FunWillScreen_Produc t1_is52x5h wrote
I was waiting for the dog to pimp slap the guy.
Ragnaarock93 t1_is53rby wrote
I'm so disappointed. I so wanted this video to be real. Why must you ruin things for me?
OCactusCoolerG t1_is53rs8 wrote
Omg how is the dog doing that. this video is so hilarious and real.
sensitivepistachenut t1_is541kx wrote
Justice is lost
karlhub t1_is58dko wrote
cinnamonface9 t1_is5ahpz wrote
There’s some altering magic around the dog. Look at the window around it.
montroller t1_is5d3xq wrote
Freddy Krueger origin story
9780190752224 t1_is5difu wrote
9780190752224 t1_is5dqwb wrote
poor fuckin dog getting shaken around like that. it's obviously a green screen edit if you look at the chair. fucks that create this type of animal content shouldn't be given clicks because they'll just abuse their animals further
theghostofgotti t1_is5ex8y wrote
Fuck this stupid, animal abusing shit. It's glaringly obvious the dog is being made to do this nonsense from someone manipulating his legs. This is stupid, and anyone who thinks it's funny deserves to be slapped in the face with a brick.
ALargeClam t1_is5exrr wrote
... how is this animal abuse?
theghostofgotti t1_is5f7va wrote
If you need an explanation you're just as dumb as the one who created this stupid shit. Do you like being forced to do something against your will? Fucking idiot.
ALargeClam t1_is5fl9z wrote
I highly doubt having someone gently shakeiny the dog is agaisnt the dogs will.
Dont play with your pets, thats abuse!
[deleted] t1_is5fr80 wrote
Sygma_stage5 t1_is5g14i wrote
I make my dog clap and it makes her automatically zoomie. She fights and bites at my hands when I do it but then when I let go she runs around and gets crazy and then comes back for me to do it again. Animal abuse clearly. I feel like you could snoop around this website and see enough actual animal abuse if you wanted to. Quit trying to make everything a crusade. Get some perspective. Edit: replied to the wrong person sorry.
_Thoeb_ t1_is5g82h wrote
There's someone holding the dog and making it move like that. They just removed the person from the video so that's what you're seeing being altered.
ALargeClam t1_is5gcax wrote
God damn yall are some pathetic fucks huh.
Dont play with your pets thats abuse.
Mr-Fliffi t1_is5gfl7 wrote
great. y'all just sucked all the fun out of it >:(
cinnamonface9 t1_is5iann wrote
The joke.
9780190752224 t1_is5qrxg wrote
there have been many incidents where creators of these types of content have been found to be abusing their animals. so just because this video doesn't show any real abuse (apart from the dog being shaken and the dog's head flailing all over the place), doesn't mean that there isn't animal abuse happening behind the scenes
that-one-cool-guy t1_is5rhqi wrote
There could’ve been sound
thebestyoucan t1_is5tedh wrote
Is that a cum-stain mousepad?
Furry_Beans t1_is5uqyb wrote
This isn’t even presented as real. Who cares? It’s supposed to be funny/cute.
CoraxTechnica t1_is608cw wrote
Because someone is holding the dogs arms to make him do that. You can tell by how stiff his movements are
Freelancer0495 t1_is6hd6y wrote
You can barely see someone head behind the dogs chair pop out a few times.
DragonBank t1_is6knop wrote
Also the video on screen is totally not real. He is spamming the f keys.
longknives t1_is6kqi0 wrote
Famously no other country besides China has special effects in their videos to create the appearance of things that didn’t really happen
longknives t1_is6lduf wrote
The video is fun, but it can also be fun to deconstruct how something like this is done. My guess is the wobbly outlines are from editing out the person who was holding the dog’s arms to make them move like that. Might also be why there’s no reflection of the dog, it would be all that work editing out the person again.
The-1st-One t1_is6nwri wrote
Yea if you look closely at the tail it gets weirdly hazy/foggy towards the end
[deleted] t1_is71jie wrote
_kony_69 t1_is7d2sz wrote
Guy doesnt even have thumbs, said fuckit , K'
JustisForAll t1_is7doc5 wrote
Honestly I think you actually could teach a dog to play divekick
udderhiseye t1_is7e4qr wrote
This comment section is chefs kiss..
Hayaguaenelvaso t1_is7f5t0 wrote
Oh, but there will be. Such a brutal beast will have its reckoning. A human is no match for IT. The entire neighbourhood is forfeit!! HOWL AND RIP
twodickhenry t1_is7fvr2 wrote
Did you really think the dog was moving like that naturally?
megatron36 t1_is7lrx8 wrote
you can literally see the person. he was probably wearing a green suit but you can plainly see the outline.
bonersoup4 t1_is7tpct wrote
Angle of incident doesn’t work like that. Wiki will explain better than I ever could wiki
ProBluntRoller t1_is7xzil wrote
I thought the dog actually got mad because the guy turned off his game. WHAT A BIG PHAT PHONY
CaveManta t1_is82k12 wrote
"This was all your doing?!"
CaveManta t1_is82p4q wrote
I prefer the term gamer juice.
tinatspoon t1_is82y45 wrote
Jeezo, wish I had a warning before I read that, wine came down my nose hahaha
blooddrift101 t1_is8icf3 wrote
Ah I see the greenscreen man
finalmantisy83 t1_is8u128 wrote
Fucking K - main, deserves everything he got. /s
Ad-2050 t1_is908et wrote
Putrid-Particular-25 t1_is97gph wrote
That dog really the game master!
Tidesticky t1_is9a2o0 wrote
Well, he is wearing a cool sweater
Tidesticky t1_is9a936 wrote
The best comments come at the end
sprite700 t1_is9nbtv wrote
People believe things too easily nowadays
Miru8112 t1_isbdb9e wrote
He didnt. It just really is a vampire dog
gringo-tico t1_is4yvgc wrote
There is also no reflection on screen for dog. Must be vampire gamer dog.