azducky t1_j7kpydy wrote
So you got an empty bottle but instead of using the bottle as is you cut it up and play with power tools (exaggerated) to form a hybrid bottle? Maybe instead of buying a $20 heat gun you buy a $1 funnel.
Sparkyisduhfat t1_j7lyo7o wrote
Lol I was gonna say this is pouring into a bottle with extra steps
eunson t1_j7l65f4 wrote
I think it's so you can store it later if you don't use it all.
motodriveby t1_j7l8bac wrote
Their point was why not pour the liquid inside the already intact bottle instead of making a Frankenstein bottle
lurker12346 t1_j7lrmi5 wrote
you can keep the label maybe
Makenchi45 t1_j7m6srb wrote
Peel off and use tape?
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