Submitted by bensisland t3_126qz71
Submitted by SUPRVLLAN t3_10qcdu1
Submitted by pixelkitsune t3_127nsuc
Submitted by Doodle_Ninja3000 t3_zzzsqu
Replaying some Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption! Miss the late 90s/early 2000s point-and-click RPG games...
Submitted by dccs120 t3_124w6u3
Submitted by ChallengerKamika t3_z8psin
Submitted by GummyZombies t3_121dekt
Submitted by DJEduard1 t3_125j0id
Submitted by LedFarmer_ t3_10py0u9
Submitted by MCP_Ver2 t3_z92zg4
Submitted by JamesAsher12 t3_1251xeo
Submitted by Streamfest t3_10ojcbs
Submitted by Kuniv t3_11e4z30
Submitted by KikiBrownLove t3_11dcrje
Submitted by darkskai t3_123ien7
Submitted by Kyle_01110011 t3_zziy95
Submitted by TiberiusBatiatus t3_zxygot
Controller stick drifting. Normally very annoying, but it added some cinematic depth to the fights in the game. Looks pretty cool ngl! (Still replacing my controller though.)
Submitted by PapaDelta138 t3_126q8lp
Submitted by AvailableUpstairs912 t3_z8d5xt
Submitted by LastReyOfHope t3_z81qml
Submitted by trelleresito t3_z8xkrn
Submitted by TootyMcfruityPoots t3_yhnfl8
Submitted by JamesAsher12 t3_126wejt
Submitted by Call-Me-Bingus t3_1264kse