Submitted by UncommonGuava t3_11yn8mu in gifs
onairmastering t1_jd8hghe wrote
The best thing is the lingering taste of that broth in your mouth, this is unnecessary.
GreenOwl420 t1_jd8k5en wrote
What a delicious meal, I can't wait to not taste it anymore!
HydrationPlease t1_jd8lj2v wrote
For those who are there for a work meal or need to have fresh breath for an event afterwards, this is brilliant. For any other time, you don't need this.
louisdeer t1_jd8oqxt wrote
Nonono. It is for before the meal. Get ready for some good broth
combo_seizure t1_jd8ovd3 wrote
This is pretty cool for before or after dining. Couldn't this be considered a palate cleaner before a ramen meal?
Shadesmctuba t1_jd8r10i wrote
“One lemon ramen please!”
Coelacanth3 t1_jd8tgxr wrote
Eh, I brush my teeth, never been convinced that I need to nuke all the bacteria in my mouth.
Black_Moons t1_jd8th24 wrote
When I saw the thumbnail, Somehow I thought this was going to work like a water fountain and you just had to bite onto the two little arms sticking out while it would directly spray your teeth.... Like a tooth bidet.
keylimedragon t1_jd8thie wrote
More like palate destroyer.
Due-Public8655 t1_jd8udkh wrote
With dentifrich! O ketchup?
Real_Jackraps t1_jd8x6tb wrote
What the fuck 😆
Dirtsniffee t1_jd8xedu wrote
Now that is an authentic Japanese restaurant
GuyNamedWhatever t1_jd8yokv wrote
It’s a double edged sword for some ramen. Nice savory aftertaste, but your breath smells like salted fish.
Mypigfounditself t1_jd904lo wrote
This guy doesn't date^^^^
Mypigfounditself t1_jd90deh wrote
It's so classic reddit to not realize this is for dates. You don't want to take a girl out and have THAT on your breath!!
[deleted] t1_jd90tz3 wrote
tiny_rick__ t1_jd90uo0 wrote
Who needs a girl when you have ramen
Ramses3 t1_jd91icz wrote
My office I work in has one of these in the bathroom, thought it was a common thing in bank/finance buildings to be honest
silversly54 t1_jd9308o wrote
This sounds both terrifying and exhilarating while also refreshing...but maybe for ones home and not a restaurant...
TheInternaut2 t1_jd93r84 wrote
its got electrolytes!
lopedopenope t1_jd947n9 wrote
As long as it’s not that alcohol free foaming stuff. It’s gross
lo_fi_ho t1_jd96mle wrote
Maybe she LIKES salted fish smell..
surtrs t1_jd96uep wrote
Every time you press that button, a Smurf dies.
combo_seizure t1_jd98isy wrote
Lmao. A sip of water will clear it up real quick.
Le_inky_creator_20 t1_jd9948a wrote
Always be ready for a redditor
tom_fuckin_bombadil t1_jd9adsv wrote
The opposite of a palate cleanser. Have you ever drunk orange juice after brushing your teeth or using mouth wash?
combo_seizure t1_jd9b0sa wrote
Bruh, you are literally NOT supposed to drink orange juice after using mouthwash. Are you comparing Ramen to orange juice? I don't think their pH levels are even comparable.
Also, if you take a sip of water after rinsing your mouth with mouthwash and swish it around, the taste is practically gone.
I could have labeled it something other than a pallete cleanser, I suppose.
Wendiesel808 t1_jd9bkxu wrote
Different strokes for different folks, some folks don’t get strokes.
mainmark t1_jd9byzm wrote
For if you have a business meeting after lunch but really need that black garlic tonkotsu
Toastburrito t1_jd9c3ys wrote
Whiskey vending machines used to exist. It's definitely worth a Google.
Ragnarotico t1_jd9dnmg wrote
Stupid gaijin washing away the taste of that delicious broth.
[deleted] t1_jd9ezgh wrote
sirfannypack t1_jd9g0kx wrote
In the bathroom with all the poo particles.
richcournoyer t1_jd9hd32 wrote
Where is this awesome place?
Actiaslunahello t1_jd9jcq4 wrote
I thought you inserted a skittle and got Gatorade.. slightly more practical than my idea.
KamovInOnUp t1_jd9kaes wrote
I love a good shit but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna wipe right away
Atri0n t1_jd9llaz wrote
Maybe it's Maybelline.
TheBroWil t1_jd9nlwf wrote
First time?
[deleted] t1_jd9nmpc wrote
Darwin-Award-Winner t1_jd9ocv0 wrote
Is that is not a sneaky way to sell alcohol without a license I will be so disappointed.
ChickenWingDildo t1_jd9pej0 wrote
Kizuki Redmond?
Nick_Damane t1_jd9qtwn wrote
Food so Bad?
---ShineyHiney--- t1_jd9rcf9 wrote
The Listerine is merely a lovely spirit accompaniment for the enjoyment of both yourself and the beautiful, lovely, cheap escort you’re trying to pass to mom
Jlx_27 t1_jd9t4k1 wrote
Bonus: free shot cup.
robotatomica t1_jd9tvog wrote
yeah, I can’t think of a worse way to follow a good meal of any kind
AnimeAdd1ct t1_jd9vy4q wrote
I worked at a swingers club that has a buffet. I refilled these constantly.
gaborzitoo t1_jd9wn0y wrote
They should be more considerate and just use a water foutain setup.
Nazamroth t1_jd9xcx3 wrote
Why would you want that gone? You can protect your business against vampires at no extra effort.
rjkwah t1_jd9xsbs wrote
Yo free shots!
potatoqualitymemory t1_jd9yyfd wrote
Why are you drinking shampoo?
seanbrockest t1_jd9zcb3 wrote
In Canada our antiseptic mouthwashes are usually tinted green, while our peroxide rinse mouthwashes are usually tinted blue. Peroxide tastes terrible. Hope this isn't that.
[deleted] t1_jd9zvwy wrote
epinasty4 t1_jda16hs wrote
That blue liquid in a public restroom would just make me think of urinal or toilet cleaner. Gross
Spectral_Crown t1_jda1jsm wrote
I'll have the pork Listeramen please.
What flavor?
Euphorium t1_jda1utr wrote
You reminded me of cigarette vending machines in bars when I was a kid. That sounds crazy in today’s world.
enraged768 t1_jda2pci wrote
We have these in every bathroom at work it's kind of a cool idea.
SerjicalSystem18 t1_jda4mma wrote
This would be great in my work restroom, there are times that I wanna feel a little freshened up. And also lord knows some of my coworkers could use it.
MisterSpicy t1_jda50ix wrote
Ah yes the blue toast 3000
Bikouchu t1_jda54cb wrote
Yuzu shio ramen tho
illuminerdi t1_jda7a6z wrote
Or on a date...
Jonhazen t1_jda86iw wrote
There's one of these at some chick fil a near me lol
Street-Catch t1_jda8qje wrote
Possibly the worst analogy I've ever seen
mtsai t1_jdac9yc wrote
why did they have the press the button so dramatically? its a mouthwash dispenser. its not dispensing hot potatoes.
Ultim0Adi0s t1_jdacoaa wrote
There wasn’t any sound… How do we know it’s COMPLIMENTARY?
oouttatime t1_jdacq0t wrote
Omg I just saw this at a ramen restaurant in Carmel, Indiana.
Heliolord t1_jdad552 wrote
Extra, extra garlic!
AlfredPennington t1_jdadlnv wrote
Their pH is very different. OJ is under 4 in most cases. Depending on the ramen and the ingredients, the pH could easily be above 8.
phuktup3 t1_jdaevj1 wrote
Don’t waste a cup, get your mouth up there, it’ll kill the germs
emjaysea t1_jdafdh1 wrote
Mouthwash is not a pallette cleanser one would use before eating literally anything, but especially not a food with a complex flavor profile. I mean it might be fine with vanilla ice cream I don't know. Probably not so good with sushi.
Hamaow t1_jdagt76 wrote
Seen one as recently as 2010
[deleted] t1_jdamnvs wrote
SirGuzNstuff t1_jdams5w wrote
Why would I ruin the taste of my delicious ramen with mouthwash?
louisdeer t1_jdamyub wrote
Vanilla ice cream?! Shocking
nsa_reddit_monitor t1_jdan1o5 wrote
I read the title backwards at first and thought it was a ramen dispenser at some kind of horrible mouthwash drinking facility
havensal t1_jdanevg wrote
That's some good advertising for your food...
"So good, we give you free mouthwash for after you eat it."
MotherofDingDongs t1_jdanqcz wrote
I saw one of these in the bathroom at a Jiffy Lube when I was getting my oil changed and I found it very strange.
Crulo t1_jdaqgre wrote
Lol I thought you put your mouth over the little “mouthpiece” then it would shoot mouth wash in your mouth.
onairmastering t1_jdaqlkq wrote
onairmastering t1_jdaqouw wrote
Right? especially a good place, and Ramen is not really known for causing bad breath, TIHI, hahaha.
onairmastering t1_jdaqwon wrote
Plenty papa, plenty. Best thing is to take peeps to a good Ramen place.
If your mouth tastes like mint (assuming anyone wants to kiss you in the first place), and your dick smells like Koalas's vomit... you gonna blame it on the Ramen?
onairmastering t1_jdar3m5 wrote
So? that' means you're sophisticated.
If your mouth smells like Kraft Mac n cheese or Domino's, I ain't fucking you.
This fear of the other is such a turn off.
onairmastering t1_jdar98u wrote
UGH, that's like someone sucking your dick or licking your taint after Listerine, no thanks.
shibeofwisdom t1_jdar9c0 wrote
I always enjoy a little mouthwash poured in my Ramen. Gives it a nice, fresh flavor.
onairmastering t1_jdarhh3 wrote
As she should!
Falco9805 t1_jdas9nq wrote
This is this kind of stuff the Japanese think of that Americans don’t have the mental capacity to consider. I love it.
Falco9805 t1_jdase0n wrote
Who the fuck savors the taste of their saliva after meals like some kind of delicacy
FashNFlora t1_jdatk64 wrote
Omg I’ve seen these machines and always hated that there weren’t any cups around. Didn’t know they dispense the cup too. Love how much cleaner that is.
Stumblin_McBumblin t1_jdatpwc wrote
Hell, I'm in NYS and I know of one in a bar right now.
BitcoinBanker t1_jdavrx1 wrote
What amazing technology. Fuck the planet, obviously.
dondamon40 t1_jdavt64 wrote
My local cigar lounge has one its so sweet
payasopeludo t1_jdaw4gx wrote
Mmmmmmm digestif
Mypigfounditself t1_jdaynyn wrote
Lol all I'm saying is that it's probably a good idea to swish your mouth with mouthwash, after eating Ramen, if you're going to be kissing a date. Good Ramen probably has onions, garlic, spice, fish sauce, mushrooms, eggs, etc. Come on, man!
brenap13 t1_jdb2azp wrote
There are some currently functioning cigarette dispensers in the Dallas area at 2 bars that I frequent.
Dead_Starks t1_jdb467m wrote
Everyone freaking out about it and I just want to know what happens if you push it again without moving the cup.
Anonymous7056 t1_jdb66z1 wrote
mr-death t1_jdb8f9y wrote
Yeah, I don't leave my towel or toothbrush in my own bathroom, I'm not rinsing my mouth with hundreds of random people's piss and shit.
JukePlz t1_jdb8nen wrote
It shows potential partners that you want to share your recently ingested anti-carcirogenic properties!
onairmastering t1_jdb9v89 wrote
Nope! If I smell ramen on a woman or man, COME ON BABY LET'S GET DIRTY!!!!
If they smell like mouthwash it's suspicious, like they paid too much attention to what the commercials say or their mother. No good.
Sexiest thing. "Hey love, I just had ramen for lunch but I like you and want to stick my tongue in your privates" HELL YEAH!!!! SUCK ME BABY!!!!!
"Hey, my mouth smells like a baby's ass after a shower" HELL NO. I want a lover who gets dirty, not a fucking washing machine.
lovepig1337 t1_jdbbhby wrote
Yeah, fuck that. I'm not putting anything from a public restroom in my mouth.
Brandar87 t1_jdbbv0h wrote
I've never understood the concept of a ramen restaurant. I can go buy a lifetime supply of ramen at Walmart for like $20.
eddiekoski t1_jdbdlhb wrote
This is so I can crush a second bowl without the bias from the first bowl?
carolathome t1_jdbjzlx wrote
Is this in the restroom? Otherwise, where do you spit it out?
Doophie t1_jdboep6 wrote
Looks like a restroom to me
East-Pollution7243 t1_jdbojnj wrote
Double shot with ice plz
QuentinTarancheetoh t1_jdbqb0t wrote
I need this at every restaurant.
Junior-Account6835 t1_jdbr299 wrote
That grade school teacher leaning over you with coffee breath 🤮
sn0b4ll t1_jdbr3nz wrote
These are typically bio-degradable paper cups, at least in Germany. Or are you referring to something else?
_prettybones t1_jdbsbmq wrote
Ramen is often made with kansui, which is an alkaline solution that brings the pH of ramen up to 9-10. The noodles themselves are 6-7, ramen made without kansui but a still salty traditional broth will be around 8-9.
The pH of listerine and orange juice are both around 3, so the clash of their flavors is accentuated by their acidity. Listerine + ramen with kansui would probably just taste like a little bit of a minty tang, but relatively smooth since the pH would balance out. Probably wouldn't be all that bad.
Note, I'm no ramenologist, I just Googled some shit
[deleted] t1_jdbtlia wrote
sugoidesuuu t1_jdbttfy wrote
They should put this in all the bathrooms with the weird hole in the stall wall
Chickengilly t1_jdbumff wrote
hamildub t1_jdbv6r6 wrote
I'm so stoked for more unnecessary waste!
Jin-94 t1_jdc8gne wrote
I read this as automatic dispenser for ramen
questionmarkstudi t1_jdcbdgf wrote
zukeus t1_jdcdmmc wrote
Haha I remember we had a guy come to the gym right after dinner once and the garlic danked up the entire 15000 square feet!
Juuna t1_jdcdvvw wrote
So you can wash away the taste of the 20 bucks you just spend on your dinner?
MikeySpags t1_jdcg6wx wrote
I'm guessing ramen restaurants are a city thing. It's peaceful in the sticks but not many dinning options.
zsdonny t1_jdcgj84 wrote
where would you spit it out???
throwawaynerp t1_jdcj280 wrote
Self-cleaning, too!
ljg1986 t1_jdcmsh6 wrote
Interesting. I wonder what happens when the dispenser runs out of cups.
TheOneTrueKim t1_jdcq3hn wrote
Why was I expecting it to fill with ramen broth. Why was I disappointed it wasn't.
9Sylvan5 t1_jdcrk4c wrote
Hmm I'm not sure I'd trust it's clealiness. I barely trust the cleanliness of he soda dispensers at fast food joints.
I'll stick with my fluoride gum when I'm on the go.
KeroNobu t1_jdcv5pv wrote
mix it in with your broth for extra umami flavor
TurboRenegadeRider t1_jddhyzp wrote
I read compulsory
[deleted] t1_jddkqcj wrote
tom_fuckin_bombadil t1_jddluui wrote
Obviously you’re not supposed to drink oj after mouth wash or brushing you teeth but it’s become a meme at this point because of how bad food usually tastes after such a strong minty flavour.
A palate cleanser by definition is something you take before eating something to prepare your mouth/tastebuds. So saying that the mouth wash is a palate cleanser implies that you intend to use it to prepare your tastebuds for ramen by coating your mouth with a minty aftertaste.
> Also, if you take a sip of water after rinsing your mouth with mouthwash and swish it around, the taste is practically gone.
Now that is a palate cleanser
DangerHawk t1_jddtr7e wrote
Can't say I would ever trust that what's in a public mouthwash station is actually mouthwas. I'd be way too concerned that someone ran out of mouthwash and decided to top it off with windex or something.
Mypigfounditself t1_jddy3sy wrote
You're weird af
DJRY t1_jddzz95 wrote
I live in Cleveland and I know of one in a restaurant.
combo_seizure t1_jde2pbh wrote
Ok, I understand your point.
onairmastering t1_jde9jrj wrote
Weird Aguas Frescas? What’s that?
BitcoinBanker t1_jdeh9zu wrote
Oh yeah? That’s awesome. I assumed they were those awful waxed cups I see at coolers.
illuminerdi t1_jdeksf4 wrote
The wall is tiled and there's a mouthwash dispenser.
I see nothing to indicate that it's not a restroom?
ValhallasChosen t1_jdla3qc wrote
This was exactly my first thought!
noxii3101 t1_jd8ezwc wrote
can it be filled with bourbon?