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Ichthyologist t1_jcbf42z wrote

Edit: I see the vegans are down voting. He ran a small, clean, pasture grazed dairy farm in Central NY for 45 years. Those cattle were happy.


Academic_Gazelle_340 t1_jcc3maj wrote

> I see the vegans are down voting

Sure, make this about identity politics rather than facing the fact that he was needlessly exploiting and harming animals.

In that industry, their calves are taken from them and you even specified that the cows were 'assholes' more so when they had calves.

I wonder why your uncle was nearly stomped to death and why these cows were becoming more hostile and aggressive after having calves in an industry where those calves are taken from them for further exploitation and abuse. 🤔


Ichthyologist t1_jcc67me wrote

This is exactly why I said that. Thank you for the perfect example.


EcoEchos t1_jcc8dbm wrote

> I see people who are against animal abuse are down voting

There, I fixed it for you.

Sorry not sorry your relative was almost killed by the animals they were exploiting and abusing for profit.

Vegans aren't to blame for people identifying and acknowledging the cows are not the assholes in your story.


Raul_Coronado t1_jccjia5 wrote

Morality is relative, if the storyteller says someone or something is an asshole thats it. You can tell your own story, which you did, but since you don’t have any access to the primary source its not surprising if your version doesn’t have a sense of authenticity.


Academic_Gazelle_340 t1_jcck3zv wrote

> its not surprising if your version doesn’t have a sense of authenticity.

Right, because exploitation and abuse aren't inherently part of the dairy industry.

No wait, those industries would not exist if not for the exploitation and abuse.

It should not be surprising that animals would become defensive over their children in such industries.


ThugExplainBot t1_jccq16n wrote

Gets mad at identity politics, literally uses identity politics to assume his uncle was a bad cattle raiser.


Academic_Gazelle_340 t1_jchnzrz wrote

His uncle was needlessly harming and exploiting those animals for his own profits. It's literally inherently part of the business he chose to run.

What does identity politics have anything to do with that?

Am I also playing into identity politics by saying a Bus driver drives buses?

I think you're confusing job title with identity politics bud.


lnfinity OP t1_jcc1ec3 wrote

I bet they weren't happy when their calves were separated from them. What happened to the male calves who would never produce milk?


Academic_Gazelle_340 t1_jcc453y wrote

He ran a dairy farm (where calves are taken from the parents and the cows are exploited and abused) yet he has the nerve to call the cows the assholes for becoming more hostile and aggressive over protecting their calves...


Ichthyologist t1_jcc6v24 wrote

These cows were NOT abused. I get where you're coming from, I do. But you don't know, so don't claim that you do.

I'm a conservation biologist and a vegetarian and I worked on that farm as a teen. They were treated as well as household pets.

You don't get to say I've got the "nerve" when you're making sweeping generalizations yourself.


Academic_Gazelle_340 t1_jcc7u2q wrote

What happened to all the male cows who could not produce milk?

How did cows become pregnant in the first place?

You can claim and shout that they weren't abused all you like if that helps convince yourself. Abuse is inherent in the industry.

edit: Notice how this user refused to answer any of these very simple questions while continuing to shout "iTz nOt AbUsE!".

Yep, very convincing.


Ichthyologist t1_jcc9g31 wrote

You think grazing animals in the wild aren't pregnant every year? You think AI is abuse? This is why you get kickback from society. You have no room for gray in your black and white world.


Academic_Gazelle_340 t1_jcclr4h wrote

> You don't think grazing animals in the wild aren't pregnant every year

How does this justify forcefully inseminating them (aka raping them) as a human?

> You have no room for gray in your black and white world.

Correct. I will not compromise when it comes to needlessly violently exploiting and abusing innocent animals for pleasure. There is no room for that form of 'grey' in my world.

Abusing and exploiting animals for pleasure is not necessary. This is a simple fact that also does not concern itself with making room for "gray".

> This is why you get kickback from society.

Nope. It's because these simple facts challenge consumer behaviors and pleasures that people's egos are attached to.

Exposure to this information over time will weaken the ego so these people can accept these simple facts and this trend is already observable on this platform. There is far less "kickback" from society the more educated society becomes on this topic and the information is spreadsing. The same exact dynamic also played out for the public's perception of cannabis. The masses were propagandized against it for ages and also "kickbacked" in the face of simple facts on the topic. Facts are facts, however. The ego can only try to block out facts for so long before eventually realizing the fact wasn't ever the problem, but the ego's attachment to the topic at hand.


Ichthyologist t1_jcctmvb wrote

Right. So it's not worth having a debate with you.


Academic_Gazelle_340 t1_jchmfum wrote

Because there is no debate to be had.

Sorry not sorry it offended your fragile ego to discover abusing and exploiting animals is not necessary. Simple facts do not concern themselves with the 'debates' of fragile egos.

edit: I love how you also refused to answer the most simple of questions in this thread (posed by different users) which would reveal whether or not those cows were treated well. Keep trying to convince yourself though.