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gringo-tico t1_is4yvgc wrote

There is also no reflection on screen for dog. Must be vampire gamer dog.


massibum t1_is524lx wrote

hmm... it sure is weird how the sweater and chairs silhouettes wobble like that :/


OCactusCoolerG t1_is53rs8 wrote

Omg how is the dog doing that. this video is so hilarious and real.


montroller t1_is5d3xq wrote

Freddy Krueger origin story


WitchDr t1_is5deez wrote

Hate these


9780190752224 t1_is5dqwb wrote

poor fuckin dog getting shaken around like that. it's obviously a green screen edit if you look at the chair. fucks that create this type of animal content shouldn't be given clicks because they'll just abuse their animals further


theghostofgotti t1_is5ex8y wrote

Fuck this stupid, animal abusing shit. It's glaringly obvious the dog is being made to do this nonsense from someone manipulating his legs. This is stupid, and anyone who thinks it's funny deserves to be slapped in the face with a brick.


Sygma_stage5 t1_is5g14i wrote

I make my dog clap and it makes her automatically zoomie. She fights and bites at my hands when I do it but then when I let go she runs around and gets crazy and then comes back for me to do it again. Animal abuse clearly. I feel like you could snoop around this website and see enough actual animal abuse if you wanted to. Quit trying to make everything a crusade. Get some perspective. Edit: replied to the wrong person sorry.


9780190752224 t1_is5qrxg wrote

there have been many incidents where creators of these types of content have been found to be abusing their animals. so just because this video doesn't show any real abuse (apart from the dog being shaken and the dog's head flailing all over the place), doesn't mean that there isn't animal abuse happening behind the scenes


Furry_Beans t1_is5uqyb wrote

This isn’t even presented as real. Who cares? It’s supposed to be funny/cute.


Cahir101 t1_is698ce wrote

Silent hill secret ending:)


Mai-ah t1_is6g6jr wrote

Even dogs can play KoF2k2


Freelancer0495 t1_is6hd6y wrote

You can barely see someone head behind the dogs chair pop out a few times.


longknives t1_is6lduf wrote

The video is fun, but it can also be fun to deconstruct how something like this is done. My guess is the wobbly outlines are from editing out the person who was holding the dog’s arms to make them move like that. Might also be why there’s no reflection of the dog, it would be all that work editing out the person again.


JustisForAll t1_is7doc5 wrote

Honestly I think you actually could teach a dog to play divekick


udderhiseye t1_is7e4qr wrote

This comment section is chefs kiss..


Hayaguaenelvaso t1_is7f5t0 wrote

Oh, but there will be. Such a brutal beast will have its reckoning. A human is no match for IT. The entire neighbourhood is forfeit!! HOWL AND RIP


castfam09 t1_is8tqok wrote

WtH dude? You turned it off on me?? I’ll be damaging your cord for this treatment


finalmantisy83 t1_is8u128 wrote

Fucking K - main, deserves everything he got. /s