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Jugales t1_jbz28ed wrote

Can't fool me, that's ancient alien technology.


terminalblue t1_jbz3uye wrote

"can i offer a nice bismuth in this trying time?"


Dr-Retz t1_jbz8hv3 wrote

This is a really good one.


_Weyland_ t1_jbzem5m wrote

"Bismuth is lead for people who are afraid of death" - a certain chemistry youtuber.


crazy_days2go t1_jbzgsns wrote

That's so cool and the changing rainbow colors are beautul. Isn't earth amazing.


jemull t1_jbzifn9 wrote

Thanks, but this is really none of our bismuth.


Rip_Hardpec t1_jbzjidr wrote

Throw in some Pepto with that, and you’ve got yourself a deal! (I have crippling IBS)


ubermeisters t1_jbzl89q wrote

it looked so great and you just cast it in a fucking puck of bubbly resin? oof


Vandorin89 t1_jbzny8o wrote

All I can think about when I see bismuth is Pepto Bismol.


jack1000208 t1_jbzqzsb wrote

Fun fact bismuth is slightly radioactive.


shit_knife t1_jbzrbzo wrote

Let’s get down let’s get down to bismuth.


gamerdude69 t1_jbzrj5p wrote

This is naturally forming? Where are they found?


skaagz t1_jbzs2pe wrote

How are we sharing? Like alternating weeks, or do I just get it on the weekends?


Moofassah t1_jbzs7id wrote

Nausea, heartburn,indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea -yeah!



motleymixedmedia t1_jbzu1ec wrote

There’s a guy on TikTok that grows bismuth crystals to the sound of contemporary music and sells them. My hubby got one for me for Christmas last year.


Dixiehusker t1_jc0e0hf wrote

I'm just now realizing by watching this that bismuth isn't iridescent. The colors look like iridescent tones, but they aren't changing as the angle changes, it's just colored that way.


KEVLAR60442 t1_jc0enq6 wrote

That's some gnarly layer shifting. Check the tension on your Y-belt.


josuhph t1_jc0gevj wrote

Damn, that thing has no bismuth being that pretty


Baymavision t1_jc0n2s3 wrote


Reminds me of a rotating Enron logo.


HuRyde t1_jc0ow08 wrote

Careful all the epoxy haters gonna come running to trash talk ya with that cool base ya got on that thing. Beautiful piece ya got there.


Pharmd109 t1_jc0sard wrote

Curious what something like this sells for, this one is quite nice, others not so much.


fzammetti t1_jc0tvmh wrote

That's awesome! Can I get the STL?


InkJuse t1_jc0xj96 wrote

Oh, hey! I didn't know The Voice changed their logo!


DeAura t1_jc0zspq wrote

Looks like an open mouth with teeth to me. I wanna make a Bismuth Dragon now...


Cobblestone_Rancher t1_jc128pg wrote

OK I'll have it Monday-Thursday. You can have it Fridays and weekends.


SpaceHawk98W t1_jc16gr7 wrote

I feel like my FPS is increasing just by looking at this


GilneanWarrior t1_jc177x9 wrote

I had some as a kid. It's slightly radioactive and it breaks apart by itself.


Atillion t1_jc1dcib wrote

I have an opinion to share, but I decided not to.

It's none of my bismuth.


LearnedGuy t1_jc1dy8v wrote

That's just salt that came through a faulty wirmhole.


Maxitote t1_jc1e42o wrote

You're really showing everyone your bismuth. I remember when times said you should keep your bismuth to yourself.


FilthMontane t1_jc1gp17 wrote

If you see it looking like this, it's very likely it's not natural. Bismuth just loves to cling to other minerals, so it's very rare to find it in it's pure form. Typically it's found with nickel and cobalt


we_are_sex_bobomb t1_jc1xerz wrote

The Vex still mourn the loss of the Nexus Mind. But for the Vex, time is relative. In one moment, a construct is lost. In the next, it is reborn. When a powerful part of the network is lost, the Restorative Mind is summoned. It has begun creating a bridge through time. A bridge that, if it is not destroyed, will see the Nexus Mind reborn.


Fluffysugarlumps t1_jc24dm6 wrote

My my I must say all your crystals look absolutely amazing! I just starting getting into making bismuth crystals with my daughter and ours are so small! Idk how you make yours so big and pretty! Any tips or hints? I’m using 8lbs of bismuth , heating on stove top , I put a bismuth seed in the middle but still get sparse tiny ones


CACTUS-SK t1_jc24ura wrote

so it's our now. ok. but you picked the wrong sub. send it to r/communism


barelyonhere t1_jc26rum wrote

This crystal would for sure shatter other crystals.


Find_A_Reason t1_jc2ameu wrote

The problem is that it looks like an ametuer half-assed the pour. It wouldn't be as bad if they did it correctly.

Additionally, geo-tac would be a far better and less permanent way to mount something like this for display


aj_aug t1_jc2m7cs wrote

So much for right angles not existing in nature.


tropic420 t1_jc2ufyc wrote

The lighting or camera settings are horrendous, but the specimen is gorgeous


Ronaldo_Frumpalini t1_jc3dmke wrote

Oh man, I'd love to stick these in my computer case to make it look like a magical cave