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Hullefu t1_j9lxrcl wrote

I didn't expected that the Texans would prepare this hard for the next state power outage. That's some enthusiasm.


ProjectShamrock t1_j9lzub7 wrote

This is for the Houston rodeo, which is kind of like a state fair but for the Houston area. It's also an opportunity for city people to cosplay as cowboys while listening to Bun B and eating banh mi.


satans_toast t1_j9m3hkt wrote

These trucker protests have really lost their steam


RojerLockless t1_j9m534q wrote

Just the Houston Rodeo. Largest Rodeo in the world.


herbalistfarmer t1_j9m9zsh wrote

Run them over. They aren’t supposed to be on the highway.


SweetCosmicPope t1_j9mb7pm wrote

This is the HLSR trail ride. One of my former coworkers used to ride with his team every year.


Tmdngs t1_j9mb80d wrote

Still faster than rush hr traffic


YeaSpiderman t1_j9mezm8 wrote

Yes. It’s kind of a big deal here in Houston. Biggest rodeo in America. Notice I didn’t say North America. It’s a massive money making event. Schools do rodeo art. Do rodeo themed things. Big name artists play. Elvis even played it back in the day. The actual rodeo is a fun event. It’s more about carnival and music in my opinion. Lastly people love to do the trail ride. I think it’s a week commitment to ride from Point A to the actual rodeo. I forget where point A is.


Trynottodent t1_j9mo3jw wrote

Just another Wednesday in Houston…or at least that’s how the rest of the world still thinks of us.


Awkwaaaard t1_j9mqbm7 wrote

Currently addicted to Oregon Trail so this is nice to see. My trail peeps


flippythemaster t1_j9mviq8 wrote

In fairness, it's not like much of Texas is wilderness anymore. The highway is probably the only way that you can go such a distance without running into things like property line fences (and people angry that you're trespassing on their land).

Also, people are allowed to dress up and have fun, whether it's your thing or not.


josegjrd t1_j9n1k4x wrote

Is the McRib back on the menu?


zedemer t1_j9odpdo wrote

Better brakes than Norfolk trains


lotus_eater123 t1_j9omdri wrote

Completely not symbolic of Texan's wish to turn back the cultural clock 150 years.


amoodymermaid t1_j9p6ukm wrote

Texas is just like hell IMO. This is further confirmation.


quats5 t1_j9pt6x7 wrote

I was late to work once because of traffic delays caused by trail riders like this coming in for the rodeo. I got to work and agreed with my boss, “Only in Houston”….


not_a_sex_worker t1_j9pwtrj wrote

Obviously you were stuck in the Barker Cypress queue, you had impeccable timing.


that_crazy_tall_kid t1_ja9pk34 wrote

Its a debated topic. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo go on for longer, has more attendees, and is a bigger event overall. Calgary Stampede has more people on avg per day, is exclusively a rodeo and typically has the largest total purse winnings.

they are both an absolute blast though.