Submitted by exec_director_doom t3_119flui in gifs
wilow_wood t1_j9ly8rk wrote
exec_director_doom OP t1_j9lybhg wrote
Pullin' out all the stops over hurr
Jakesummers1 t1_j9lyjby wrote
How are these two events connected? The articles have nothing to do with video
wilow_wood t1_j9lyrkm wrote
power outages have nothing to do with the video either but the person I replied to mentioned them.
Jakesummers1 t1_j9lyzfv wrote
ProjectShamrock t1_j9lzub7 wrote
This is for the Houston rodeo, which is kind of like a state fair but for the Houston area. It's also an opportunity for city people to cosplay as cowboys while listening to Bun B and eating banh mi.
timmaywi t1_j9m2fo7 wrote
/u/exec_director_doom has died of dysentery
exec_director_doom OP t1_j9m2j9y wrote
Peak Texas.
[deleted] t1_j9m2pj5 wrote
satans_toast t1_j9m3hkt wrote
These trucker protests have really lost their steam
SylvieJay t1_j9m3poq wrote
I'll start worrying when those wagons circle.
exec_director_doom OP t1_j9m3s40 wrote
Every gas-bag runs out of gas sooner or later.
_TheBossOfMe_ t1_j9m3vxi wrote
Aww, someone made a joke about Texas and you got triggered.
Poor redneck. :(
CptBlastahoe t1_j9m4pei wrote
Fucking lol
RojerLockless t1_j9m534q wrote
Just the Houston Rodeo. Largest Rodeo in the world.
wilow_wood t1_j9m58z8 wrote
I'm from the deep north thank you...I thought my reply for sending supplies was kinda funny myself.
engineerfieldmouse t1_j9m6hfr wrote
Rap and Country, same coin
herbalistfarmer t1_j9m9zsh wrote
Run them over. They aren’t supposed to be on the highway.
SweetCosmicPope t1_j9mb7pm wrote
This is the HLSR trail ride. One of my former coworkers used to ride with his team every year.
Tmdngs t1_j9mb80d wrote
Still faster than rush hr traffic
not_this_time_satan t1_j9md04y wrote
Oh no. A person in your party caught dysentery.
HesalitesStuckRod t1_j9md19z wrote
A "trail ride" on the highway almost perfectly explains Texans. They love the Country Western look, but they can't go without their city comforts. Betting half those wagons have some form of AC in them.
SweetCosmicPope t1_j9mdgat wrote
Yeah, it's a little silly, but it's a long-running tradition. I can't speak for the others but my coworker used to sleep on a stack of hay in his trailer. lol
YeaSpiderman t1_j9mezm8 wrote
Yes. It’s kind of a big deal here in Houston. Biggest rodeo in America. Notice I didn’t say North America. It’s a massive money making event. Schools do rodeo art. Do rodeo themed things. Big name artists play. Elvis even played it back in the day. The actual rodeo is a fun event. It’s more about carnival and music in my opinion. Lastly people love to do the trail ride. I think it’s a week commitment to ride from Point A to the actual rodeo. I forget where point A is.
CJspangler t1_j9mhri6 wrote
It’s the next to derail
themagicbong t1_j9mioot wrote
Deep north was better. How deep we talkin? Don't tell me Connecticut deep....
jdmorgan82 t1_j9mjc34 wrote
Glad I missed that.
needsexyboots t1_j9mkwk7 wrote
It’s actually the largest rodeo in the world. Pretty awesome event to attend
YeaSpiderman t1_j9mlc38 wrote
Calgary stampede is bigger
YeaSpiderman t1_j9mlmih wrote
Well I take that back. Looks like this is a contentious issue.
kellyonassis t1_j9mmyj9 wrote
Guess who is chaperoning her kids’ kinder class field trip to the rodeo this year???
This bitch!!!!!
Trynottodent t1_j9mo3jw wrote
Just another Wednesday in Houston…or at least that’s how the rest of the world still thinks of us.
IMakeStuffUppp t1_j9mozk2 wrote
They’ve seen EVERY episode of little house on the prairie to prepare for this moment
IMakeStuffUppp t1_j9mp44w wrote
They created the Highway.
They are the Highway
Awkwaaaard t1_j9mqbm7 wrote
Currently addicted to Oregon Trail so this is nice to see. My trail peeps
wiredtobeat t1_j9mribk wrote
AKA a caravan
greatandslithytove t1_j9mrq2c wrote
That’s the power company out making repairs. See them rubbing sticks together?
Dear-Butterfly-9162 t1_j9msi12 wrote
Good call, because Taxes known for “Everything is bigger in Taxes” ⭐️ State
formerlyanonymous_ t1_j9mte9u wrote
By what metric? I find this debate fascinating.
twowaysplit t1_j9mueko wrote
Largest Indoor rodeo. Calgary is bigger, according to the biggest rodeo fan I know.
Armydoc722 t1_j9mv67f wrote
No State tax means definitively not bigger.
flippythemaster t1_j9mviq8 wrote
In fairness, it's not like much of Texas is wilderness anymore. The highway is probably the only way that you can go such a distance without running into things like property line fences (and people angry that you're trespassing on their land).
Also, people are allowed to dress up and have fun, whether it's your thing or not.
HeidiCharisse t1_j9mxq53 wrote
This legit made me lol! Thank you for that! I needed a laugh
[deleted] t1_j9n07fd wrote
ModestGirl t1_j9n0q17 wrote
Seems like they still have some horsepower...
herbalistfarmer t1_j9n1c9g wrote
I see this wasn’t a popular post. I guess they have to be black.
josegjrd t1_j9n1k4x wrote
Is the McRib back on the menu?
CharlieAllnut t1_j9n8e7l wrote
Ted Cruz is going to be pissed.
adampsyreal t1_j9nh4ns wrote
lRhanonl t1_j9nr1pa wrote
Lucky Luke - La Caravane
Mypigfounditself t1_j9nvfry wrote
That's a lot of periods in that paragraph.
Jeramus t1_j9o1z95 wrote
I actually liked the livestock show part of the Houston Rodeo more than the rides. There are so many different breeds of rabbits.
zedemer t1_j9odpdo wrote
Better brakes than Norfolk trains
lickedurine t1_j9ohx1a wrote
This but unironically lol
kungpowgoat t1_j9oi5lc wrote
As long as they don’t get dysentery.
glizzterine t1_j9ojso6 wrote
>city people to cosplay as cowboys
Isn't that what Texans do everyday?
not_a_sex_worker t1_j9okyjg wrote
Cy Fair Driving School signs are EVERYWHERE
jesterjared t1_j9oljd7 wrote
Houston’s is the biggest LIVESTOCK SHOW and Rodeo combo. But there are bigger rodeos without livestock shows.
lotus_eater123 t1_j9omdri wrote
Completely not symbolic of Texan's wish to turn back the cultural clock 150 years.
tedlando t1_j9orcsa wrote
Sounds like a good time
exec_director_doom OP t1_j9orobq wrote
They really are. Pretty sure they send a guy with a weed-eater round to tidy up the grass around the signs from time-to-time so people won't miss the giant lettering offering driving lessons... from their car.
ProjectShamrock t1_j9oshuv wrote
Yep, if you ever get an opportunity to check it out you'll probably have fun.
nicksknock t1_j9oxcjg wrote
And all the sketchy carny rides aswell! Almost lost my life on one as a kid.
exec_director_doom OP t1_j9oxn6v wrote
It's just culture.
amoodymermaid t1_j9p6ukm wrote
Texas is just like hell IMO. This is further confirmation.
_Gandalf_the_Ghey_ t1_j9paydo wrote
Do you think there's wagon trails running through Houston? Do you criticize any other culture's traditions that are partially celebrated on a now-paved surface?
Cannie_Flippington t1_j9pbxfq wrote
I learned sometime before covid that there's a breed of rabbit that can't even hop. Can you imagine?
morningsdaughter t1_j9pkttd wrote
They can hop, they just can't go fast or very far.
BenjamintheFox t1_j9plyvb wrote
Be honest. Those people could literally be doing anything and you'd judge them just as harshly the moment you learned they're from Texas.
Thor925 t1_j9ppdxu wrote
Ah they decided to pay the fare to cross the River…safe move when embarking on the Oregon Trail
quats5 t1_j9pt6x7 wrote
I was late to work once because of traffic delays caused by trail riders like this coming in for the rodeo. I got to work and agreed with my boss, “Only in Houston”….
not_a_sex_worker t1_j9pwtrj wrote
Obviously you were stuck in the Barker Cypress queue, you had impeccable timing.
exec_director_doom OP t1_j9pwz89 wrote
Yep. Light went through two cycles with nobody moving before I realized what was going on.
thevogonity t1_j9pyeds wrote
Or trapped in the mountains due to a snow storm, forced to do unspeakable things to survive the winter.
Jomskylark t1_j9q4rz8 wrote
Kind of a weird criticism. They can still do their cosplay and bond with friends while not having to suffer under the Texas sun just to be realistic.
TheDakestTimeline t1_j9qr3mm wrote
It's what the football team in Frisco does....
that_crazy_tall_kid t1_ja9pk34 wrote
Its a debated topic. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo go on for longer, has more attendees, and is a bigger event overall. Calgary Stampede has more people on avg per day, is exclusively a rodeo and typically has the largest total purse winnings.
they are both an absolute blast though.
Hullefu t1_j9lxrcl wrote
I didn't expected that the Texans would prepare this hard for the next state power outage. That's some enthusiasm.