi wrote

Still remerber when people hated me because i said that "enjoyed the game", everyone was like, "this is not avideo game its a tech demo or a movie" XD


vashcarrison117 t1_iy4fv56 wrote

Should have been an episodic series. DLC every like, 6 months or so.


RedditorSlug t1_iy4hxfx wrote

I liked the world building. Like the air strike being a blimp firing a harpoon to the ground and then sending a bomb down the chain. That's a clever approach to old tech.


[deleted] t1_iy4ipos wrote

This 'game' was more like a half assed tech demo at most...fkn ridiculous how many folks look back on this 'game' with rose tinted glasses...


PapaProto t1_iy4iukb wrote

We need more Victorian-esque Vampire/Werewolf/etc type games in general.


ZazaB00 t1_iy4u3a4 wrote

That’s the thing, you can tell when devs put in the time to make it look good. Just look at Arkham Knight versus Gotham Knights. Seven years ago, they gave a fuck and put out a sweet looking game that holds up to this day. Gotham Knights on the other hand, pretty forgettable around every corner.


Frowning_Existing666 t1_iy55oas wrote

I wish we could have gotten the full game in the first place lol, I remember playing for like 6 hours and enjoying it for the most part only for it to cut off into a fucking cliffhanger mid story like excuse me? I maybe could have looked past it had there been literally any other game modes or anything. This game really played with my emotions and left such a sour taste in my mouth and we all know that we’ll never ever see the continuation. Such a shame.


Doritos-Locos-Taco t1_iy574b9 wrote

I think they wanted this to be like modern Sony AAA titles, very cinematic in its presentation with great visuals and fun combat. But it fell flat unfortunately.


RockSokka t1_iy5cbj6 wrote

Because of this game I got to check something off my bucket list. I got paid to game test this in the studio, never played the released game though.


GMAK24 t1_iy5macx wrote

Agree, a sequel would have been mostlikly good.


RiyadMehrez t1_iy5r15t wrote

This game was absolutely dog shit. one of the worst games ive ever played. i got to the blimp crash part and took the disc out and sold it. it was like 2 days after release


Slow-Bodybuilder-774 t1_iy5xlcs wrote

Like Stephen’s did a great video on this. I haven’t taken the plunge into it because I’m sure I’d want more.


mkul316 t1_iy62cvo wrote

It was a very cool piece of world building.


Valant0324 t1_iy63npx wrote

It would have been good as a launch title.

But it wasn't. It was a gears of War clone with shiny graphics


[deleted] t1_iy6ckz1 wrote

No, it was complete garbage and we should count ourselves lucky that resources aren't being wasted on a sequel to it.


whitepplwithdreads t1_iy6gaze wrote

They had dlc planned but were so butthurt by the release backlash they packed it all up lol. If you take your timr and dick around this game can easily be beaten in 7 hours. I did it on twitch once. The entire thing took me less than 8 hours, and I stopped many times throughout


[deleted] t1_iy6p4o8 wrote

I think its ridiculous that folks praise the obnoxiously priced tech demo and make it out like it was something groundbreaking when it was far from it...gotta justify being mugged off is my guess lmao.


DrPatchet t1_iy6q76q wrote

A blimp is way lower, way slower, and probably shot from a ballista or cannon so probably. Like the original comment it’s a clever take on the steam punk vibe for a accurate air strike


Makima-- t1_iy72ws1 wrote

I wanna play a remake of this Game...


Hairy-Wear-2064 t1_iy7j4hi wrote

I remember reviews saying it was pretty bad all around except for the graphics


Pegussu t1_iy7s56p wrote

Sony hasn't completely forgotten the series. One of the collectible items in GoW: Ragnarok are poems that are references to other Sony exclusives. One of them was referencing this game.


DanGimeno t1_iy7yt61 wrote

Good but short. Rented for a weekend and platined before returning it.


FlashisSpeed t1_iy808lw wrote

The game was far from perfect. It was indeed, dog shit. The gameplay was so awfully bland, janky and a slap in the face of gamers. The only good thing was how good it looked and that was it. It was a tech demo, passed off as a game.


UglyKidEnzoo t1_iy85uqy wrote

It's one of maybe 5 games that I want to come to PC, Im absolute sucker for Steampunk aesthetic and I'm not willing to drop this much money for PS4/5 to play these games