Submitted by t3_10onn3w in gaming

So, I really like this feeling a few games bring of solitude and loneliness... And it does not need to be (and generally is not) the focus of the game.
To give a few examples, I enjoyed games that make me feel like I am on my own, like Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, The Forest, Dark Souls.... So there is really not much in common except for the loneliness feeling. And its not in a sad way....
So I was wandering wich games you played/play that give this kind of vibe.



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t1_j6frdg4 wrote

Stray. I just started but it definitely gives the feeling you’re describing.

Nier Automata is another one.


t1_j6fscjs wrote

You ever played Don't Starve? The single player iteration really gives off this feeling of isolation. Oftentimes, when it's dark outside and you don't really have a lot of resources to waste running around, you find yourself just watching the fire, listening to it crackle as an insect or a bird sounds off somewhere in the distance.

In the daytime, you can run and run all day long and it's just mile after mile of lonely wilderness.

It's an oddly relaxing game for me.


t1_j6fsegz wrote

Death Stranding, Hollow Knight, the Metro series, Outer Wilds, Raft, Valheim, most of the walking simulators, a huge chunk of the Fallout series (though there are a lot of NPCs as well), Subnautica...

Tried to pick worlds that are mostly empty of other people, though most of them do have NPCs in them at one point or another.