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ShockTheCasbah t1_iyculdp wrote

We'd be lucky to get Lou Albano in today's age.


Shinnyo t1_iycx6kz wrote

I remember my mother saying "There's a Super Mario movie at the tv" when I was a kid. I was so excited to watch it and... huh... Yeah I wasn't convinced about the Super Mario part, even with the character named Mario. The part with big bertha was concerning.

For years I thought it was a bad dream or something until I was reminded of this horror.


Wamb0wneD t1_iyd8x5s wrote

Pfff amateur. He answered mine. He said "No, the fuck is wrong with you".


Rad_Dad6969 t1_iydb94f wrote

I mean it looks like they're trying to jam in every ounce of lore


10_Virtues t1_iydcbgy wrote

I’m pretty sure it is cannon those are hats.

It’s not. :(


Lyrolepis t1_iydeozi wrote

Say what you will about the 1993 movie, but at least it took a handful of names and ideas from the games and went on to do its own weird 1990s thing with them. Succeed or fail - and I'll agree that it failed, although in a pretty entertaining way - it was IMO the right idea: the Mario games have never been very heavy on plot or characterization (this is not a criticism - they don't need that, not every game needs to be a "cinematic experience" or have ridiculous amounts of worldbuilding), to say the least, so they had to do something new.

The trailers of the new movie, instead, make me worry that it might end up being way too reference-laden, more an excuse for gamers to play whack-a-reference and feel unjustifiably smug at knowing in advance what that platform with a hole in the middle was going to do than something that is enjoyable on its own merits.

We'll see.


Spnwvr t1_iydgfn1 wrote

I think toadette confirms it's their "hair"
Also how Captain toad puts a band with a light around it instead of just having another hat.


Kbdiggity t1_iydjvf3 wrote

I wonder if they will say the word goomba


Matisaro t1_iydkrt9 wrote

Toad crying? Bet on it.


Hishui92 t1_iydoux5 wrote

I'd ask for you, but he's still got a restraining order against me.


J4KE14 t1_iydrsdr wrote

It is reminding me of this image of mickey mouse taking of its ears like a hat and havin a haircut like an old man


Entropist_2078 t1_iye6kxh wrote

Either he's expressing his condolences or Mario told him he'll stomp on his head if he didn't take it off.


only_for_browsing t1_iyegr1j wrote

I tricked my niece and nephew into watching it, at first they were horrified that it wasn't like the trailer for the new one but when I asked at the end they said they loved it. Watched it a few more times before they went home.

My point is I don't agree that it failed, I think it hit the right amount of cheesy 90s ridiculousness and reimagination of what Mario was available at the time.

It's a movie you laugh at, not with, and I don't think those are appreciated as much as they should be


PunchUrLeg t1_iyehiwa wrote

Poor bald fuck man. Rip


LuckyMittens22 t1_iyeo7hz wrote

I remember someone saying those were nerve endings not hair because he just tore his scalp off.


imgrandojjo t1_iyetg3c wrote

We've seen hair under the "hats", especially on female Toadlings, so yes.


Bey0nd1nfinity t1_iyeyjwh wrote

I agree in that I would definitely want it to match the wacky vibes of the game and not have the plot take itself too seriously. Then again it looks really entertaining already so I don’t really care.


Schulle2105 t1_iyf0sbc wrote

I mean I think everyone should watch it but even just for cheese I can't bring myself to recommend it before streetfighter(m.bison was the best even more if you know the actors circumstances) and the absolute glory even if just for the song of Mortal Kombat or even just the double dragon movie which somehow felt like a ripoff of,big trouble in little China