[deleted] t1_jeaazcd wrote
Rainbow-Raisin11 t1_jeai296 wrote
That is gorgeous.
reenign3 t1_jeaioq9 wrote
Looks like something out of serial experiments lain, I dig it
MrsPM t1_jeal1h5 wrote
So pretty
MrsPM t1_jeal27z wrote
So pretty
_Soforth_ t1_jearf2m wrote
So beautiful. Thank you for this.
Alomite190 t1_jebbr9x wrote
I like
AGuysBizzareThoughts t1_jebfhz8 wrote
For some reason, I relate to this art.
turbocomppro t1_jebk113 wrote
The clouds moving makes it look like there’s a heat wave going on…
Nerdy_Squid748 t1_jebn09k wrote
Is that Sayaka?!?!!
TheNameIsFrags t1_jebnk6x wrote
Pixel art like this is one of my favorite things, fantastic work
Mrspartacus575 t1_jeburdb wrote
Just wanna say that every time I see one of your posts I'm blown away your artwork is gorgeous!
MetaBass t1_jebxb45 wrote
This is amazing! For the rippling effects, were those also hand drawn frame by frame? They're so clean!
fried_eggs_and_ham t1_jebxzq9 wrote
difum t1_jeby63i wrote
Looks Like Lee gwak to me
kayin1288 t1_jecc23k wrote
Reminds me of the anime movie 5cm per second
andyftp t1_jecf0a4 wrote
I'm stuck watching it over and over. It's nice
cloaked_cache t1_jecigxm wrote
Wow this is wayy cool. The mood is really palpable . Awesome
DrDyDt t1_jecqbvf wrote
Beautiful art!
As a distribution engineer, the amount of movement in those power lines makes me so nervous 😅
Fingersmeller t1_jeczbem wrote
You should have called it, "Windy" or "God farts in my general direction" instead.
its_justme t1_jeczygl wrote
Truuuue. What about just “whoooosh”
Fingersmeller t1_jed0s4x wrote
Lol, love it!
[deleted] t1_jed22pa wrote
RoboBagons t1_jed66fl wrote
Nah, you just on shrooms brah.
UniverseBear t1_jed6ofh wrote
Brought me back to a specific windy afternoon many years ago. Nicely done.
Rampart_Rampage t1_jed9t7f wrote
bartbartholomew t1_jeda620 wrote
Goes perfectly with the music that came up at the same time.
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_jedfaz4 wrote
I missed the joke
HerbOverstanding t1_jedfzqw wrote
As an Okie this seems quite familiar
dead0eye t1_jedmnxr wrote
Nice windy day!
Drop_John t1_jedn68c wrote
Wait, when did gifs become multi sensorial? I can hear the sounds and feel the heat in this.
quaint_feef t1_jedo4k1 wrote
should’ve called it “sUck”
userposter t1_jedukw2 wrote
the cloud movement is hand drawnnas well?
godlytoast3r t1_jeepq6s wrote
your shit is fucking amazing, just needa get windows activated rq
SJSharks33 t1_jef9274 wrote
v78 OP t1_je9vl4i wrote
Hi all! This pixel art animation is 320x200px using 8 colors and 16 hand drawn frames. I doubled the resolution for viewing purposes. I wish you all a great day <3
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