Submitted by Tardigradelegs t3_y3cd6q in gifs
HarlanCulpepper t1_is7xqsb wrote
I love aquatic drama.
CannedApples13 t1_is80zk8 wrote
Landlord is trying to evict the squatter.
garythesnail11 t1_is85tvi wrote
That's fantastic, there should be a sub for aquatic drama
meetmyfriendme t1_is86k1m wrote
I love how it looks like the clownfish is trying to calm them down
Edit: with all these hilarious comments I think we need Ozzy Man to do a voiceover
CrazyCaper t1_is88c6v wrote
Well. How?
hellowthere1 t1_is8ai3u wrote
Is this Bikini Bottom?!
ChickensPickins t1_is8ccgu wrote
This would only be an equal/appropriate response if the bigger one was throwing MORE rocks into the little, rude ones house. He’s just cleaning up the mess lol
Animegx43 t1_is8dn9a wrote
No, this is Patrick.
Gastronomicus t1_is8drpa wrote
Enjoying_A_Meal t1_is8e216 wrote
That's an orange spotted sleeper goby vs a blue spotted jawfish. Both like to live in sand burrows under rocks. The goby probably wanted the spot but the jawfish is bigger. So it's resorting to some passive aggressive fish-Karen bullshit.
Clownfish just wanted to be included.
Fun fact, jawfish likes to collect shells and little rocks to decorate the entrance of their little caves. Sometimes they'll pick a shell with a hermit crab. When the hermit crab tries to crawl away, the jawfish will drag it back to its collection of shells.
The blue spotted jawfish is highly prized by aquarium hobbyists and go for around $200.
TayDavies95 t1_is8fdvh wrote
Interesting, What makes the jawfish worth so much?
Enjoying_A_Meal t1_is8fu5v wrote
their spots are very blue!
yourguidefortheday t1_is8g8hf wrote
Wait, really? That's why they're valuable?
yourguidefortheday t1_is8ghek wrote
I love that animals have little squabbles too. It's not all killing each other.
SuperSaiyanSkeletor t1_is8h4f2 wrote
What a drama queen/king. (Could be transitioning)
KaminasSquirtleSquad t1_is8hae0 wrote
Is there a subreddit for these things too? I want there to be one.
Painkillerspe t1_is8hpp6 wrote
I had a blue spotted for awhile. Grumpy, funny little guy. Didn't like his shell and rock collection messed with. He was one of my favorites but boy did mess up the substrate.
Padhome t1_is8ih7l wrote
And they do adorable stuff like this
raulduke1971 t1_is8jyls wrote
I can read lips. It said: “Damnnn, are you gonna take that bro?”
sweetwheels t1_is8of5v wrote
I just hear Marlin yelling at them to stop so he can get directions.
[deleted] t1_is8otg1 wrote
jennoween t1_is8owas wrote
That clownfish is the other fishes hype man.
Charlie21Lola t1_is8oyjz wrote
>Sometimes they'll pick a shell with a hermit crab. When the hermit crab tries to crawl away, the jawfish will drag it back to its collection of shells.
I have got to find a video of this…
[deleted] t1_is8p6e5 wrote
AthenasChosen t1_is8phsd wrote
"I'll drive you out by causing mischief and lowering property values!"
Regi0 t1_is8q02w wrote
Gentlemen, this is a post about a funny fish.
What the fuck are you talking about
CrystalQuetzal t1_is8qbp9 wrote
What you say is true but I think they were referring to the fact that clownfish sometimes change sexes
[deleted] t1_is8qco1 wrote
Regi0 t1_is8qfpa wrote
Dude how bored are you
yourguidefortheday t1_is8qhfq wrote
Oh! Fuck! I am a fool! Thank you for educating me.
[deleted] t1_is8qmp7 wrote
Entity-prefab_ t1_is8re6q wrote
Thing's are really heating up in bikini bottom
_NotMitetechno_ t1_is8rogs wrote
You've lost your mind mate
laughing_cat t1_is8rsqa wrote
Thank you for saying "looks like".
laughing_cat t1_is8rwly wrote
It's corn!
littlecrabvt t1_is8slhs wrote
The clownfish is ready for the drama
VolkspanzerIsME t1_is8t8va wrote
TayDavies95 t1_is8taoe wrote
Say no more, I'm sold!!
SerCiddy t1_is8tnh5 wrote
For aquarium fish price is usually based on "pretty-ness", scarcity (very closely tied to how specific you need your water parameters ), and age/size.
yourguidefortheday t1_is8uf78 wrote
Now that I think of it those are pretty much the most common markers for value. Is it pretty, is it rare, is it in good condition? Might be valuable!
SvenTropics t1_is8v85o wrote
Seems like breeding them would be financially great. Don't they lay like hundreds of eggs?
WeepingAgnello t1_is8vyqb wrote
Aw, I think I'll name them Jerry, Kramer and Elaine.
burros_n_churros t1_is8vzak wrote
I could watch this all day
apostropheapostrophe t1_is8xu5q wrote
They are somewhat rare as they only come from the gulf of California.
3-DMan t1_is8znck wrote
What are we some kinda Aqua Team Hunger Force?
rei_cirith t1_is8zrpp wrote
Clownfish is the nosy neighbor
Nick08f1 t1_is8zxg1 wrote
That's where I first saw it last week.
AshxCorruption t1_is92dsy wrote
TycheSong t1_is92hni wrote
And where is your shared link, friend?
vurt72 t1_is92npb wrote
"decoration", doubtful. sounds more like preventing sand from falling in so they get stuck inside or something like that.
Catnip4Pedos t1_is92p1y wrote
The majority of tropical and saltwater fish won't breed in captivity afaik, especially the expensive ones.
Infernew t1_is92uw7 wrote
I was 90% sure this would end somewhere in the 80s with the Undertaker plummeting through an announcers table
lowtoiletsitter t1_is93047 wrote
HighAndFunctioning t1_is935ho wrote
He's the one screaming "STAAAAHP!"
mazurzapt t1_is93ga5 wrote
That clown fish name is Karen
mazurzapt t1_is93k5m wrote
Le_Gentle_Sir t1_is942y1 wrote
I clicked expecting that double homicide/suicide that happened last year. The one with the snow.
B33PZR t1_is94e8j wrote
I had a Maroon clown for 13 years, her name was Betty. She could be nasty to some of her tank mates at times. I have always loved watching the sand spitting contests but I never had either of these in my reef tank.
ThunderBobMajerle t1_is94fk7 wrote
Trust me the clownfish wants violence
[deleted] t1_is95fte wrote
Boloar t1_is95h0a wrote
I see no bikinis and no bottoms.
I am disappoint.
lblack_dogl t1_is95k3k wrote
Had to pre-check this one for shittymorphing.
Chardradio t1_is95yeg wrote
Dudes chillin and you just gonna come shit in his face??
Putrid-Particular-25 t1_is968g3 wrote
Look how the mediator pacifies them both "enough guys"
GEEZUS_15 t1_is96qpz wrote
He's just the one filimng in hope's for karma later.
josidhe t1_is976dd wrote
Yeah I was watching this waiting for a major escalation at the end, but nope. This handled nothing.
nuzzlefutzzz t1_is98c8g wrote
Clown fish: “C’mon, man. I supported a battle to the death, but thisbis just childish.”
Iron_Overheat t1_is98l5d wrote
The sheer amount of times they completely miss their targets is both funny and cute
Timmay13 t1_is98zam wrote
Even when they are angry ones?
pekinggeese t1_is99gnr wrote
Is it shiny? Is it rare? Does it make me feel like a baller?
moonLanding123 t1_is9a1ex wrote
bluebook21 t1_is9bhf8 wrote
Always that one clown trying to stir the pot.
Pm_me_baby_pig_pics t1_is9bqsq wrote
I had one of those white ones (diamond goby?) in my tank for a long time.
He was really cool, as soon as he was in the tank he found a spot he wanted to make his cave and went to work.
The_Cozy_Burrito t1_is9bwi2 wrote
Fish trying to play peacekeeper lol
Chewygamerz t1_is9c1br wrote
Or even animal drama in general. Saw a video of three toads eating crickets and getting angry at one another when one would be eaten. I didn't realize I had watched it for about 3 minutes until the video ended, and I'd gladly do it again.
LightningEye t1_is9cfmf wrote
Knut79 t1_is9clda wrote
That's where you first saw it reposted you mean... This shit is old.
pm_me_your_rigs t1_is9d9tb wrote
I can barely keep $4 fish alive and there's people spending 200? Lol
Underground_Mariachi t1_is9dhj4 wrote
Doomquill t1_is9dvh7 wrote
I haven't seen shittymorph around in a while, I realized just now that I've grown lax in my dilligance.
G00DLuck t1_is9e1rt wrote
PTSMD - Post Traumatic Shitty Morph Disorder
Chance_Proposal4792 t1_is9e9ok wrote
Of course I read the title as a spoonerism, nude reighbour
Funkosebsy t1_is9ebb6 wrote
I love the little black and white referee fish.
ShinyPiplup t1_is9ecxx wrote
When I was snorkeling in the Philippines I was attacked by a maroon clownfish. She swam up several feet away from her anemone to take swipes at me. Never knew what I did wrong. :(
AFisberg t1_is9even wrote
Nothing was handled and my day is ruined
robhol t1_is9fhad wrote
I need practice, apparently, all I got was "WAWAWAWAWAWAWAWA"
robhol t1_is9fjw9 wrote
Scarcity and looking neat
Ms-R4nd0m t1_is9fysj wrote
raises hand
Cheeseyex t1_is9gnev wrote
And that’s why he’s so effective he appears out of nowhere with a steel chair
peter_griffin222 t1_is9hi53 wrote
They need a voice over for this small video
mount2010 t1_is9hiaj wrote
He's apparently taking a break from Reddit according to the posts on his profile. So we're all safe for now?
Edit: He had a spat with some moderators and posted that he was going to leave Reddit for a bit a while back but that post seems to be gone. Guess he changed his mind.
Baggytrousers27 t1_is9hrol wrote
Fairly dark clownfish.
GoT43894389 t1_is9hvf3 wrote
And the clownfish is trying its' best to keep the peace.
kerblaam7 t1_is9i1u5 wrote
Brad7659 t1_is9ic16 wrote
plonspfetew t1_is9k0he wrote
The fight-or-flight-or-squabble response.
I know I'm probably anthropomorphising, but even their facial expressions seem to match the situation.
MinorSpaceNipples t1_is9k5gt wrote
LMAO this was exactly my thought as well 😂
ACFraser t1_is9k6aj wrote
I thought it was the referee 😄
APr0N00b t1_is9ksvc wrote
The idea that they are accidentally pissing each other off is even funnier imo
APr0N00b t1_is9kvee wrote
Can't hear anything at all so you must be making progress
APr0N00b t1_is9l143 wrote
They post normal posts now occasionally
Alpha_AF t1_is9loyg wrote
Your comment reminds me of that video (ozzyman I think?) of that chicken/chickens breaking up a fight between cats (i think it was cats). It was very funny lol
galliohoophoop t1_is9ls3q wrote
Those gobies are hilarious. I had one that had a shrimp bodyguard for a hetero life mate.
macromayhem t1_is9lufu wrote
galliohoophoop t1_is9lwur wrote
Hmm. Always knew it as a diamond goby. Had a yellow with a pistol shrimp roommate. Loved watching them.
jerapine t1_is9n9v9 wrote
RyuShev t1_is9na0m wrote
i wonder how people like OP can evem survive in this world when they somehow manage to make such an incoherent title to their trash post
StatusSea5409 t1_is9nfsm wrote
"homie said it's his house now"
[deleted] t1_is9oepo wrote
HeadlinePickle t1_is9oj0z wrote
The clownfish is like "Leave him Darren, it's not worth it!" in full EastEnders style. It's so funny
Nick08f1 t1_is9osst wrote
That's where I first saw it myself last week.
Starfire70 t1_is9oujc wrote
Fish definitely have a sense of humor and rivalry, especially freshwater Clown Loaches (not pictured here).
YaFairy t1_is9owb9 wrote
I watched it twice when I saw the clear cut. Like surely I missed something
Liquorlapper t1_is9phtj wrote
If you pop one of his bubbles, you'll hear a faint "worldstaaaar"
get_post_error t1_is9q8uc wrote
Check his profile he just had a high profile comment the other day. He's still kickin
brainimpacter t1_is9quas wrote
Bro thats a special guest referee, even got the black and white stripes
RockinOneThreeTwo t1_is9qvir wrote
"here's a video of some fish showing personality and individuality -- did you know these are highly prized individuals and can be bought and then caged for your own amusement?"
How depressing when individuals are reduced to little more than property
Slappy_McJones t1_is9rt61 wrote
Kev-Cant-Draw t1_is9rxrd wrote
It’s the color and also where the fish is located, deeper and cooler water.
It’s a slightly colder water tropical fish; where it likes to be closer to below or closer to 70 degrees F. While most reef tanks are kept at ~77 degrees F. Bb
Blue Sootted Jawfish disease can impact them more frequently if held above their desired temp.
AMetalWorld t1_is9s1ky wrote
Gotta wonder what the evolutionary advantage of keeping rocks and stuff around their home would be. Does their species choose mates based on who has the best interior decoration sensibilities or what
wahnsin t1_is9sslj wrote
Further proof that clownfish should really be called dogfish. It has no clue what's going on and is just happy to be in the middle of things.
MyBodyIsShakinBacon t1_is9t6va wrote
And people still believe animals are inferior beings. Tsk smh
PM_ME_SEXYVAPEPICS t1_is9t9q9 wrote
Purple tangs run between $250 - $400 depending on size.
ISLAndBreezESTeve10 t1_is9tpl3 wrote
Looks like the hole inhabitant took over the hole by force, and the smaller white fish wants it back. If he can’t have it back, then burn the place down!
Odd_Status_9326 t1_is9tt9y wrote
I spit in your general direction
BlunterCarcass5 t1_is9ue58 wrote
Finding Nemo (2003)
Deathnfear t1_is9vj3m wrote
“I spit in your general direction you wahper (french accent) of babies bottoms.”
archampion t1_is9vkhk wrote
When spouses fighting. Heh heh heh
vagabonking t1_is9vnzn wrote
I miss my fishtank. 😢
ActualMerCat t1_is9wqt4 wrote
I like how another fish comes around and is like "nope, not getting involved"
neelabhkhatri t1_is9y5cy wrote
You have to see the ozzy man voice over of this. Cried laughing for hours.
ifmacdo t1_isa2pyc wrote
I saw him pop up maybe a week ago. It was nice to get bamboozled again.
macintoshthecandy t1_isa3u52 wrote
Little clownfish trying to keep shit down.. respect.
berubem t1_isa7fh6 wrote
According to the home owners association bylaws, you're not allowed to throw sand in each other's homes. Please stop or I'll have to report you at our next meeting!
Tatunkawitco t1_isa8ps0 wrote
He’s like - Ralph stop it, calm down… Steve are you okay? C’mon you guys are friends!
ACFraser t1_isa8wra wrote
HOA, ? Unless it is Florida,I don't think HOA's have any authority under the sea. (But that tends not to stop them anyway. 😃)
julz_the_lobster t1_isa94uj wrote
Charlie21Lola t1_isa986c wrote
I tried and tried but couldn’t find one! 😩
triciann t1_isabrym wrote
I can tell you’ve had clownfish before.
triciann t1_isabwxd wrote
Clownfish are far from dogs. They are satan’s spawn.
wiithepiiple t1_isacine wrote
This is basically an episode of spongebob.
ururururu t1_isaes8h wrote
sevenwheel t1_isag0b2 wrote
I used to live in this apartment building.
Enjoying_A_Meal t1_isagoqv wrote
that fish has like 6 different names. Diamond watchman goby is one of them :)
BattleCatsHelp t1_isagyqz wrote
We would've also accepted krakaren.
Enjoying_A_Meal t1_isahumm wrote
Clown fish are aggressive as heck. I can't even remember the number of times mine attacked my finger while I'm fiddling around in the tank.
endersender365 t1_isakdnj wrote
This mama is ready for trauma!
myradaire t1_isatang wrote
Put sand in your neighbor's hole!
LostryTroll t1_isax52n wrote
It's a dickhole to eat that white fish.
B33PZR t1_isb4hyu wrote
And Maroons are the worse of all clowns. I once had a Domino damsel who actually would bite me when I cleaned the tank. Crazy to have something the size of a nickel trying to fight you!
GarretTheGrey t1_isbcl58 wrote
Ozzyman did this video as well, where the fishes are like PWUH!
SimplyComplexd t1_isbd3q7 wrote
ArizonaScorpio t1_isbnqfb wrote
If only I were that fish species, then I could cover my upstairs neighbor with sand so we don't have to hear her continuous stomping across the hardwood floor. The loudest times are 4-6 am. Grrrrr!
_jroc_ t1_isboxvt wrote
I think he's the instigator. Talking shit about the other when they can't hear.
-So Benny said your nest is the gayest nest ever. -Ian said you like dishdicks.
digitalboom t1_isbpvs6 wrote
We need two top notch comedic voices narrating this fight
ChrizTaylor t1_isc0st2 wrote
I need a 1 hour video of this.
ChrizTaylor t1_isc10qu wrote
What happens to the crab after? It dies of starvation?
dolphinater t1_isc26nx wrote
ChrizTaylor t1_isc2hu6 wrote
triciann t1_isc4lem wrote
Lol there are saltwater fish out there that cost thousands.
triciann t1_isc4qnc wrote
Trust me, the clown is just waiting to get in the action and fuck something up.
Apostrophe_T t1_isc8q6h wrote
The little guy in the middle is trying to get them to settle down, lol
KingoftheMongoose t1_iscdp2i wrote
This week on Celebrity Deathmatch!
We have in corner: Morla, the ancient wise turtle of Fantasia. And in this corner, Tui, the Moon Spirit of the Northern Waterbending Tribe. And our guest referee, Marlin the Clownfish!
Let’s Get It On!!
Enjoying_A_Meal t1_iscio18 wrote
It'll sneak away when the jawfish goes to sleep :)
ChrizTaylor t1_iscitpp wrote
Thanks! Poor guys.
pm_me_your_rigs t1_iscn7r3 wrote
404 not found
tozpeak t1_is7uxlx wrote