I loved this game as a kid and is still one of my all time favorite zeldas, but what did everyone else think about it?
Submitted by 69helloreddit69 t3_11bzd40
Submitted by 69helloreddit69 t3_11bzd40
Submitted by dva8918 t3_10pexo1
Submitted by top_notch_thug t3_10pgqsz
Submitted by DustWorlds t3_10o1kap
Submitted by GarfieldGauntlet t3_1002yc3
Submitted by ArmorPenny t3_z8ovo5
Submitted by AccomplishedWonder1 t3_z8s0sp
Submitted by Professional_Ad6123 t3_ygwe3g
Submitted by jd2385 t3_127rnzg
Submitted by Edgeoste t3_z71fln
Submitted by P1D3H_14 t3_10obgfz
Submitted by DarkMatterM4 t3_z956eg
Submitted by xero74 t3_125snyy
Submitted by Lumarist t3_11e5w4q
Submitted by Shertowin t3_zydp9u
Submitted by ImNotSuspicious1 t3_121talf
Submitted by DarinM4 t3_10pqcqr
Submitted by StayRB89 t3_zyaepr
Submitted by magenta_placenta t3_124ug7t
Submitted by roccosaint t3_zzl55r
Submitted by fernandollb t3_124ha4v
Submitted by Spudcommando t3_1276yki
Submitted by ThanhVt92 t3_z7x298