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Option2401 t1_j7li7pp wrote

FYI - Apparently they’re traditional Chinese characters for “tears” (top) and “city” (bottom).

I didn’t see any translations here so I plugged this into Google Translate.


MindlessVegetation t1_j7lpzlb wrote

how do you translate script from a picture? Sounds like advanced Google-Fu to me.


FargusDingus t1_j7lrpdq wrote

Pull up the image on your monitor. Pull out Google translate on your phone. Use the camera translate feature and point at your monitor. Very handy for text that I have no idea how to type the characters.


newaccount721 t1_j7m5va1 wrote

I screenshot it, crop to just the portion containg text, and analyze it using Google lens on Android. I'm not op but I tried and it worked fine


bandwidthcrisis t1_j7nzbva wrote

On Pixel, in the app switcher view, tap Select, tap the picture. Then select Google Lens and you can then select translate.


Ctotheg t1_j7mlqi4 wrote

It’s the present dayJapanese kanji fir castle at the bottom and one strike away from the current kanji for tears at the top.

Very interesting that this artist chose an old Chinese kanji with a huge red circle at the bottom - kind of Japanese flag imagery.


likesleague t1_j7mrxsk wrote

The top kanji is the modern Japanese for tears. Computer fonts often have the top stroke horizontal but it's the same kanji.


Ctotheg t1_j7mt0e6 wrote

Interesting. Can you show me a source showing OP’s alternative variant of the kanji, please?