David_Good_Enough t1_j8dojuj wrote
I really wonder what this whole comment section is going to be about.
D1stRU3T0R t1_j8doz3b wrote
Seems like.... Oh nvm
Discoveryellow t1_j8dpxg1 wrote
If only the OP /u/ooMEAToo/ put in the legwork to include the name of the mushroom, this would go from just entertaining to value added.
azcsd t1_j8dqigx wrote
Hexagon is the bestagon.
Shakis87 t1_j8dqxh4 wrote
... that's when mild mannered Penis turns into, Superpenis!
Sparrowsabre7 t1_j8dt7gg wrote
Go Web, go!
RSomnambulist t1_j8dwfpm wrote
Endure and survive.
Wangcancer t1_j8dwkbm wrote
Til fungus grows like 90's claymation
BillyRay_Valentine t1_j8dxcw6 wrote
I can smell this.
Eligoergosum t1_j8dxnsx wrote
Is there a name for the web part that sprouts at the end? What’s it’s function?
Cvxee t1_j8dxv3h wrote
Really happy mushroom.
billtrociti t1_j8dzru0 wrote
This fungus is called “Phallus Indusiatus.” Its “skirt” is an indusium, and as per Wikipedia, “indusiatus” is Latin for “wearing an undergarment” lol
JackPBauer t1_j8e1a5b wrote
So that’s how the last of us starts huh…penisfungus grows and fucks the planet
Caveman108 t1_j8e74o3 wrote
So it’s a penis wearing underwear mushroom
jackch3 t1_j8e97ck wrote
I also spew white stuff everywhere within seconds of reaching full size
Tedwynn t1_j8eblbd wrote
That's why we use the latin. It's cooler sounding.
little_boy_2017 t1_j8ec4lr wrote
That's actually its reproductive organ...
soundadvices t1_j8eebfg wrote
Kinda redundant.
johnboy2978 t1_j8efi6y wrote
I have a cape for my penis too 😊
[deleted] t1_j8efrd8 wrote
ChristOnABike122 t1_j8egcmf wrote
UnavailableRedux t1_j8em2yh wrote
Hey I can do that too! I mean except for that last bit. Though having the super power to sailor moon my dick into a sweater would be neat.
Morgell t1_j8eq4za wrote
It's prefer thinking it's a penis wearing a tutu.
vabeachkevin t1_j8eqgmn wrote
D4FTPUNKF4N t1_j8eqlyd wrote
I want a house that incorporates geometrical moving shapes for purpose with a side of aesthetic.
4tehlulzez t1_j8eufbi wrote
What is it, son?
I don't know, sir. But it looks like a giant...
xomns13 t1_j8evrk6 wrote
Net deployed.
frankstaturtle t1_j8fvkxh wrote
Does anyone know how long this took IRL? I wonder if I could setup a cam on a mushroom when I see it starting to grow
FilthyPrawns t1_j8geu6j wrote
Man, why can’t my dick cum a skirt like that. I’d be the fanciest man in the orgy pit.
Auran82 t1_j8gpv59 wrote
Johnson! Get in here.
It looks like a huge..
mrcssee t1_j8grbzf wrote
Erect and squirt the wrong direction
JakeBoffin t1_j8k9dsw wrote
Hey you found it! I'm so happy for you!
How long did the search take to find something to complain about?
captjust t1_j8dnyz9 wrote