TheMatthattanProject t1_j261t5s wrote
Well thanks, now I've got the Night Trap song in my head...
Any interest in selling that Dr Mario Cart?
eggsssssssss t1_j261wht wrote
And Batman Returns!
Yo, trauma center games were the shit. I actually only got to play Under the Knife and UtK2 on the DS, but I think the wii games were supposed to be even better. I so wish they would bring them to switch or something, or even better, make a new one with a new coat of technical polish.
neverremembername27 t1_j262esd wrote
That Katamari Damacy case got that tune stuck right back in my head
MiztorWool t1_j262k1g wrote
Timesplitters! Best fps series ever made!
Kulaoudo t1_j2637z9 wrote
Kick !
TycoBrahe OP t1_j263a5h wrote
I wish I still had my mega to play it again :) I was looking through the book and totally forgot I tried to write down the time stamps each of the monsters would come in from (my handwriting was pretty bad)
I think i probably still hold on to these, but if I do change my mind I’ll definitely come back and let you know. 🤘
TheMatthattanProject t1_j2641ff wrote
Hahahaha that's awesome! I had something similar. I'm sure it's still with my giant sheet of Mortal Kombat moves and finishers.
No problem, figured I'd ask! It's one I definitely wanna add to my collection eventually and your box looked in great condition.
...also respect for Time Splitters 2, might actually be time for another playthrough lol
TycoBrahe OP t1_j2642s8 wrote
Oh nice! I loved these games too. I also noticed Atlus made these, which makes sense why I love them. I played Persona 5 for the first time a couple years back and fell in love with that one too.
Trainwreck1000 t1_j26495s wrote
He’s on fire!!! Me after the Bill Clinton code!!! Lol
TheThirdStrike t1_j264g61 wrote
Best game there (after GOAT - SotN)
Batman Returns.
Go into the options menu, select driving only... And Boom best game on the Sega-CD... Even the soundtrack is to die for.
swbooking t1_j264g97 wrote
That OG Crash Bandicoot was such an amazing game! Good times
TycoBrahe OP t1_j264gn3 wrote
Golden Eye was my first ever FPS to play and I loved it—until I played Timesplitters 2 and was blown away back then. The battle royales were so much fun!
MaximumNecessary t1_j264i2b wrote
I can still hear the announcer on Joe Montana Football whenever you attempted a fake punt. "It's a fake punt and I can't believe it!"
TycoBrahe OP t1_j264vb1 wrote
LOL yes! It’s been years since I played a katamari game. I’m still on my ps4 and should see if there’s any in the store.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j2659iz wrote
Yup! I vaguely remember if you tried to get a coaching tip from him and you were playing the 49ers he wouldn’t help you out. It’s been forever so I could be remembering that wrong lol
cheemeechang0 t1_j265m3e wrote
I miss 'Champions'...too bad the latest Dark Alliance remake is not so good. DnD action games have so much potential when done right.
SoTN is classic.
Also, seeing Parapa made me remember "Kick! Punch!/It's all in the mind/If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find..."
Odiwan-Kenobi t1_j265td6 wrote
Lots of great stuff there!
Kingstone_ t1_j266o5s wrote
Man I loved trauma Center
[deleted] t1_j266p1m wrote
PaulEMoz t1_j266xsx wrote
They remade Katamari Damacy for PS4 (and the other consoles) - it's called Katamari Damacy Reroll.
DJV_808 t1_j2671pi wrote
Scarecrow5056 t1_j26759w wrote
shaggy68 t1_j267a1d wrote
TycoBrahe OP t1_j267fer wrote
I loved Champions and Baldurs! My ex and I would play couch co-op all the time. Not overly complex and fairly linear too. I’d love to get back into a game like that sometime be it couch co-op or single as long as it’s not a major time suck :)
johnnypurp t1_j267h17 wrote
Champions of norrath
stayathmdad t1_j267hfe wrote
Punch! It's all in the mind!
procheeseburger t1_j267l1e wrote
NBA JAM is so much fun
TycoBrahe OP t1_j267mx4 wrote
And Big Head mode!
Fathoms77 t1_j267ro0 wrote
I probably played Dark Alliance and CoN through a dozen times each. And another ten times with friends. Those games were SO much fun.
I miss TimeSplitters like crazy...
And Katamari Damacy remains one of my best "what the fu** is this.....wait, this is awesome" moments.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j267zxo wrote
I’d love to see a Manhunt remake! I still have yet to beat that game.
Top-Development-5585 t1_j268m1z wrote
wow ive never seen game for the sega or the snes before but i hear they are worth a significant amount in good condition
playfastorDIE666 t1_j269cek wrote
night trap. saucy!
TheSkarcrow t1_j269mrp wrote
Yo, fellow scarecrow, I also came here just to scream MANHUNT!!! Loved that game but it unfortunately disappeared from my collection somehow.
barbarkbarkov t1_j26a6jd wrote
Dude. Me and my friends played the shit out of champions 1 and 2. They were so addicting.
Dramatic-Brain-745 t1_j26bj6c wrote
Champions of Norrath! I love that game!
vermilionpulseSFW t1_j26cbf9 wrote
Shout out to UN Squadron. I used to play the shit out of that game, had to cheat to beat it though.
robotgore t1_j26cmar wrote
Bro I’m so happy to see another person with a copy of UN squadron. That game was so dope
BigUpYourChest t1_j26e736 wrote
You can get £20 or so for Norrath on eBay, harder to get hold of than you'd expect as I found out a while ago when itching to play it!
Elevario t1_j26edqz wrote
Dude, Bust A Groove and intelligent Qube? That was my childhood! Great find!
InternationalAnt2850 t1_j26epn7 wrote
Oooh boy , manhunt .. and house of the dead !
Responsible_Fall_340 t1_j26ewj9 wrote
"Crack crack crack the egg into the bowl" - PaRappa (1997)
sharksnut t1_j26f2lx wrote
"I was cleaning my basement and found my first iPhone"
God I'm old
Banewaffles t1_j26f97s wrote
You have very interesting and diverse tastes
[deleted] t1_j26gnt9 wrote
lexilogo t1_j26k1s8 wrote
+1 for Elebits. (though I knew it as Eledees, due to localisation weirdness)
A bizarre mix of FPS and Katamari-esque gameplay that makes for a really solid game.
SharedPodwAdibisi t1_j26kkci wrote
I played manhunt 1 and 2. Rockstar really went there.
The_onlyPope t1_j26p1kk wrote
Castlevania SotN. One of the best games ever made.
Early_Gold t1_j26pkij wrote
Champions was criminally underrated. Also, RIP Chester
RenzoAC t1_j26poqu wrote
Bust a Groove!! So many fun times
Muzzy637 t1_j26qcgh wrote
Every fourth down In every football video game ever is a fake punt/fake field goal, lol
Prostock26 t1_j26t2pg wrote
Frequency. I had a demo or something of that. Basically Guitar hero without the guitars if I remember right. While the demo was fun enough I remember thinking,, "who would buy a full game of this?"
airforcevet1987 t1_j26tsw4 wrote
Stop living my life
Listan83 t1_j26ukyj wrote
Man I wish they would rerelease champions of norrath. I used to play that and eqoa all the time
jhwalk09 t1_j26vev8 wrote
Would definitely bust out katamari damacy, timesplitters 2, manhunt, baldurs gate, and crash bandicoot. Not a horrible desert island disk
BenjaStark t1_j26vtik wrote
Indeed was a very controversial game on its day that even today it still banned in some countrie. Even tho, a Rockstar Game without being that is kinda rare, so at least they did a great job for the tone they wanted to express
funkify2018 t1_j26wgj7 wrote
We had a demo disc that had intelligence qube on it and I always wanted to play the full game but never did get to
TycoBrahe OP t1_j26ydmq wrote
To be fair, the games were the older part. I didn’t realize I stowed away my old iPhone 3 in the box. My first phone was a brick Nokia which my kid likes to play with.
Mhymel t1_j26ydu1 wrote
Champions ftw
TycoBrahe OP t1_j26z6r2 wrote
Thank you. I think my favorite types of games in general are puzzle and platformer. But if there’s some fun relaxing co-op games or interesting mechanics (that aren’t too intense) I’m interested to try. I’m playing Ender Lilies and It Takes Two now which are both pretty fun!
TycoBrahe OP t1_j26z9vk wrote
How was manhunt 2? I never got a chance to play that one.
Uncle_Rabbit t1_j26zasw wrote
I could never get far in this game as a kid, it was tough as hell. Had some cool music and levels though.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j26zn6x wrote
It was pretty fun! I was never good at the higher levels of Guitar Hero so this was my fallback. I also liked the electronic music aspect of it back in the day. I should see if somebody has made a compilation of the songs on Spotify.
neuronamously t1_j26zqp2 wrote
You have fantastic taste. Frequency and Time Splitters 2.
x925 t1_j26zuwn wrote
From my experience, and I have a lot, champions is a major time sink. I remember I used to play 4 player with a couple friends. I also remember the stealth section in return to arms and just brute forcing it with fire, poison, disease, and ice damage to keep the enemies stunned and slow. Trying to go with 4 people just wasn't working for us.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j26zwo3 wrote
The demo disc is what sold me :) They did such a good job on the minimal design of that game. I don’t recall if I’ve ever gotten through all the puzzles.
PhantomSlayer089 t1_j2707mb wrote
Wish I could go back to those times :/
SharedPodwAdibisi t1_j270fm4 wrote
Pretty much the same formula as the first. If you liked the first one it's more of the same.
Cool_Help8256 t1_j270suy wrote
Bust a groove is such a good game, wish I still had mine.
fordette t1_j273zb5 wrote
You’re missing Die Hard Trilogy for Playstation.
Tifoid t1_j27733e wrote
Wow night trap … one of the best worst games right there
FandomMenace t1_j277one wrote
Those champions of norrath games are amazing. The first one is worth about $25. A complete return to arms sells for $45. Night trap is worth around $100 complete in box. So is that symphony of the night.
sneakerpimps85 t1_j27826j wrote
I would have visited your house every chance I got if we were friends as kids. Owning a Sega CD was pretty baller given how expensive it was. That and Saturn.
HesterFlareStar t1_j278p2e wrote
Oosh, Physical copy of SoTN looking nice
TycoBrahe OP t1_j2794rr wrote
It makes me happy seeing people here love those games! Had a great time playing vs with friends on Bust a Groove.
RicrosPegason t1_j279e1r wrote
If you had the headset that came with socom, you could have the guy telling you what to do in manhunt talk into the earpiece.... i never felt so uncomfortable as having a guy sounding like he's getting off to me murdering folks playing directly in my ear.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27b9rx wrote
It’s so good! Loved the details like the cockpit avatar animation of the pilot when you would take damage. Makes me want to see if there’s any modern versions of platform style flying like this.
funkify2018 t1_j27bq3o wrote
It's funny how I occasionally will think of that game. There's probably an emulator or something I could find a way to play it.
Lost-Cantaloupe-6739 t1_j27bqk4 wrote
You have night trap! I’ve heard so much about that game but never played it. I spent so many hours playing NBA Jam on genesis though.
What a nostalgic box.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27cloz wrote
Thank you! After seeing this, there’s a few games that came back to me that I remember having that I wish I would have held on to for nostalgia purposes like Sim City (SNES) and Windwaker. I did find a few more GameCube games in another box bundled with my old PS1
Pretty sure aside from my small batch of PS4 games that sums up my random basement trove.
Simon_787 t1_j27csw1 wrote
Dump the disc games and keep playing on emulators
Goldelux t1_j27d5mg wrote
Champions RTA with four people was the only way to go. We did that campaign three times over, unfortunately we didn’t make it through the last one.
yyzda32 t1_j27d9yb wrote
I remember playing Area 88 in a pizza shop, that cave level was great.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27dmbs wrote
Thanks! It was a full summer of saving up for me :) I had also sold my SNES (to help pay for some). I remember Playing ‘Willy Beamish’ of all things on it at Sears or JCPenney back in the day and knew I had to save for it.
Edit: Love your handle! 6 Underground is amazing :)
2DollarHamjob t1_j27e4b8 wrote
I remember playing the Intelligent Qube demo as a kid and being so fucking lost. Good times.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27e5ri wrote
Woah! That’s wild. I never did that with the earpiece. It was tense enough as it was-I could see this adding such another dimension to this game.
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27eqei wrote
Oh damn! Thank you! I had linked an image (in another reply) to a small handful of other games I had found in a separate box and somebody IM’d and said one was worth a good amount of money. Chibi Robo. My ex used to play that one a lot on our Game Cube but I didn’t get a chance to play much. I remember it being/looking fun tho!
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27f8zl wrote
If you want to test me, I’m sure you’ll find..
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27ffg0 wrote
Yes! I did buy the bundle on PS4. Those games hold a special place in my heart.
Demetre19864 t1_j27fk02 wrote
RIP chester
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27fsta wrote
I missed out on EQOA. That was one game I wish I would have had the chance to play.
sivablue t1_j27g7ph wrote
House of the dead was awesome!!
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27g8pr wrote
I think it may be available on PS4/5. I know for sure it’s preloaded on the PS Classic mini 🤌
spiderman_2 t1_j27h6yu wrote
I've become so numb
St0ned4Lyfe t1_j27hk7a wrote
Man hunt best violent game out there
saveroom4jesus t1_j27idw3 wrote
I’ve looked for the Linkin Park… am I going crazy?? Can’t find it..
trustsnapealways t1_j27io2d wrote
Dude… champions was the absolute shit. I wish I still had my PS2 just for those games
NCC74656 t1_j27j60q wrote
omg, this just brought back memories of those discount game bins at game stop and other 2nd hand stores. kids today will never know the joy of seeing those jewl cases and discovering some new game...
destruction derby 2
warcraft II
vietnam black ops
swat 3
all games that i discovered from those discount bins....
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27jr2i wrote
Sorry! It was in a pile with some other stuff I was organizing. Here you go!
Tough_Farm266 t1_j27jvpd wrote
Katamari & Trauma center were the games for me in middle school.
Deman-dred t1_j27ke1d wrote
Eternal darkness was such a rad game. Valuable nowadays too
ladykitkatie t1_j27limq wrote
Also here wanting more Trauma Center content with special appreciation to the pre-Trauma Team look. Those games were great and now Atlus only has eyes for Persona…
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27lpzf wrote
I can’t feel you there
BlueberryNapalm t1_j27luwi wrote
Champions of Norath might be worth some money.
spiderman_2 t1_j27lw62 wrote
I've become so tired
FandomMenace t1_j27lwt4 wrote if you click on the individual games it shows you trends, sold listings (and for how much), and the prices for how much of the game you have (e.g. loose disc vs full case with instructions, box, inserts, feelies, etc). You can also price the system (filter for systems) or accessories.
JCTrick t1_j27m5j5 wrote
Champions… Return to Arms. 🫵😳 What. There was a sequel to Champions of Norrath?
TycoBrahe OP t1_j27ns75 wrote
I love this! Thanks so much for linking FM! Really dig that they have comics and trading cards too. The one game out of these I really want to play again is Dr Mario Tetris mix. I can’t imagine an OG SNES is cheap these days :/
KooshIsKing t1_j27nx7j wrote
Champions of Norrath was so good. Damn I miss playing that with my neighbor.
CallingOutFrmScatlnd t1_j27of9n wrote
I have beaten SOTN on the PS, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, XBOX one and the Xbox series s/x.
Still haven’t gotten 200+% tho :/
CallingOutFrmScatlnd t1_j27ohl6 wrote
You must have never played Postal 2.
KooshIsKing t1_j27plj8 wrote
We got one of our friend's dad's to buy us that for Halloween one year. We were not prepared haha. We played for about 2 hours and then just decided to walk away forever and watch Scrubs for the rest of the night :)
afxfan t1_j27r7r3 wrote
If your willing to sell, I got my eye on 3 items you have. Dm if interested.
shadowdash66 t1_j27u4bx wrote
Omg Champions of Norrath was my jam!
luciferian668 t1_j27ui2i wrote
It's brutal, had to get it Imported as of national ban
Pottymouthoftheyear t1_j27un6c wrote
Trauma center was a masterpiece.
FandomMenace t1_j27uwdc wrote
If you adjust for inflation, most of these things are worth far less than what our parents paid for them. However, your symphony was $20 ($37.42) and is now worth almost 3x that.
doc_holliday112 t1_j27w31c wrote
Little kid me fondly remembers pixelated full motion video boobies in night trap.
sickminded710 t1_j27xfqu wrote
Alucard661 t1_j27ywe8 wrote
Castlevania SOTN is my favorite game of all time.
BuckRogers87 t1_j27zhbu wrote
Seeing champions of norrath makes me think how good of a rpg series they could do based off the EverQuest ip.
Ickythumpin t1_j28036u wrote
Time splitters was underrated.
TheHollowBard t1_j280mcv wrote
Man, Crash Bandicoot is the best of all Linkin Park's albums.
truthpooper t1_j282xr5 wrote
Night Trap, what a crazy janky ass game that was!
truthpooper t1_j283buo wrote
Katamari and Manhunt :)
[deleted] t1_j283pl2 wrote
ragtev t1_j2842xi wrote
Some legit valuable games in there nobody is mentioning. Eternal Darkness, SOTN, even RE1 is worth a pretty penny.
Acceptable-Lock-4186 t1_j288gqe wrote
The four person manhunts are very fun to watch.
x925 t1_j289q1w wrote
I lost count of how many times we played through it. But that damn stealth part with 4 people is not easy.
TotalNo6237 t1_j28f9pl wrote
Katamari Damacy is a goated game, I love that fever dream so much as a kid
PeterJamesUK t1_j28fol0 wrote
Nobody mentioning the 8th series pack of garbage pail kids stickers / gum in there?
From around April 1987
Other-Style1958 t1_j28h38c wrote
Night Trap alone is a fantastic find
Kazu88 t1_j28h9yb wrote
Time Splitters 2 , Symphony of Night here !
Subject-Disk-1352 t1_j28j5op wrote
Well none of that should bother you... as far as your concerned, they're meat!
SphinxS4 t1_j28kbaa wrote
I always remember the rumour that it was banned in certain countries for being too violent!
saveroom4jesus t1_j28m8p7 wrote
Aw hell yeah
RicrosPegason t1_j28pgbg wrote
They could also "hear" you because of the you had to play quietly or you'd alert the enemies
jedibiz t1_j28raem wrote
NBA Jam 😻
kaseyjakes t1_j28t3of wrote
Elebits is severely underrated
reload2456 t1_j28tg6c wrote
Can't believe I had to scroll so far to find a comment about that game. I liked several of these games but eternal darkness left a huge impression on me. I loved the sanity system and the way the game fucked with you if you were going crazy.
Dawnfreak t1_j28wdd1 wrote
Love night Trap. I'll be picking that up on switch soon. Just got corpse killer and double switch
luluinstalock t1_j28wx74 wrote
manhunt was something else ☠️
NastyByNature68 t1_j28ylfa wrote
I'm amazed this box didn't burn your house down there's some serious fire in there.
ekso69 t1_j290jl3 wrote
Sega CD? This guy is rich!
xblgrant t1_j290qzk wrote
Time splitters 2 for GameCube is peak gaming
Covfefe_is_over_9000 t1_j292v29 wrote
Playing Champions of Norath for hours with my good friend I had when I was in my early 20s is a core memory. Her becoming my other half over a decade later is the best thing ever. We still pick this up every so often and dust off the old reliable ps2 to drop in some gametime.
i8akiwi t1_j294yp8 wrote
Naaaaa nananananana
Cannabis_Sir t1_j2955ei wrote
Timesplitters 2....TEETH MUMMY
wilsonbreda t1_j29f69s wrote
Tetris & Dr Mario! s2
Lord_iL_Palazo t1_j29i0ob wrote
Manhunt was amazing, wish they still made games like it
alec2026 t1_j29kh21 wrote
Amazing the things we find that we forgot we ever had.
Patzilla13013 t1_j2ajkdc wrote
is that an unopened pack of garbage pail kid cards? :)
TycoBrahe OP t1_j2ajz95 wrote
Yeah! I found a few in the box. Not at home to see what series they are, but they have the old rock hard gun in them lol
Patzilla13013 t1_j2aqer6 wrote
Games are cool and all.... but those :) good finds!
went and saw an exhibit by Art Spiegelman a few years back and there was a ton of his art for those cards there. was so so awesome.
Interesting_Tie_2271 t1_j2axtgx wrote
So much moral ware
Interesting_Tie_2271 t1_j2ay3dm wrote
Hybrid theory and meteora were their best albums. They were in their prime around that time
spiderman_2 t1_j2b3deq wrote
I'm becoming this
Interesting_Tie_2271 t1_j2csfmz wrote
All I want to do
Scarecrow5056 t1_j2eyfh8 wrote
Scarecrow5056 t1_j2eyj2a wrote
[deleted] t1_j26165d wrote