EndorDerDragonKing OP t1_j6kdi7o wrote
A Tank!
StranglesMcWhiskey t1_j6kearf wrote
Yeah, this is the worst. I usually dps, but I never learn anything about dungeons because the rest of the team is just rushing everywhere. I'm glad FFXIV lets you do it all solo.
nversace t1_j6keati wrote
Yup - out of necessity. My friends are very responsibility-adverse!
EndorDerDragonKing OP t1_j6keks6 wrote
My main MMO is FF14
Ive leved a Tank, Healer, and 2 (soon 3) DPS to max level
And man everyone is an idiot
LowestKey t1_j6kevuu wrote
Stop standing in fire.
EndorDerDragonKing OP t1_j6kf7g1 wrote
I see!
A healer!
Look, if they didnt want me to stand in fire, why did the They make it so warm?
hatsunemilku t1_j6kfa6q wrote
As a support:
To shut up and let me do my work. Most dps andy’s don’t know nor understand how the role works and think that it’s just smashing our faces against the keyboard and make funny things that heal fly away. No, it isn’t.
If you die even though I’m giving you support, its not my fault, it’s yours. Either you were where you shouldn’t, or you were so hungry you ate a whole buffet of attacks.
Support / healers usually do a priority list. If I have to choose between a good player and luggage surviving / getting buffed, you can be sure I will make that choice for you.
Want me to work around you? Make me work around you with your performance.
Instead of complaining about the lack of supports/ healers in a game, go and play one yourself.
As support main:
DO. NOT. POACH. US. When we are on other role characters and you learn that we have supports. It makes me want to play even less with you. Also, making plans without our approval doesn’t work; This isn’t a situation of “better say sorry later”.
fluffy_assassins t1_j6kfgqf wrote
Will as a healer I wish people wouldn't run out of range so much. But then, I'm taking about overwatch, so not sure how relevant that is. In my WOW days, team members targeted tanks too much...
OverburdenedSyntax t1_j6kgepi wrote
Stop overnuking! It's not my job to keep you alive if you can't keep track of your own aggro! If I have to choose between you or the tank, you are going to die. End stop.
OverburdenedSyntax t1_j6kh901 wrote
I don't know what annoys me more. The expectation that as a healer I should have to drop whatever I am doing and run halfway around the world to rez you because you're dead, or heal you because you need a healer ... or the expectation that I should have to stop whatever character I am playing and whatever I am doing to play the one you want where you want at any given moment.
KakoLykos t1_j6khew9 wrote
Standing in instant death zones (shadow fissures for those on classic wow). That's not even necessarily the "other" roles since it frustrates me when other people in my same role do it too.
StranglesMcWhiskey t1_j6kiefg wrote
It is the only MMO where I've played as a role I'm not used to, specifically healer, and had someone message me after a dungeon with very courteous and helpful pointers.
Never had anyone be that nice in wow or even GW2, though in gw there aren't really proper roles, at least not when leveling.
RaphaelSolo t1_j6kiv6q wrote
It's always a headache being in the hotseat. I have to actively avoid playing classes that can tank otherwise people will make me do nothing but.
RaphaelSolo t1_j6kjphe wrote
Depends on MMO, in most of them I wish they would CC. In some dungeons if you don't CC certain monsters you WILL wipe.
MrDrSrEsquire t1_j6kjzep wrote
I just wish everyone would check their ego at the door
Runs don't need to be perfect. But it's also not asking much that you are properly geared and know the things you so you know.
If things are going well, don't start shit.
If someone's clearly struggling and someone needs to say shit don't be an ass. And person being criticized, don't escalate or get overly defensive.
Shit ain't hard. Just requires viewing the others on your team as human beings who are flawed but entitled to their time being respected.
pipboy_warrior t1_j6knutf wrote
This mainly comes as a healer: Learn the mechanics of the fights, and pay attention to what's going around you. So many people just focus on whatever their rotation is, usually trying to squeeze out just a little more extra dps. And then they find themselves on fire, falling off a cliff, missing an interrupt, whatever.
Focus on staying alive. You can't heal, tank, or dps if you're dead. The nitty gritty of optimized shit doesn't come into play unless you're doing the highest end-game progression type of stuff.
HornyPolak t1_j6kojnu wrote
Don't be a toxic dick
brian11e3 t1_j6kpjsk wrote
Stop standing in fire, stop pulling aggro, and kill the one in the dress.
nversace t1_j6kqkme wrote
Yea totally. Most fights I’m familiar with (ffxiv) the moves will start to repeat, so if you don’t get that perfect dps, so what, it’s just another cycle of moves you should see coming
nversace t1_j6kqxeu wrote
Yea awesome community - when I first started I would put up in chat that I was learning to tank or it was my first run bd people were super patient.
Sawheryesterday t1_j6l20bj wrote
You are responsible for your own shift. Do your job. Please. Healers shouldn’t play favorites. Dps shouldn’t try to solo. Tanks shouldn’t overextend. Work together. Full your roles.
Imaginary_Act5759 t1_j6l4fk4 wrote
Not stand in DOTS
EndorDerDragonKing OP t1_j6l4qcr wrote
The most common ive seen is
"Stop standing in fire!"
Vulkir t1_j6l8ma4 wrote
I play FFXIV mostly as DPS but I do heal from time to time so:
If the healer can't keep up then slow down a bit. Pulling one group less at a time or letting the healer recover some MP will be faster than wiping.
Also chill with the damage meters on normal difficulty dungeons, raids etc. If you gonna whine about others not doing enough and throw percentages around you can be sure that you gonna get reported for that shit.
EndorDerDragonKing OP t1_j6l9uew wrote
When i was leveling WHM i made it a mental rule
I dont go at the tank's pace, they go at mine.
If they want to rush far ahead out of my range and aggro the entirety of Aurum Vale
Then thats their funeral
Vulkir t1_j6la6sa wrote
Once I had a tank who insisted on pulling all the mobs into the Locksmith area and then wondering that I run out of MP.
EndorDerDragonKing OP t1_j6lhj8s wrote
Just the other day i was doing a run as a machinist, noticed the healer was struggling with keeping the tank alive, and asked if we needed to slow down.
We made it through the rest of snowcloak with very little issue and the tank was happy and healthy
Winterplatypus t1_j6lyzue wrote
The boss fights are the most relaxing part of healing in FF14 because the tanks go crazy on the trash pulls. I'm there thinking we have a good 10 mins before I have to really start paying attention. I have my hand in a bag of chips with the TV on the in background and then tank just runs off through about 4 groups of enemies. I'm left behind thinking "fuuuuuck, I actually have to work".
4GRJ t1_j6lzfe5 wrote
Me: So, we've scoured the area for every boff we can find possible, right?
Them: Yep...
Me: And I've given you the buffs that you need...
Them: Yep...
[deleted] t1_j6lzhxh wrote
CallMeTheDumpMan t1_j6m5iau wrote
I'm a dps. I wish other dps players would tank or heal so my LFG queue doesn't take 2 hours and I also don't have to tank or heal.
nversace t1_j6kddwq wrote
Calm the f down if I didn’t pull the optimal amount of trash mobs!! I play to have fun, my stats aren’t bleeding edge and my gear may not be absolutely perfect, I know my rotation and my cooldowns and I can get the job done. Sorry this run took 90 seconds longer than the perfect run!