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sclowndrel t1_j6fbqc1 wrote

I will ponder these words, as I walk the dusty Mojave.


Significant_Walk_664 t1_j6fdbqx wrote

Cass is a lot prettier than I remember. And a lot prettier than an alcoholic living in a desert postapocalyptic wasteland has a right to be. C'mon, spill the mods


GwenLikesRice t1_j6fess0 wrote

I played most of the game with just Cassidy and ED-E as companions. They were the first two I unlocked.

Only Raul's sarcastic bitterness swayed me away from her. I eventually tried out the others, but they just weren't the same.


Mr_Goat_1111 t1_j6fex9i wrote

One man sits alone, looking out over the sandy wastes, his long leather duster meagre protection from this harsh land and all the horrors that call it home, the corpse of one such horror, a cazador, lays still bleeding at his feet, his revolver hangs from a tired arm, barrel still smoking and from his cracked lips escape the words "where are you Long Dick Johnson?"


Bogey01 t1_j6fjkqg wrote

Are there updated graphics mods for this game? If so I might need to give it another run.


AmbitionSpecialist t1_j6gafzl wrote

Decent companion in the game, but Veronica is the best human companion IMO.


Forever203 t1_j6gkdhv wrote

I wonder if her Long Dick Johnson and that cat's Long Johnson are the same person.


TylerJsWay t1_j6h4asn wrote

They just don’t make games like this anymore


NicoCrestmere t1_j6h6j4i wrote

And you know he had a bick dick because he had to name it twice just to fit it all.


Astrojef t1_j6h6van wrote

Dang ole long dick johnson had a dang ole ding dong mayne


Cherry_BaBomb t1_j6h9hdy wrote

I mean that's somewhat subjective, but I really enjoyed Coffee Talk, I really like Vampire Survior. It's Triple A, but people really love those Witcher games I hear about all the time.

It depends on what you want out of a game, but you can always return to the ones that make you happy. I play Kirby's Air Ride pretty frequently because, well it's fun.


-chukui- t1_j6h9km5 wrote

huh, i heard it was a quest that got scrapped where the courier and Cass get married in Vegas after a night of heavy drinking and get married in a chapel on the strip. would have been awesome if they had more time to finish the damn game.


AmbitionSpecialist t1_j6hd3zq wrote

He’s alright, clearly not the cheeriest story leading up to when you meet him, but does throw rounds down range. IDK, Veronica is just a more dynamic character, with more varied dialogue, and more integral to the story with HELIOS and the Brotherhood.

Plus, it’s an accomplishment to finally hand her the dress she’s always talking about.


RafaelRoriz t1_j6hi2fo wrote

Patroling the mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter.


generalzee t1_j6hp9xh wrote

This is why people are constantly praising the brilliance of this game.


Cherry_BaBomb t1_j6i6v37 wrote

> They just don't make games like this anymore

This is a very broad statement that has plenty of different interpretations, so I guess I'm not sure on exactly what you mean. That's why I said that it's subjective, but "games like that" still are being made.

I'm honestly pretty easy to please, so I like a lot of different games for a lot of different reasons. I just listed a couple that I got a lot of enjoyment out of, but not necessarily because of their similarities to NV.

I didn't play either games, but if you want more recent titles, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Edlin Ring seem pretty popular and also similar to Fallout NV. Hell, RDR2 is also western themed.

Fallout NV is great, but so are alot of games. Sorry if we disagree or I upset you. That wasn't my goal.


Sheeplearehypmotized t1_j6i7g7l wrote

Welcome to a feminist world. The women being sl^ts are encouraged! Good job liberals.


LegoBoomX t1_j6icj2b wrote

“Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.” -NCR Trooper


EclecticDreck t1_j6iiu6j wrote

Some context might help. This bit of dialogue is from a conversation with the lady in question who is from the New California Republic - one of the few coherent nations to have risen from the ashes of the Great War that ultimately ended in an apocalyptic nuclear exchange. She is generally defensive of the NCR, even if she spends most of her time on its frontiers, and will tell a curious Courier (the player) that the NCR generally has the right idea. She summarizes that point nicely by saying that even with its faults, should the NCR be under threat, she'd happily be on the NCR side of the line.

But she is also very much a realist who makes a living on the frontier running caravans, noting that the Legion (a coherent state that controls much of what would have been the southwestern US including almost everything on the other side of the Colorado River and which is in the middle of a years-long cold war with the NCR) would be able to provide far better security on the roads. This, it turns out, is a deeply personal observation because when you meet her, her caravan had been ambushed and killed in part because the NCR couldn't provide adequate security.

If you keep pressing her on this point, clearly seeing that her devotion is far from blind or total she says "I'm not some blind, flag-saluting do-as-they-will NCR lover. They're family, but let me tell you what family means. You ever had a brother? Some dumbass younger brother, say, who knocked up the pastor's daughter, can't hold a job, and his home-away is a jail cell? That's the NCR. Their compass is spinning, all the time. They try to put their stake in everything. Nobody's dick is that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Hence the name."

Emphasis mine. It is not a prurient statement, but a concise use of crudity used to give her opinion in the form of a metaphor: the NCR is reaching too far trying to control New Vegas.


EclecticDreck t1_j6iucrc wrote

Oh, I know. Indeed, I waffled between calling out the bigoted nonsense or simply explaining how the context made their bigoted nonsense extra silly and opted for the latter. She is a fantastic character, and I'd rather spend a few minutes on a short essay giving people context (and invite a discussion) should they, for some reason, go plumbing this dank basement of the thread.


DrSmirnoffe t1_j6kk5l1 wrote

I was mostly Cass, too, with Rex as my "non-humanoid" companion. Mainly because I hadn't found ED-E until the late-game.

Specifically, the first time I met ED-E was in Lonesome Road. So when my time in the Divide came to its conclusion, and Divide ED-E went off to Navarro, I went and sought out Mojave ED-E, since Divide ED-E had transferred what he'd learned to Mojave ED-E. It was like an old friend walking their own road, but leaving a piece of themselves behind with you.


EclecticDreck t1_j6le6nm wrote

Your first sentence contains eight words, three of which are pronouns.

Pronouns are a common part of English. You can write around it, but it will sound incredibly awkward. For example:

"/u/Sheeplearehypmotized is a man. /u/Sheeplearehypmotized does not want to be called a pronoun. If /u/EclecticDreck uses pronouns, /u/EclecticDreck is not as strong minded as /u/EclecticDreck believes."

See? Awkward.


link_nukem28 t1_j6nec69 wrote

I swear, you can play this game for an entire lifetime and still find new shit in it


-chukui- t1_j6nsyiu wrote

As long as they leave the dialogue alone. We get a nv remake with fo4 dialogue wheel I'ma riot.