Submitted by LastReyOfHope t3_z81qml in gaming
LifeTableWithChairs t1_iy9k3g9 wrote
ELI5, why don't people have cards that are just made up of dragons so they can play one every turn?
Stolenartwork t1_iy9kphf wrote
Remember back when you didn’t need whole paragraphs of text to explain an effect
RexSonic t1_iy9nr8k wrote
You can’t directly place any card above 4 stars
silver2k5 t1_iya1mi9 wrote
Except with certain other cards that let you search a deck and play them right? I remember this game had so many card dependant rules instead of standard effects it made playing with anyone using cards you weren't familiar with a pain.
yognautilus t1_iyar0et wrote
I stopped playing Yugioh around the time Synchro Summoning was introduced but I picked it back up and played Master Duel for about a month when it came out on Playstation. I played mainly offline for about 2 weeks building up my deck. I finally decided to start playing online. This one guy I dueled took 5 minutes, no exaggeration, for just his main phase, cycling monsters in and out via a mix of all the fancy new summoning methods. He OTK'd me in his first turn. I thought it was a fluke. A couple online duels later and the same shit happened. And then it happened again. I decided I was done with modern Yugioh at that point.
Onekone t1_iyarifo wrote
Yugioh is a solitare where you can put everything you want if you get the right cards, yes, but to my understanding
- cards above level 4 need to be Tribute Summoned (sacrificed other monsters to play them)
- general Special Summoning usually requires something else to be on board already, and/or a certain kind of trigger (which means requiring something else being on board)
Otherwise your selection of cards that you can just pull out of your deck nilly-willy is kinda limited
call_of_mischief t1_iyawu28 wrote
Idk shit about magic so im just gonna say yesssssss very cards congrats
CruffTheMagicDragon t1_iyaxz3c wrote
I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh in like 20 years but fuck man, I love Blue-Eyes
CruffTheMagicDragon t1_iyay76z wrote
Yu-Gi-Oh, not Magic
call_of_mischief t1_iyaya6z wrote
schu2470 t1_iyaylxk wrote
I remember thinking that 4 whole lines of text was as complex as the game was going to get. Boy was I wrong.
silver2k5 t1_iyayydb wrote
I've seen turn 2 wins which doesn't seem fun to me, but it may have just been a perfect starting hand.
Cool_Prize9736 t1_iyazn72 wrote
Oh that's hot
Cool_Prize9736 t1_iyazotu wrote
bt123456789 t1_iyb49ox wrote
yeah I stopped playing around synchros too. I built a good stardust dragon deck, but that was the last one I made. I also played master duel and won my first game but never picked it back up. Hearing that there are strategies that can OTK you after a 5 minute main phase is ridiculous.
now I know why it fell out of popularity compared to pokemon and Magic.
BigFatStupidMoose t1_iyc8e51 wrote
Original arts only for me. Never liked the alt arts of the classic cards. Not like they'd do anything but sit in a binder tho cause all 3 of those cards are pretty bad and always have been. At least Blue Eyes was good for like one format cause it the synchro wrecks pendulum decks.
Wamb0wneD t1_iyc8ixo wrote
I only ever dabbled in yugioh but was really into the anime. Weirdly enough also yugioh gx. Cyberdragons were my jam. Gwnerally I'm more of a magic guy though.
So a friend of mine tells me he has some decks with relatively old cards and if we want to play. It's decent fun and I'm looking up if cyberdragons cost all the much to build. I see this prepared deck that came out fairly recently for cheap, get it 3 times, and meet my friend again.
Boy was it a slaughter and we both had no fun. I then proceeded to gift him dinosaur cafds for his decks and it became relatively even. But it's still stupid because games last 2 rounds max.
Wamb0wneD t1_iyc8q40 wrote
I also remember when you didn't need a magnifying glass to read that shit. People ruining their eyes playing this game I tell you.
Onekone t1_iycanmy wrote
Oh, there are videos on YouTube of Master Duel (latest digital Yugioh version), where people go through their entire deck with various card draw spells to assemble Exodia (which is instant win if you have all five pieces of it in your hand), which takes about 10 minutes, but somewhat reliable on any starting hand, on their first turn
orelk t1_iycd47a wrote
Exodia is the least of your worries, modern Yugioh is mostly about setting up turn 1 negates and floodgates so your opponent can't play and you win, and some turn 2 OTK decks which are explosive enough to just win on turn 2. Matches rarely last past turn 3.
And don't forget about hand traps
Alphal66 t1_iychld6 wrote
Yeah even though i play omni heros and more or less also need half a century for my set up, i also don't like the state of the game. Everytime i meet an old school player online i don't even go full force so he doesn't entirely lose hope in ygo. I summon like two hero bosses and end my turn.
silver2k5 t1_iyci3zu wrote
Yeah, that's just not a fun design in my eyes.
nu_nu_eden t1_iycr9yy wrote
Yugioh cards are way WAAAAAY cooler than poke cards
ADeadlyFerret t1_iyd45rq wrote
I quit in 2009 then picked back up in 2014 for about 6 months. The magic was gone. Every person just had some professional net deck. Even the 7 year old fuckers. It wasn't casual any more. There were 3 main archetypes. Every one had the same deck list with the exception of a couple cards switched out. If you played anything else you would lose in a turn or two. Even then you would still lose cause these decks would just go off turn 1. Realized that I was playing solitaire basically. You wouldn't even care what your opponent was doing really. You just had to hope that they didn't have everything they needed to pop off. Or if they did you had a hand effect that could stop their chain.
Then the trading. Nobody would trade unless your cards matched 100% in value. I understand if one card is $100 and someone is trying to trade a $20 card for it. But guys wouldn't trade over 30¢.someone wanted a $50 card from and all he had was a $47 card I wanted. He would not let me trade until I found $3 card. I will say though that Yugioh was very generous with reprints and staples. It's jarring seeing the Yugioh side compared to Magic.
GrenadeZellweger t1_iy9fdfy wrote
Man, I miss the good old YuGiOh days.