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burnrobe t1_j9wmmub wrote

Ahhhh.. the memories.. let us cherish them.


jwalkrufus t1_j9wq64y wrote

The last Blockbuster in the world is up the street from me in Bend, OR. I know several people that go in there and rent just to support it.


WorldLieut8 t1_j9wtaw8 wrote

It’s crazy to think that, if humanity makes it to the 24th century, this would be seen an invaluable piece of cultural history.


Trityler t1_j9wxa2f wrote

Hang on, is this epoxy hot dog guy?


Peekee t1_j9x730j wrote

That reminds me. How’s that hot dog doing?


LightboxRadMD t1_j9x7c4o wrote

I worked there in high school. $5.75/hr + 5 free rentals per week. One of the best CSRs they had. Was approached about a management position but was leaving for college. Oh, if only I started on that sweet Blockbuster ladder, where would I be today?


johnmarkfoley t1_j9xa0df wrote

The 5 numbers after the 2 were the store code, the 5 numbers after that were the member number.


QueefBuscemi t1_j9xt7w5 wrote

In 5 years time you can put the post-it with your Netflix password next to it.


trollcole t1_j9yepiq wrote

Blockbuster Video: Wow! What a difference.


caspissinclair t1_j9yi4uz wrote

My first job!

Everyone was confused and derisive towards DVDs when we got our first delivery. They were only for sale, not rent at that time.


Photoelasticity t1_j9yk5uv wrote

Your rental of "Equilibrium" is now 2,354 days past due.


aNoGoodSumBitch t1_j9yrh6c wrote

Blockbuster will return from the ashes, crush all these streaming services, and return to its rightful place on the movie rental and video game rental throne. Mark my words


ThoriumActinoid t1_j9yy3k2 wrote

You gave me the urge to clean up my attic. Will see what I find🤷🏻‍♂️


Meridian122 t1_j9z2z6b wrote

This also made me think of the hot dog. Thanks for the link!


Candid_Toe4114 t1_j9z31zk wrote

The fact you couldn't even take the time to center the fkn thing for the video.


Nealan_connie_lingus t1_j9z7zpr wrote

I grew up in the blockbuster era as well and it’s still a good conversation point to reminisce about.


SXOSXO t1_j9zczbv wrote

I found out I still had mine last year when I finally replaced my old wallet.


Sumocolt768 t1_j9zejel wrote

My dad still carries around his gold card


Slivovic t1_ja014a4 wrote

I still have mine and my overdue fees


cahillc134 t1_ja1a4tl wrote

I quit BBV about a year before the die off. So many bits I would have wanted to take.