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Gandalftron t1_iychlhc wrote

If this post is about Valheim, then OP is a fucking moron because that game is outstanding.


TheBenevolence t1_iycnbbn wrote

Valheim has barely made any updates in its time of 'release', and beyond that hasn't even hit 1.0 yet.

At time of writing Valheim has done, what, Hearth and Home. Wolf caves, and made Mistlands a public beta? There might have been a food update in there. Or perhaps that was with wolf caves.

Terraria, the previous winner, has received some 53 or so updates. Now I'm sure not all of those are major updates, but if you know terraria, enough are.

Valheim is outstanding in its potential. It's potential. Not its updates history. If they got their shit together then one day it will be a downright amazing game. But until then they shouldn't beg for an award they haven't earned. They have 3 (4 if counting ocean)entire biomes they have barely touched, that were in original release.

Labor of love is for a game that could be dropped as Standalone, but they kept plugging away at it and updating it. (IMO, this also disqualifies live service) Much as I Aldo like Satisfactory, I would say the same thing about it. You're not done yet, don't go begging for awards.


biscuity87 t1_iydyxf2 wrote

Valheim basically requires mods at this point to keep the game challenging or interesting at all.

The wolf caves were like doing a single Skyrim instance.

They say mistlands is going to be “hard” but it will probably be a cakewalk. After playing with mods that make enemies have way more stars (like 5) I can’t see going back to the base game and calling anything in it hard. Things like 2 star trolls and draugr elites when you are butt ass naked will obviously hit hard but once you get armor they are nothing.

If people want to spend hundreds of hours sitting in their base dicking around it’s a sandbox game and they are welcome to it but the core game loop has barely been touched and the amount of updates has been very disappointing.


Tenalp t1_iycybuh wrote

See now, Project Zomboid fits this bill. Since the multiplayer update it could have been labeled "finished." But it is still labeled as early access, and still keeps getting new content, and fixes. You can argue that that is due in large part to the modding scene, but when the developers are adding popular mods to the game (upcoming basements comes to mind), I feel like that doesn't really count.


MrTeels t1_iycvrfs wrote

I have 230+ hrs in it and i'm not finished. Even with the base content.


TheBenevolence t1_iyd4ee1 wrote


None of that matters to the Labor of Love nomination.

Again, it's a good foundation. The game is good in its style and most of its mechanics. I enjoy it. I'm playing it again. But that doesn't mean it deserves this award. This is just a deceptive comment meant to imply the game has a lot of content. It doesn't have as much as you imply, unless you're a builder type, but at that point many games could be that. Conan, Terraria, Minecraft etc etc etc but many of those have had more updates than Valheim


Cazineer OP t1_iye811d wrote

You probably want to educate yourself before running your mouth and showcasing that you’re the true idiot in the group.

The award by definition is for celebrating a games continued support, years after a title is released from 1.0. It’s not about if a game is good or bad. The award is intended to commend games like No Mans Sky not a game like Valheim that has had one major update in a year and is still in early access.