Submitted by TeselTrack33 t3_zzr76c in gaming
midnight-4-man t1_j2d5w6m wrote
Yeah but outlast still the king of horror games
Tythan t1_j2d7a0o wrote
ArtmoneyAbuser t1_j2d9o8l wrote
Nah Amnesia TDD is better. Outlast is just Temple Run Zombie DLC
midnight-4-man t1_j2da6r2 wrote
No outlast is the goat
pepino_the_first t1_j2daxfy wrote
oh no
TheNotSoMinigun t1_j2dbp4i wrote
Oh crap you've unlocked memories long forgotten.
BigRedImpulse t1_j2ddqw7 wrote
Setting off my shell shock here! Remember making sure the speakers were 100% for the siblings.
Im_Ashe_Man t1_j2dg5nq wrote
Those were the good days.
SH4DEPR1ME t1_j2dghbj wrote
Oh boy, my cousin did this one to me, I ended up spitting my food in his face and smacking him with a sandwich, repeatedly, while screaming.
RageTiger t1_j2djzp5 wrote
evil grin this needs to be a very very slow gif with no sound.
Dr_infernous327 t1_j2dl72w wrote
What is this game and where can I play it?
FunctionalBottom t1_j2dm8h7 wrote
This is just pure horror
deleted_random_user t1_j2dmp96 wrote
I saw that and I almost diaed
Roszeaux_208 t1_j2do41h wrote
I never played it but my brother did and always managed to scare the crap out of me by making me watch.
Feeling_Glonky69 t1_j2dq2di wrote
My face was millimeters from the screen that fateful day that shit my pants
SpaceLemming t1_j2dspf2 wrote
I’m 34, what the fuck is this?
Dazzling-Bend-5089 t1_j2dsurw wrote
Didnt someone puch thought the screen while watching this back in the day? 😂
Jill_X t1_j2dt1ce wrote
Here's a video of the game-play:
[deleted] t1_j2dtzaf wrote
erdwurm4real t1_j2du975 wrote
This gave me ptsd
[deleted] t1_j2ducws wrote
vwarp t1_j2dw7is wrote
Jumpscare when you get to the end, it's a maze game where you have to not hit the walls
alinzalau t1_j2dyg9s wrote
When my kid is 5 ill show him this
sinwarrior t1_j2dzypy wrote
sh-should we tell him?
SinisterCryptid t1_j2e15nh wrote
This is just the exact same kind of jumpscare horror as five nights at Freddy’s when you think about it
thats_ashame t1_j2e2fch wrote
Ahhh, 2007 memories
Matti-Koopa t1_j2e48g1 wrote
This was actually really easy. You just need to tab out to another program, drag it's window over the game, and then navigate the cursor over the other window directly onto the goal square. Click there to resume the game and instantly win.
Alternatively, I think, just tapping it on a touchscreen will also work these days.
eXeKoKoRo t1_j2e4m16 wrote
These games were so easy to cheese with Right-Click.
Cheese_eater47 t1_j2e4m7v wrote
Alien isolation.
Jhawk163 t1_j2e4u4x wrote
I remember the first time I saw this it was when a friends older brother tried to trick. He was sorely disappointed when I had no reaction to it.
Feisty-Government992 t1_j2e4vt0 wrote
wilsonbreda t1_j2e5804 wrote
thank you for reminding me of this terrible phase of my life!
moleman114 t1_j2e5jbk wrote
I'm concerned that some horror game devs actually think jumpscares are good horror though
EnvironmentalBet440 t1_j2e6a6g wrote
Kids today don't know what horror is
Shows a picture of fnaf (2014)
incheon_boi t1_j2e6svv wrote
tell me this isn't a gif I just want to sleep in peace
incheon_boi t1_j2e6vod wrote
CaptainKurls t1_j2e7e25 wrote
I don’t wish evil unto others
Mr_Zaroc t1_j2e8m4n wrote
Even if you do, he won't learn
Its like being told the plate is hot, you still have to test it to believe it
Heliospunk t1_j2e9rzq wrote
Don't forget to post it on Tictoc
Daedelous2k t1_j2eah80 wrote
Liquid Generation Sabotage~
TroXMas t1_j2eb4v8 wrote
An era of the internet that does not need to be revived.
furfur001 t1_j2eblu6 wrote
Gaming in the past was designed the way you could win but probably won't.
LesserKnownHero t1_j2ecxul wrote
A video does not do it justice...only those who have played really know
Fitis t1_j2edjst wrote
A true classic
Mightydog00 t1_j2edt4c wrote
Scary Maze Game
ReditorRag3 t1_j2eef66 wrote
Cuando era pequeño mi tío me enseñó esto y...💀
CmonTouchIt t1_j2eg4hz wrote
I don't like this image
DaPearGuyMan t1_j2egtcm wrote
Tf is this, and how does it scare you?
Kienannnn t1_j2eipp4 wrote
Hate to be the bringer of disappointment, but that was from an SNL sketch.
joost00719 t1_j2ejl7f wrote
Not to mention the track-ball based mouse
BludgeIronfist t1_j2eld57 wrote
It's okay, like Daniel Tosh, I don't trust an adult who hasn't shit their pants at least once.
funnilaugh t1_j2elgxx wrote
this gives me ptsd (professionally trained sled dogs)
Gravgamer t1_j2emiu6 wrote
I’ve only seen that video twice before, and oh my God, it haunts me to this day
FreeBagels99 t1_j2epas4 wrote
GermanBadger5 t1_j2epy28 wrote
Kids nowadays dont know good content all they know is tiktok
Plopop87 t1_j2esd4w wrote
I don't know what your idea of "kids today" is, I am a Gen Z child, barely into puberty, and I know damn well what this thing is
Hamsi_17 t1_j2et17l wrote
Ooga booga
Koolblue57 t1_j2ev9jk wrote
My dumb ass thought this was a 2D graphic of a 3D printer
LukeTheDuke26 t1_j2ewqe1 wrote
What about thar 'haunted' car advert
gzeng t1_j2ewz4n wrote
alinzalau t1_j2ezobd wrote
Ain’t using that crap
midnight-4-man t1_j2f0qpk wrote
Yes but there is no franchise unfortunately
Iffy62 t1_j2f5hos wrote
I didn't bother doing it the right way. I right clicked, and moved my mouse outside of the maze into the end zone without going through the maze. So when I first saw it I thought I was getting punished for cheating.
drrocksodm t1_j2f5p4k wrote
My trust issues stem from This
[deleted] t1_j2f76h3 wrote
djv96 t1_j2f7msb wrote
Or just right click and move the cursor there, hover events don’t trigger with the context menu open!
BirdieBronze t1_j2f7z3z wrote
I'm a kid and I browse r/distressingmemes think again
ArtmoneyAbuser t1_j2f9fa9 wrote
Just in case if you are serious, don't do that. It will traumatize them for years and you will have to deal with it. I would argue it is even worse than physical abuse.
Matro36 t1_j2f9iid wrote
Search "the mouse trap" on YouTube and find out
AboyHasNoName44 t1_j2f9kpw wrote
“Oh kiddies nowadays don’t know true horror”
MikiShiki t1_j2f9v2m wrote
Take my upvote and don't show this to me anymore!
ArtmoneyAbuser t1_j2faa7p wrote
If you are relying on jumpscares that means the game is garbage. That's why Amnesia is a masterpiece and fnaf is trash.
SilverSkorpious t1_j2fbyk4 wrote
Agreed. There enough horrible bullshit scaring children, you don't have to purposefully fucking do it. Sadists.
Samilski87 t1_j2fc3t1 wrote
Man, if this was scary to you ebaumsworld would have blown your mind.
HalfdanSaltbeard t1_j2fc4p0 wrote
Already a better parent than most.
DpBAMF t1_j2fdsyg wrote
Ya nah. My siblings made me play this, and showed me the video of the car jumpscare (yk what I mean) I couldn’t sleep alone for a good couple years
Sea-Concentrate5612 t1_j2feffg wrote
Have u played fnaf
CatsAreDangerous t1_j2ff7xy wrote
This happened to me as a kid. Must have been about 8 or 9. Was spending a late night with dad browsing the internet. Went down a rabbit hole watching optical illusions on some random website.
One illusion was to stare at a painting in a photo. Dad got bored and looked away. As he does that a face pops up on the screen and screams. Everything has been silent until then. The speakers were on full blast.
Now have a thing for suspense and jumpscares to the point i have to google jump scares in a movie so im prepared before i watch it
ImpatientGreenEyes t1_j2fg2bh wrote
I almost diaed too
KisuAran t1_j2fgfdx wrote
Me showing this flash game to my younger cousin egging him on saying he can't beat my highscore of LVL 4 🗿
Cold-Argument-806 t1_j2fijuh wrote
Oh I know.
che8087 t1_j2flhch wrote
My sister made me play when I was like six 😭
OnePieceTwoPiece t1_j2flsk1 wrote
Outlast was good. It constantly kept you on edge waiting only for nothing to happen most of the time.
Miguethor t1_j2fluwk wrote
Why did screamers die? Im not complaining, but back then you could expect a screamer anywhere.
LeopardHalit t1_j2fnda6 wrote
CyanConatus t1_j2fnh7g wrote
Reminds me of that car ad thingy where it's just a lonely car driving against a beautiful sunset. And absolutely nothing of note occurs during those 10 or so seconds.
CyanConatus t1_j2foalg wrote
???... what?
possibly-a-moron t1_j2fpawi wrote
Did you have to get it right by centimeters?
PiXLANIMATIONS t1_j2fthzb wrote
Some maybe, but definitely not all
Janek_Polak t1_j2fvdnw wrote
As a kid or as an adult?
RemarkableJump4036 t1_j2fvq80 wrote
There’s a difference between horror and unshakable fear.
Kwauhn t1_j2fvw87 wrote
JoakimSpinglefarb t1_j2fw1pz wrote
FreeBagels99 t1_j2fw20y wrote
goldensavage216 t1_j2fwrhp wrote
Is an overused reply
[deleted] t1_j2d54um wrote