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Jugales t1_iydzyi0 wrote

Have you given Cyberpunk 2077 a chance? I'm playing through it, loving the story and art style.

It got a lot of negative reviews on release, but I'm not sure if those were too critical or updates fixed issues. Seems to be a great game, looking forward to a sequel or online multiplayer support.


Mack_79 t1_iye1fj1 wrote

Bloodstained Ritual of the Night


DerRoger t1_iye25il wrote

The Touryst



Axiom Verge

Q.U.B.E. 1 & 2

Never Alone

Moving Out

What Remains of Edith Finch

Her Story

A Hat in Time

The Eternal Cylinder


Siukslinis_acc t1_iye5sl0 wrote

Wytchwood, blasphemous, operencia the stolen sun, gamedec, song of farca, kingdom come deliverance, the incredible adventures of van helsing, pychonauts 2, astrologaster, the council, epistory, there is no game wrong dimension, lair of the clockwork god,

Oldies: chronomaster, warlords battlecry 3, disciples 2, imposible creatures, heroes chronicles


Dreadnought_Necrosis t1_iye65k8 wrote

Into the Breach


A Hat In Time

Road 96

Felix The Reaper

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Shadowrun (Returns, Dragonfall, Hong Kong)

Torchlight (1-3)


A Blind Legend

Bendy and The Ink Machine


NoMoreGoldPlz t1_iye7qvf wrote

Maybe some REZ or Sayonara Wild Hearts?


plunki t1_iye8bdv wrote

Supraland, Elex


TaiDavis t1_iye8kim wrote

Mat Mania, Yie Ar Kung Fu


IncognitoSlug123 t1_iyefmw0 wrote

TIS-100 and Infinifactory (both by Zachtronics) are two of my favorite puzzle games.

Infinifactory looks a lot like Minecraft and has you build factories to automatically build things (as a side note, it isn't copying Minecraft's look, it's the other way around. The same creator's previous game Infiniminer inspired the look of Minecraft).

TIS-100 has you programming a fictional '80s computer in assembly. It's weird as hell, and is one of my favorite games ever.


Balanced__ t1_iyfc063 wrote

Battle brothers and Graveyard keeper are my favourites