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adept_ignoramus t1_j6ktwoe wrote

You got to live the dream of so many, from so long ago. Revel in it.


spearmint_wino t1_j6kv63c wrote

Reminds me I once came 2nd in a Tony Hawk compo in my local - we were on bar stools craning our necks to see the TV that normally showed the footy (big-arse Sony Trinitron on a shelf). Good times!


Flyby1441 t1_j6kxuhj wrote

Very very serious king vibes dude


MrHookshot t1_j6kzkii wrote

Once upon a time, we were just 3 kids having the time of our lives.

Saturday, 25 years later. We were 3 drunk adults who made the time to hang out. Thanks goldeneye.


VeeTach t1_j6l0jw6 wrote

Done with swim practice, scarf lunch down. Fire up the 64. No OddJob. Prox mines and rockets. Perfection.


AC_Unit200 t1_j6l2028 wrote

Had to the chance to play goldeneye the other day. It’s a lot harder than I remember it being when I was a kid.


cld1984 t1_j6l2j81 wrote

Goddamn. I need this in my life…

Thinking about how much fun we had playing Goldeneye all night (no Oddjob of course) in my early teens. Fuck I miss that so much

Got a tear in my eye now. Enjoy, friend. You’re enjoying it for so many


Thrilling1031 t1_j6lapv6 wrote

I beat it today! I unlocked paintball and DK mode on the way. It felt good to beat it so quickly compared to my younger self. I still had some muscle memory of some of the levels.


MightyPigbenus86 t1_j6lepr6 wrote

I was SO hyped when I saw they released it for Switch recently. Played the first level for giggles. That control scheme does not translate well...or maybe I'm just wayyy out of practice. But either way I'm gonna figure out, or buy some new controllers. Brings back so many good memories.


killerhurtalot t1_j6lf4db wrote

The xbox/switch one felt so much easier to me with the way better frame rates and actually modern twin stick shooter controls

Fuck the entire no aim until you press the bumpers to aim thing and walking with the c buttons instead of the stick...


Left_Pie4165 t1_j6lyugi wrote

back in the day I didn’t beat the game on medium setting. I played some stages 30 times. game is challenging in a good way. I plan to beat game on secret agent and 00 agent, with the help of save states.


FrogQuestion t1_j6m1u1m wrote

We need more bars with games. They arent entertaining otherwise


KittenDust t1_j6m8i5q wrote

Played this at a friend's funeral last year. (Cancer so he had time to organize it for us in advance).


FuelSea6658 t1_j6mjq30 wrote

The control room protecting natalia always made me nervous back in the day


CanoeShoes t1_j6mkbxm wrote

Am I the only one who thinks this game has not aged well? Sure I still have love for it and fond memories, but every time I have tried to play it since I am like....uhhhhhh this controls like ass.


CritikillNick t1_j6mv5uk wrote

Why would I want to play video games in a crowded pub? Sounds like a pain in the ass and annoying


bearr007 t1_j6mvllp wrote

How do you think I got the name? No oddjob cheater! Lol


Kradget t1_j6mvlwr wrote

I have a very distinct memory of using Down C to slightly tip my aim up if I expected to be shooting on the move.

That, and that you had to place yourself on a corner for that pop-out shot. Peekaboo was an art form.


seniorfrito t1_j6n47ka wrote

See I'd actually go to bars in my area if they had this. I think I've got one place that has games and they're all classic arcade. The one time I went in there, the place was dead.


amenotef t1_j6n6kvi wrote

Now I have the sound track of the mission's brochure in my head.


Drach88 t1_j6nae1q wrote

I played this the other day with some friends. I can't begin to explain how much easier it is to play with two thumbsticks.


O667 t1_j6ogo84 wrote

Agree very much. Have tried to play it on Retopie setups a few times over the years. Never got too far before losing interest.

Tried it recently on Game Pass. Same thing.

Probably best to leave the memories intact.