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Xano74 t1_j6c388n wrote

Dynasty Warriors. Nothing gets the violence out like taking out 1000s of warriors on a huge battlefield to awesome rock/techno music.

It's my definite stress release game.


Arachnarokin OP t1_j6c3k5h wrote

That might be good, is hyrule warriors a good example of the genre?


Xano74 t1_j6c59n2 wrote

Hyrule Warriors is one of the better ones. Lots of content, runs great on Switch and is just fun.

My personal favorite for Switch is the original Fire Emblem Warriors.

I also recommend Samurai Warriors 5 since it's a soft reboot of the Samurai Warriors series.

And also Warriors Orochi 4. It has every Dynasty and Warriors character plus original characters and has almost 180 unique playable characters