Submitted by ugliestapollo26 t3_z8wfxd in gaming

it's here it's finally here i played my whole life videogames on console and after 1 whole year gathering money i got my gamer pc, and boy this sucks🤣 my dream in playing on a pc forst was to play Sekiro shadows die twice i played almost every single from software game and even got to finish Sekiro on ps4 but it's my first time on pc and i'm strugglin a LOT using prosthetic tools evade jump and walk to the left with one hand seems almost impossible i even tried to use the mouse with my left hand ( don't laugh ate me please) i searched on the internet and people literally prefer keyboard and mouse then a controller,my frieds already recommended thst i buy a controller for pc (they all don't have pc) but i don't want to give up so does somebody i don't know have a tip or passed through the same i am passing right now? (reddit is my only hope please🥲)

note: i still can play like sea of thieves normally but booooy warzone is literally hell



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dragon_fiesta t1_iydmglp wrote

If you like using a controller then use a controller. I've been on PC for so long controllers don't make sense to me anymore


playtio t1_iydmhrm wrote

The thing is that you should be plugging your controller into your PC and playing Sekiro with the controller.


digdilem t1_iydmlvq wrote

It's all personal choice. I've used a PC for 99% of my gaming and hate using a controller. The good thing about PCs is you can use either, or both, or design your own controller out of string and a coat hanger.


BuddhistSlater t1_iydmop0 wrote

If you don't use keyboard and mouse on PC the gamer police are going to come take you to gamer jail so be careful.


CALsHero09 t1_iydmphs wrote

Crank up dpi, get a mouse with hella macros, keybind keys as needed. K+m is stupid easy once everything is set.


DrkMoodWD t1_iydmsv5 wrote

Just play more and get used to it?

Play a variety of games to things like MOBAs, MMORPGs, FPS, open world sandbox games, rogue likes, and even card games.

There’s so many games PC has to offer.


vine01 t1_iydmvdv wrote

let me tell you this. i have always been a pc player, and even i bought xbox pad for games like platformers (currently Hollow Knight) or earlier Dark Souls games. now i know DS isn't games for me, i don't have the patience, agility in mind and fingers to do it all, but gamepad is useful in many more games. though FPS will only ever be played on k+m on my pc, that is clear :D

i'm saying there are games that can be played on k+m if you want to, my work buddy finished Dark Souls 3 on k+m while i struggled on pad, but that can be a painful and unrewarding experience. don't force it. go with a pad even on pc, some games are great and made for it.


Miserable-Tiger-5522 t1_iydn3hq wrote

Most games I play keyboard and mouse but there are a few that are just better with a controller like The Witcher 3 or Elden ring type of game


Dubstep_squid t1_iydn77f wrote

For pretty much every single From Software game, including Sekiro, using a controller is pretty much necessary even on PC. KBM takes a while to get used to and I would strongly recommend that you play simpler games like COD and Overwatch to get used to it. COD Campaigns on Recruit are often how people get started on PC. Portal is also a good first Pc game


Memodrix t1_iydn9s9 wrote

Yea. I started playing consoles (in the days of NES to be exact), but after getting a pc i transitioned to keyboard and mouse. I cant use controller for most games now. Its a matter of what yer used to.


colon_vee t1_iydna4p wrote

Some games are best on controller, some best on mouse and keboard, others best on some other peripheral. Use either what is best or you are most comfortable with, that is one of PC's strongest assets - choice.


Jekker5 t1_iydnqfh wrote

Remember when you first started using a controller? Constantly looking down to see which buttons were which, hitting the wrong ones when you got flustered and so on. It's the same with the K+M, you'll get used to it the more you use it.

Bright side about it over a controller is key mapping. You can make any key do whatever you want to adjust to your gaming style.


livipup t1_iydo0kz wrote

Everybody I know, myself included, recommends playing From Soft games with a controller.


bert-_-chintus t1_iydomu3 wrote

Use a controller unless it's an FPS, or like a first person RPG. You can also use controller for FPS, but mnk is better for that. Spoiler: people buy PCs and still use controller dont worry about it


ugliestapollo26 OP t1_iydove7 wrote

your reply literally unlocked memories deep on my head🤣 i think you're really right it's just the thing about needing to "practice" to play wasn't entering my head thanks for the reply dude😁


eddyak t1_iydoxua wrote

Even veteran Souls players don't like using M&KB for Souls & Sekiro. Controller's recommended for those games, and it's a way better way to play some games, but for shooters, M&KB is miles ahead.


dannydonkey2019 t1_iydpja7 wrote

It's mostly console games that get ported (badly) that will make you feel the need for a joystick because they port the keys 1:1 and in a lot of console games trigger buttons are shift keys (exactly because the controllers have less keys than needed) and don't allow you to bind stuff directly. So instead of binding, say, '2' to an action you can only use that action with a shift key (e.g. R2 on the controller) plus another key. While it's easy on the controller, this can cause issues mapping to a keyboard because of the finger gymnastics.

Another issue will be with any game that relies on both analog sticks to be used as, well, analog. A racing game for example with throttle and wheel control will suffer on a keyboard/mouse scenario.

I personally have two gamepads (g13 for MMOs, orbweaver for FPS) and a steam joystick for games that are better played on a joystick. Ignore all this elitist BS and play with what you want. Just know you'll be in severe disavantage in any multiplayer shooters if you don't use mouse for aiming.


wlerin t1_iydpksy wrote

Since you're still learning, if you don't mind having to rebind the keys for literally every game, you could try learning to use ESDF for movement rather than WASD. It gives you access to like 4 more keys for other keybindings without moving your hand much.

I'm just too used to WASD to switch.


PrinceDizzy t1_iydpznh wrote

Yeah I gave it a really good try but found that I just couldn't enjoy playing games hunched over a desk and using a computer keyboard and mouse on a small monitor. As someone who prefers playing games with a controller it is one of the reasons why I personally prefer console gaming rather than PC.


iRyanKade t1_iydxqss wrote

Wile playing GTAV you kinda need both KBM until you get in a plane or car then grab your controller


Siukslinis_acc t1_iye9bk2 wrote

First you need to train to use mouse and keyboard. So maybe less intensity games would be better. For FPS you could try borderlands.

Second, some games play better on controller and some on mouse and keyboard. P prefer tu use mouse and keyboard mainly for MMOs, FPS, and strategy games where you need to do precision clicking. In some games I do one part with mouse and keyboard and another part with controller (like I play saints row with mouse and keyboard, but do the driving using a controller).


OSFrog2023 t1_iyegu3x wrote

You ain't understanding what's being said. Yes your coordination with keyboard and mouse is a problem, but not as big as fromsofts inability to make a good format for playing their games.

Use a damn controller for fromsoft games if you are new to k&m.

Also for how to get pretty comfortable, and I hate saying this because of where the company has gone in the last 10 years, but diablo and starcraft were great for keyboard and mouse training early. It's simple to use and will get you comfortable with it while having fun. Diablo 3 reaper and starctaft 2 v bots just practicing timing attacks.


Memodrix t1_iyezbmr wrote

It was awkward at first, but i got used to it pretty quickly. The wasd standard controls were odd to me, but the mouse was fine. Now i tend to wear the letters off of those keys first.