Submitted by DrMcnasty4300 t3_10ositk in gaming

I don’t mean this in a negative way. I am genuinely curious. I have been playing the game for 6 or 7 hours now and I find myself compelled to keep playing more each. I pretty sure I’m having fun but I’m not sure why haha. Maybe it’s not so much fun but satisfying. I honestly do not know. It’s a funny feeling to have but it is what it is.

On paper what I’ve experienced from the game so far shouldn’t be all that enjoyable. But I think it has been.

I know this game was pretty polarizing at release so I’m sure there’s gonna be a mixed bag of comments, I’m just curious if anyone can put a finger on how this game is managing to keep me engaged so well!

Or perhaps more importantly, is it going to manage to keep me feeling this way for 40 hours? No spoilers please!



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The_Paradoxigm t1_j6gmlhn wrote

The story picks up big time the further along you go.


AwesomeX121189 t1_j6gn2ky wrote

It’s fun planning and doing a bunch of mini adventures in the form of deliveries


AloneWithFriends t1_j6gnb1j wrote

Don’t over think it. The game is beautiful and the gameplay is a mix of relaxing and super tense.

DS is my favorite game.


unklean t1_j6gnc6v wrote

I think the story, the pacing, the stunning visuals and that haunting soundtrack all combine to create the sense of wonder and immersion. I was the same way playing it thinking I should not be enjoying a walking simulator so damn much.


zillskillnillfrill t1_j6gnd3j wrote

I just like that it does something different from any other game that I've played, actively trying not to kill people & it's quite zen.. until it's not 😂


[deleted] t1_j6gnmwl wrote

i want to know what drugs they were on when they were making the plot


brian11e3 t1_j6go49e wrote

As a person with Epidermolysis Bullosa, the game allows me to experience what it is like to walk without pain.


LZR0 t1_j6gooou wrote

For me it was getting to know and ‘build’ the world, there’s just no other game like it where you transform the world to your own needs, specially as you are able to rebuild roads and place ziplines to literally fly across the map.

Also the story is really, really good; I went from being skeptical about it to become one of my most favorite games of all time.


DrMcnasty4300 OP t1_j6gp76b wrote

Certainly that makes sense. Although I feel as though I am not building the world because I’ve got other players ladders and bridges and stuff in mostly the right places already haha


Jellozz t1_j6gpu07 wrote

Early on for me it was generally the survival mechanics mixed with the movement system. Trying to make sure you have enough items to get from point A to point B but not taking so much it gets in the way of your ability to walk. Basic resource management really.

Things change though the deeper you get into the game. It becomes less about survival and walking and more about building infrastructure and gadgets. You get a lot of tools to interact with the world and it's really engaging setting up entire networks of stuff to make moving through the world easier.


blazinfire11 t1_j6gql15 wrote

Holy crap.. this was my exact thoughts.. I could not understand why i was enjoying it.. the story def pushed me through the game.. BUT it was when I spent a day or two just doing deliveries it made me wonder "why is this fun?" "I don't know but I'm really enjoying this" .. might be a mystery we may never know


DrMcnasty4300 OP t1_j6gqmxz wrote

Should I be stocking up on resources early on or using them to build shit as I have it? I always am afraid to use resources in games where I know I’ll eventually unlock much better stuff


trevmustdie t1_j6gs07r wrote

a truly beautiful ending. brought tears to my eyes. I'm so excited for the sequel!


SallyMcSaggyTits2 t1_j6gw6cm wrote

It’s almost like the game is a work of philosophy and existentialism. Your outlook on life will change when you finish it


Somasonic t1_j6gx51y wrote

Fortunately the story stays way more coherent (even if it does get pretty friggin weird). This is one of my favourite games of all time and like others I can’t quite pinpoint exactly why. I think a large part of it was that it was so different from anything else.


Chris-R t1_j6gyvvb wrote

For me it was simple: no video game has ever captured the mechanical joy of running down a hill as well as Death Stranding. I could list a bunch of other reasons I enjoyed it but when I think back to my time with the game, it all comes back to running down hills.


DrMcnasty4300 OP t1_j6h0azb wrote

I suppose I’m not far enough into the game to know what is genuinely useful yet haha. I just feel like there’s already so much stuff already out in the world from other players I haven’t needed to do anything myself. I haven’t even put down one of my own ladders yet


DrMcnasty4300 OP t1_j6h0dyn wrote

I feel as though I have not fallen as much as I would have expected to from the videos I’ve seen haha. Does holding the two triggers make you nearly immune to falling? I think I’ve only taken one real tumble and it was pretty insignificant. Maybe I should play on hard instead of normal?


JohnnyJayce t1_j6h3aql wrote

I spent all my time building the road so I could drive everywhere.


cosmernaut420 t1_j6h43bq wrote

It's not, that's why I quit after a handful of hours.


Tommy_SVK t1_j6hb8b9 wrote

Do you ever get that feeling in an open world game where you're not really doing anything important, you just see something in the distance and think "Huh, what's that? Lemme check that out"? That's Death Stranding. So for people who enjoy that kind of stuff, this game is great. I enjoyed it a lot.


zachtheperson t1_j6hecnf wrote

Game can be great for a lot of reasons. Sometimes simple repetitive gameplay is zen and nice to relax to, sometimes you want to get a glimpse into a character's world, and sometimes immersing yourself in a unique game environment is a reward in it's own.

Personally I just love when people get weird with the stuff they make and just create things purely out of their own mind. Directors like David Lynch and Panos Cosmatos come to mind. It always just feels wholly unique in a way that nothing else does, and I wish more studios would give people like that real budgets to make more cool stuff we've never seen/played before.


AirbagOff t1_j6hhi1i wrote

I played it during the beginning of the pandemic, so it hit differently for me, especially when there were shortages of everything. (Good thing those days are over, right? /s)

While you might see the deliveries as just a bunch of random boxes, I saw in my head Sam Porter Bridges delivering life-saving medicine and technology, food, books, movies, music, etc. that was incredibly needed by those poor people who would have to live their entire lives underground in the bunkers. I tried to imaging how excited the recipients of those deliveries would be when Sam arrived.

I feel like I gained such an incredible appreciation for the workers in logistics and delivery in the real world, and the undoubtedly lonely and isolated (and sometimes dangerous) lives they lead, just to get me my package.


lexilogo t1_j6hmb0s wrote

It really shouldn't be a mystery at all and it's a real bummer it is.

Super Mario Bros is also an entire franchise built off the foundation of "get from A to B and don't die to the obstacles along the way".

But we never got people confused asking "what? All you do is run to the right and jump on turtles? How is that supposed to be fun lmao"

Death Stranding is essentially just that idea abstracted out into a 3rd person action adventure game, and with an emphasis on inventory management/tactical problem solving with equipment.


Cold_Park_4059 t1_j6hmmpu wrote

I don't know why, but it seems like a new genre of game.


DinosaursAreNotDead t1_j6hp4hl wrote

I'm playing it right now, just started chapter five. The story really picks up and becomes a bit more coherent as the game progresses. Also new resources, structures, tools etc become available that really pick up the pace of the game.


theKruseship t1_j6hxpva wrote

The satisfaction of completing a huge delivery or multiple in a row is what keeps me coming back. The story/themes are also very impactful to me as someone who suffers from depression and has a tendency to self isolate. Get into chapter 4 before you really get critical. The Capitol Knot City area really drags, but once it opens up and you get more gear the fun really amps up.


Numerous-Virus9317 t1_j6i0l2h wrote

Most of what makes it compelling is found in many other games, it's just slightly recontextualized in DS. Traversal, inventory management, stealth, combat. It's a perfectly engaging gameplay loop.


Samuravi t1_j6ijiwf wrote

I think it's probably the small bursts of reward in the form of the "delivery completed!" screens. Personally, I tried it twice. The first time I gave up at the end of ep2, the second time ep7-ish I think. I really liked the game engine and the controls were great. But unlike MGSV (which I really enjoyed except for the fact it was essentially unfinished), I found myself mildly irritated by the constant deliveries, and found the enemies more just an annoyance than a threat. The story was also just a bit weird/thin for me (and I liked the MGS story, more or less).


Jellozz t1_j6iu7hz wrote

If you're still in the first zone don't worry about it really. If you're in the second zone then just use what you have on bigger projects as you see fit. The game is structured in such a way that you'll naturally focus on one thing at a time as the current tools you have will make reaching the next major part of the game easier so you can unlock a new set of items to play with.

It's a very linear progression basically.


ScampersInATuxedo t1_j6iuna6 wrote

The reason the game is keeping you engaged is due to the direction of the game. Given it's a new game and some of the information you've read about it has been intriguing, this will play its part as part of your enjoyment.

Everything is always fun when it's new.

This will change in time, and whether the game will remain enjoyable is entirely up to you.

There are too many factors to list as why a game is no longer enjoyable, but this sort of bends itself to the same question of "why is it enjoyable to me?" Only you can answer that.

To emphasize this a bit more, I'm currently playing No Man's Sky. Talk about a game with a polarizing launch (pun intended!), this game has "come a long way" since it released.

I wasn't there when it released, so I have nothing to compare it to, but one thing I can say is it's hitting a breaking point with me.

There is literally nothing to do in this game which isn't tied to some ridiculous grinding or "fetch, kill, photograph, or steal from it" quest and I'm baffled as to how anyone says this game is good.

I always give a game 40 hours of my time. If I don't feel satisfied after this, I'm out, but this game may not make it this far because the interactions of what I'm supposed to do aren't aligning with what I'm expecting to do.

Someone compared this to a Mario game then lamented "what's the difference?" There's a tremendous difference because the Mario game involves skill, quick knowledge of the layout to take advantage of it, and there are secrets to be found along the way. The expectation isn't just to get to the other side, it's to do it without taking damage and obtaining the best reward for trying.

DS and NMS have this infuriating "We're doing things differently, so bear with us" mechanic in which they barely hold your hand, throw you into a world, then expect to come out better for it.

It's my belief why these games come off as polarizing because they're both changing what we typically expect, but don't seem to be doing a good job of entertaining people.

On the flip side, people are so enthralled with the change, they're finding a new way to enjoy games.

Neither opinion is wrong, but only the person playing (spoilers won't change this, by the way) can determine if the game is worth their time.


this_guy_over_here_ t1_j6j2o3x wrote

For me it was the satisfaction of traveling across this difficult terrain trying to deliver all these important items. The story also picked up the more you played. But I actually loved the delivery aspect to be honest...


Tokes_ACK t1_j6kz9uj wrote

What really drew me in initially was the fact that the routes you take become more traversed over time. It's cool to see your offshoot paths eventually become well trodden roads.

What keeps bringing me back to it is the physics. Once you get used to the controls and start to really push them to their limits, you can fly through areas like nobody's business, sprinting down mountains and jumping huge gaps.