emmathegreat2431 t1_jdc7oq5 wrote
That’s a rooster. Cock not chick
obistyle t1_jdc9tg3 wrote
Gamer cock
Dalimyr t1_jdca55n wrote
The title shows on the top screen at the very start of the gif - it's Horseshoe Crab Rescue
Sandcracka- t1_jdcd936 wrote
Chick bait
[deleted] t1_jdce51c wrote
Low_Presentation8149 t1_jdckqdj wrote
Snipper64 t1_jdcl3ha wrote
Reminds me in WWII of when they trained pigeons to peck at an image of a warship to guide the missile, that the pigeon was housed in, to stay on course to shown ship to blow it up.
CaulkSqueeze t1_jdcpq2u wrote
MobbDeeep t1_jdcxq3s wrote
10248 t1_jdczi6x wrote
theslimbox t1_jdd17p1 wrote
Using my cock as a DS stylus 101.
[deleted] t1_jdd3p7r wrote
QuentinSH t1_jdd5no2 wrote
Let him play OSU!
KINGVIMTO t1_jdd7ds7 wrote
Gonna start asking if the chicken finds the video offensive next 🙄
pthecarrotmaster t1_jddbbwx wrote
did anyone else think it was a star nosed mole for a sec?
ResettisReplicas t1_jdddvxj wrote
Typical gamer guy, just want to show off his cock.
Acceptable-Income209 t1_jddewjb wrote
Nah dude chicks cant play video games bro!
khalcyon2011 t1_jddf8c7 wrote
After my initial reaction of "dafuq is wrong with your dog's face?"
JurassicClark96 t1_jddfq8t wrote
peck peck
"You seein this shit?"
ssizer t1_jddjj3l wrote
Enjoy this cock marks
Furcheezi t1_jddk3ix wrote
You took this from @YoshiSerama on IG
pfof t1_jddm8dh wrote
rainbowpopp t1_jddmsbq wrote
It took me entirely too long to figure out what I was looking at!
pwn4321 t1_jddmxck wrote
Next level AI
loveadumb t1_jddswsu wrote
ds cock
Scrumf t1_jddtx2c wrote
This explains a lot of the used DS screens I've seen. I think many people are doing this.
BeerRaddish t1_jddvpj3 wrote
Your cock will never let you down
katkannabis t1_jddygnw wrote
I could not figure out what tf this was at first. I thought it was a Guinea pig with some strange nose deformity until he lifted his head up — I’m a moron
TinaLikesButz t1_jddyvht wrote
I thought it was a possum foot lol
oneflytree t1_jde0my6 wrote
preowned console being sold in good condition. Has some pecking marks throughout but nothing major.
radical_middle t1_jde1bfl wrote
Isn't U of South Carolina mascot the gamecocks?
[deleted] t1_jde1fj6 wrote
JaggedTheDark t1_jde2gau wrote
Ballsbesore t1_jde56a5 wrote
Cute, but does that not mess up the screen? Their beaks are quite sharp.
PolitePony t1_jde8j1h wrote
Mabosaha t1_jde9m5b wrote
I thought it was the nose of a weird-ass mole for a good 5 seconds.
ShitpostingSalamence t1_jded714 wrote
Love watching u play with ur cock
GameofPorcelainThron t1_jdefam4 wrote
Of course it's a casual gamer. /s
tlollz52 t1_jdeg1k7 wrote
Lol that's not a real game and you're not a real gaming chick
r00x t1_jdegucl wrote
My first thought was "ahh, annihilating the resistive touch screen for a video, are we?".
Worth it since it's not my DS, heh.
Ok_Bumblebee665 t1_jdexs8d wrote
chicken bake
SpringTraps t1_jdeykqq wrote
Man Ds stylus were crazy weren’t they? Glad to see yours it still up an running
Baconoid_ t1_jdf12z6 wrote
theveryrealreal t1_jdf2y37 wrote
This is an ad for gorilla glass
occhiolism t1_jdf4c6s wrote
GrumpyFeloPR t1_jdfa399 wrote
a cock... chick...?
Any_Coyote6662 t1_jdfcgl5 wrote
I saw really weird finger tips and was wondering how so eone held their hand like that and why. I thought it was long fingernails filed to severe points on short stubby hands in an old lady sweater.
mOUs3y t1_jdfex4c wrote
wouldn’t the pecking pierce though the touchscreen plastic?
PentaStealz t1_jdfraxg wrote
What Reddit was made for
lrigwoCPlease t1_jdg3q9l wrote
Why do so many people have farm animals as pets? Did I miss something?
CastlePokemetroid t1_jdg7xc0 wrote
It's kinda like the payment signing screens where the customer tries to ram the stylus through the entire device
JangB t1_jdggup6 wrote
My cock is my best friend. He games with me all the time, that little guy.
[deleted] t1_jdgnnl7 wrote
SansCitizen t1_jdh4e4p wrote
Came here to say this. Was just thinking, “1940’s era aimbot”
blizzardspider t1_jdhutj5 wrote
Keeping chickens doesnt require a huuge farm plot, so I do know a few people who have some chickens for fresh eggs & companionship in their garden without having a whole farm. You wouldn't be able to keep them in the city without a garden though so I personally dont know that many people who have chickens as pets. I think the OP of this gif specifically posts a lot of videos of pet chickens/pigs, probably they are one of those people who have the space for it themselves.
lrigwoCPlease t1_jdhwc13 wrote
Yeah I guess I understand owning chickens. It would be fuckin amazing having fresh eggs daily.
But I’ve seen videos of baby pigs… won’t those things like grow to be like 300lbs? That’s just crazy. Piglets are becoming like frenchies
blizzardspider t1_jdifm5u wrote
I actually also know of someone who does live in the city and has a pet pig! She walks her pig on a leash and she(meaning the pig in this case) is about the size of a dog but a lot wider/heavier than the average dog. I don't know the owner personally so have no idea if the pig is difficult to take care of but they seem like a happy pair when I see them walk outside. When people get a pet piglet they definitely shouldn't underestimate taking care of the pig when it grows up though that's for sure.
barbzilla1 t1_jdjdobx wrote
Your pecker is showing
Low_Presentation8149 t1_jdc74hn wrote
What's the game? Nice bird by the way