Submitted by rainbowsprinkles_ t3_112iyac in gifs
redditdood99 t1_j8kohug wrote
Is there a name for that kind of art style? Not the lino cutting, but the design of the Flowers.
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8kt2er wrote
I lost track of time but it was a few hours
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8kuqlu wrote
I’m actually not sure but I think it’s most similar to Japanese or traditional tattoo styles
Upvoter_NeverDie t1_j8kydqn wrote
Aliteracy t1_j8l0ikb wrote
That's pretty slick. I kinda want to try myself. What type of material are you cutting into?
ZPCHARIZARD t1_j8l4qul wrote
In Brazil we call serigrafia
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8l9406 wrote
This is what I’m using
Aliteracy t1_j8ladxb wrote
Cool appreciate it!
enjoysbeerandplants t1_j8lcft2 wrote
I remember doing lino cutting in my grade 9 art class. The carving tool slipped at one point and dug a huge chunk out of the meat of my left thumb. I quietly wandered over to the sink, rinsed it out, wrapped it in paper towel, and kept my thumb tucked in my fist the rest of class.
The chunk was still attached at one end and had decent blood supply, so it eventually reattached and filled back in. I have mixed feelings about lino cutting. . .
TikkiTakiTomtom t1_j8lf4k0 wrote
If you make copies as you progress in the artwork you can ultimately end up with “different” pieces to sell
El_Chelon_9000 t1_j8ll7d5 wrote
That’s beautiful. Great job!
boogetyboo t1_j8ls6kp wrote
Oh yeah, cutting the absolute shit out of your hands doing this in highschool was just part of the fun.
sammmythegr8 t1_j8lsi9h wrote
Love! Do you have an Instagram?
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j8lssup wrote
sammmythegr8 t1_j8lsxp7 wrote
Yay just followed thank you!
yarisowner t1_j8lzv9g wrote
Interestingly this was the exact type of art I was working on when I was watching the planes hit on 9/11 in my first week of HS back in 2001.
Strangelittlefish t1_j8m3myy wrote
I have almost exactly the same story, except it took a chunk off the side of my pinky, including part of the nail. Had to hide it from my art teacher, haha.
canadianformalwear t1_j8mofiv wrote
Excellent work. Upvotes it is!
ruidh t1_j8ne929 wrote
Oh, great, more Blick purchase urges. Thanks, OP.
Timmaayy562 t1_j8neb1v wrote
Ukiyo-e. It's a traditional Japanese woodblock cutting and artstyle
19IXI91 t1_j91vuei wrote
This is beautiful and I would buy one or 5 as bookmarks. Craft arts are so rare these days.
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_j92cvh3 wrote
labroid t1_j8kibhy wrote
How long did it take to cut the lino?