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pabulosl t1_j6nw3vs wrote

2018 and no Gow, salty?


Masspoint OP t1_j6nwu7z wrote

This isn't really about best games or how good games are but more how they stand out from a technological point of view and create new standards, or just stand out for whatever reason.

I'm not going to debate god of war isn't a great game, and I have doubted many times to put it in there. But apart from being a great game I can't really see a reason for it, and to put all great games in there for 45 years, I would need a lot more room.


Far_Cup5691 t1_j6nyvha wrote

Where's 1990? If only for Super Mario World and Secret of Monkey Island?


StrangeWorldd t1_j6nzc84 wrote

Why not any indie games? Must a title be mainstream AAA to make landmark video game history ?


Masspoint OP t1_j6nzwdc wrote

I could be incorrect, I don't know everything about every title, I did put super mario world in there at first though but took it out because from the description it did a lot of things great, and had great reception but didn't really stand out for anything else.

Since I had to cut somewhere I took it out, same for secret of monkey island.

I did play both games though.


Xtranous t1_j6o2hhk wrote

Great list so many recognizable titles. Went back and played a lot of those older titles we idolized at the time and all I can say is that we sure are spoiled (mostly graphics wise) with the games we get now days. Surprised club penguin and Roblox aren’t on this list. I guess they’re a different genre of video game.


Masspoint OP t1_j6o2wgv wrote

Thanks, the thing is my knowledge only goes so far, and there only so much room to cover this kind of time. So I had to do a lot of cutting.

I heard about roblox, but never played it, so it never crossed my mind making this list, I also didn't notice when I was going through lists.

I never heard about club penguin though.


nastyfoo t1_j6o4ptp wrote

How about the Magnavox Odyssey?


Masspoint OP t1_j6o96ag wrote

This isn't really about best games of that year, but how they stand out.

If crysis isn't a landmark I don't really know what is. It is the swan song of pc gaming, as in the era they developped popular titles for the pc first. Games like doom, quake and halflife.

It was an amazing swan song in that regard though, since it couldn't run on the x360 and ps3, which were built to compete with pc gaming. It also couldn't run on most pc's, well not very good anyway.

Bioshock is in there mainly for the art direction.

Halo is in there btw , just not halo 3.


Masspoint OP t1_j6o9w36 wrote

I'm glad you see it's not about the best games, but more how they stand out for whatever reason.

A lot of people apparently think this is about the best games, they don't see their favourite game in there, which probably had some awards and they downvote, pity, it would be nice to have more of debate what I was missing but also what I haven't missed.


Masspoint OP t1_j6ocytd wrote

It's actually a pretty good game, and amazing for the time it released in. Have you played the original pc version? or even crysis warhead for that matter.

But again this isn't really about best games, but more what impact they had in in gaming history.


ASUSswift1440p144hz t1_j6odqd1 wrote

People in this comment section actually treating this like it's a legitimate source from Forbes Magazine on "Greatest Video games from 1975 to Present Day based on Gross Revenue and Copies Sold".

It's just a list some guy made...there aren't any objective metrics for what defines a "landmark video title" for this list other than /u/Masspoint liked it a lot.

I'm surprised that this isn't immediately obvious to everyone, but I guess some of the commentors are wondering why Club Penguin and Roblox aren't on this list so that says a little bit about the worldly experiences of the people commenting on this post.

If this was a one-off, I wouldn't pay it any mind, but I've been seeing more and more posts like this with clueless redditors treating obviously fake things like they're real.

For all the information the internet spreads, you still have to try to objectively analyze the things you see on it! You can walk away with as much fake knowledge as real knowledge if you aren't careful!


Masspoint OP t1_j6oe7l0 wrote

That's not how I meant it, before crysis a lot of games were developped for the pc only, or first for the pc and then ported to the console.

The x360 and ps3 generation changed that, I call it the coup of the consoles. The xbox 360 and ps3 were so strong at the time of release you had to buy a 1500$ pc to match the performance, this while the x360 released at 400$.

Pc games were characterized before that by pushing the technology always forward and the consoles had to follow.

Crysis was actually one of the last games that did that, and the leap in technology was so big, no pc could run it at ultra settings, at least not the real ultra settings, because ultra settings in the menus were still nerfed, because they knew it would take years before any pc would even be able to handle anything stronger.


Masspoint OP t1_j6oej41 wrote

I'm actually a major fan of fallout, but the games didn't have the same impact as the elder scrolls, they are great games all of them, but If I had to list all great games from the past 45 years I would need a lot more room.


jmansuper08 t1_j6of9en wrote

That's fair. I think fallout has had a really big impact, but it's hard to compare the elder scrolls and fallout in that way, and tbh I prefer not to since I do enjoy them both. I do think fallout 1 and 2 had a bigger "impact in gaming", may have been able to slot them in but the late 90s are slammed lol.


Masspoint OP t1_j6ofc6t wrote

Well landmarks doesn't mean the same thing as greatest games, gross revenue is a factor, because that can be very impactfull, but only if it spans across a lot of time, so the best selling game of that year isn't necessarily a landmark, especially if it didn't create a new standard or stand out in a different way.

Having said that, yes the list is still personal because I had to cut somewhere, and I have forgotten things as well. My knowledge only goes so far and I only did extra research for about half a day.

But a lot is based on factual data.

and thanks for calling it a great list, i hope you weren't being sarcastic :)


Masspoint OP t1_j6ogzd7 wrote

Well you have an advantage here because I did not play fallout 1 and 2. I know, I read that it is in many ways better than all of the titles after that, but during that time it went past me. It wasn't really the type of game that I played and before fallout 3 I never even heard of it (never heard of the elder scrolls before oblivion either for that matter)

So you could certainly be right they should be in there, I forgot to research them because as you said that time is already stacked.

But it's not only that, I thought I would have covered it with a lot of the big names that are similar in that regard, and create standards for those type of games.

I might have made a mistake by listing neverwinter nights instead of those two games though, or at least one of those two. I listed neverwinter nights , because it is also used for educational purposes in video game development.

I also played neverwinter nights.


Masspoint OP t1_j6oin1g wrote

to elaborate I'm going to give you a couple of examples

Prince of persia because it made use of motion capture technique called rotoscoping that was never used before apart from in karateka (which was made by the same designer). By that prince of persia was the first cinematic platformer and inspired many games in this subgenre (another world for instance). It's success also launched the prince of persia series.

Prince of persia ; Sands of time created the building blocks for assassins creed when it comes to climbing mechanics.

L.A. noir is the first game that used motionscan

Double dragon is on there because it was the landmark for 2d side scrolling beat em up titles


tgra957 t1_j6omk40 wrote

This is a really nice list portraying the popular titles of the those years. Since the popular titles were typically the ones to "break the mold" in some way, it's a good way of also showing neat milestones in gaming.

I saw you mentioned in a few comments that your knowledge only goes so far. If you haven't looked into them, I've put a few things in a list below since you seem interested in this kind of stuff. I'm happy to give you a tldr or more dates to look up if you want but since you seem interested in the research and details, you might enjoy these reads.

  • 1940 Nim

  • 1958 Tennis for Two

  • 1983 Video Game Crash

  • 1985 Nintendo's R.O.B. and its affect on the game industry after the crash

  • 1992 Nintendo vs Sony

  • 1993 Mortal Kombat and Night Trap, ESBR

  • 1999 Sega Dreamcast and online play


Masspoint OP t1_j6oofeh wrote

Thanks, I didn't really list them by popularity though, allthough some are because the sales were so high. For instance space invaders created a shortage of yen coins apparently. I didn't know that before I listed it because I researched a lot of the titles that I didn't know much about.

I encountered nim, because I was planning to start from the start but since I don't know a lot from the time before the eighties (and even the eighties I'm not that adept in) I thought the home release of pong was a good cut off.

Never heard of tennis for two, the video game crash I know (hence why I listed E.T.)

I've seen nintendo r.o.b but don't know much about it.

Nintendo vs sony I know a lot about (funny that how playstation became such a behemoth, it's basically nintendo's fault)

I know mortal kombat and a lot there is to know but I don't know night trap, I presume it's also a game that was instrumental in creating the esbr ratings.

I don't know the relation between sega dreamcast and online play, but you made me curious.


HotPotatoWithCheese t1_j6p4mzr wrote

In 2001 we got: Halo CE, GTA 3, DMC, MGS2, Final Fantasy X, Max Payne, Silent Hill 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Red Faction

In 2011 we got: Skyrim, Arkham City, Portal 2, Dark Souls, Dead Space 2, Dead Island, Minecraft, Mortal Kombat 9, Space Marine, Battlefield 3, Deus Ex HR...

In 2021 we got: Hitman 3, It Takes Two... um...

Yeah, something has gone wrong somewhere in the past 10 years.


HotPotatoWithCheese t1_j6p6mzf wrote

By the time Halo 3 came out the MP FPS lobby shooter genre was already well established thanks to it's predecessor. H3, as good a game as it was/is, did not have the same impact on console gaming that Halo 2 or CE did. The mid - late 00's were absolutely dripping with MP shooters with the likes of CoD and Battlefield on the rise. It was still a standout game of 2007 but more important than Bioshock? Not really.


HotPotatoWithCheese t1_j6p74zo wrote

GoW was an exceptional game but RDR2 was more impressive and overall a much more well-rounded, immersive and innovative game. Anybody who has played both games from start to finish would know this. If GoW is a 9.5/10 then RDR2 is a 9.9.


rezignator t1_j6p9cpq wrote

I'd be curious to know what criteria it takes to be a 'landmark' for this list. Evey Gta is named but Metroid stops after Super Metroid, no Prime, no Dread.

No mention of any Monster Hunter games, no Ico, no Shadow of the Colossus. What about Papers Please, or do games have to be AAA titles from large developers to be considered landmarks.


Mr__Teal t1_j6pap5v wrote

Nothing for 1988, when SMB3 and Ninja Gaiden were released, or 1990 with Super Mario World?


oX_deLa t1_j6pd06a wrote

1994-2004 aka "The Golden Age of Gaming"


Foxiak14 t1_j6pdbxz wrote

1998 must have been a big push for narrative in games, seeing Half-Life and Metal Gear Solid both released that year.


papa_huey t1_j6pg7be wrote

Where is Metroid?

I mean first female protagonist in a game is big.


guisippi t1_j6pj7e7 wrote

Ik people getting mad over lack of indies but atleast cave story and undertale should've beeb there imo