Submitted by BrandoCrow t3_zz9to1
Submitted by mlvart t3_z8ug5x
Submitted by DanintheVortex t3_127o1bp
This game, has an AMAZING soundtrack. So much that even just the PAUSE menu has awesome music! Personal favourite: Runway
Submitted by onelove7866 t3_10pkfla
Submitted by ezio8133 t3_126aqf5
Submitted by Frostnatt t3_126rf67
Submitted by organictamarind t3_10pxoh4
Submitted by Von_Uber t3_1264odt
Submitted by YanwarC t3_1004ih2
Submitted by nBlazeAway t3_1279aq7
Submitted by DarkDesertFox t3_10peo84
Submitted by LeUserduReddit t3_yh5rxh
Submitted by AlexKorobeiniki t3_10opssp
Submitted by TheOldDarkSoul t3_ye602d
Submitted by Adeno t3_11by1el
Submitted by Ghost_XS t3_zybbon
Submitted by The-God-Of-Memez t3_125aswe
There's nothing worse than a gaming sesh being cut short from crashes or the power going out before you got a chance to save. Tell your story and move along, Partner.
Submitted by NVSuave t3_11eginw
Submitted by Cazineer t3_z8gb6q
Submitted by _Nova_Corps t3_123oxz1
Submitted by GipsyDanger17 t3_10q6dwk
Submitted by Delta1570 t3_yiki8k