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OgnokTheRager t1_isc53fr wrote



nefrpitou t1_isc731g wrote

"You want to swim, huh? Sure let's see how far you swim. Ohhh very good, very good. You fucking piece of shit"


Scutwork t1_isc7ol0 wrote

Does it really take so much effort to stand upright? That was a lot of little hops.


TheBestMePlausible t1_iscb9r1 wrote

It’s practicing hunting for seals beneath the ice. If this were a nature program, we would now be watching baby polar bears covered in blood, playing around in the carcass of a dead seal.


alexaurus_rex t1_iscjf8t wrote

this is it. the peak of evolution. the apex predator of the world.
you may not like it, but it's true.


potpro t1_iscjjej wrote

Makes me feel sad he will never get to hunt so he has to practice breaking ice this way.

..but everyone else keep up the "look at the cute derpy huggable animal!"


EMPulseKC t1_isck0wp wrote

"IT WAS ME, BARREL!" ^(aw,sonuvabitch!) "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!"


notpetelambert t1_iscm6dd wrote

Many if not most zoo animals are not capable of returning to the wild. Either they were born in captivity, or they have an injury or disease that would mean they would not survive their natural environment. It can be sad to see an animal in captivity, but releasing an unfit animal into the wild is probably more cruel than allowing them to survive in captivity.

That said, not all zoos provide adequate environment, diet, healthcare, and enrichment for their animals, so it's important to do your research and learn what animals need to thrive, so you can make an educated judgement.

On the other hand, zoos are an excellent tool for keeping critically endangered species alive and reintroducing them to the environment! I recently visited the Santa Barbara zoo, where they had a large California Condor exhibit. The condors there were flightless due to injuries or deformations, but they and some other captive condors at other locations were able to produce offspring- that were then released into the wild, helping to bolster their near-extinct population.


Kegeldix t1_iscq88h wrote

Infinitely better with the sound off


Dunge23 t1_iscr854 wrote

Only time I have ever seen this bear not swimming in the same exact circle for hours on end in its enclosure


Brownie420 t1_iscr9sx wrote

Really gonna mistime the drop in the song with the event happening, and then cut the gif before the song actually drops. Who are the people who make these fucking videos


tallcupofwater t1_iscv3yi wrote

Can you imagine taking a flying head butt from a polar bear?


lukehardy t1_iscxvqt wrote

That move Might have something to do with Chris Benoit killing his wife and son. That bear should consider a safer finisher.


Dunge23 t1_iscyjcs wrote

Kansas City. You can kinda see it in this video but he would swim to the glass and kick off it, then do a little loop and do it again all day every day. Check the comment as well


carpediem6792 t1_isd2yjr wrote

Yup. In nature, what we call play is training.

It's also social engineering, and pecking orders.

Animals got it more together than we give them credit for.

Add language and thumbs and we could be looking at a game changer.


keetojm t1_isd3749 wrote

Shit he is going to murder his wife and kid. That’s the Chris Benoit head butt.


Shoegazer75 t1_isdac9n wrote

Ha! Nikita used to dive for the visitors at the KC zoo all the time. I've got a pic of him and my son when he did one. Glad to see he hasn't changed!


jonsticles t1_isdkg6f wrote

Is this Nikita that used to be at the Kansas City Zoo, but was moved to have a better mating partner?

Nikita was great!


chronoboy1985 t1_isdkk4k wrote

Followed up with a hurricanrana and a bronco buster!


spm7368 t1_isdmhsz wrote

Isn’t this the Kansas City zoo


MEd_Mama_ t1_isdoaq9 wrote

Utah Hogle zoo! Those bears are always messing around.


rbooz t1_isdrl4g wrote

As someone named Nikita I kinda dig bear having the same name...


thexbigxgreen t1_isdsykk wrote

How on Earth does someone miss the beat drop that badly?


TheFilipinoFeline t1_ise52z4 wrote

And here you have the polar bear as he would in the wild. No not the diving bear but the one taking this video. Did you see it? That polar bear is chill!


Colloqy t1_ise7h5y wrote

I remember him doing that in KC as well, he put on a great show! Where is he now? I remember hearing him going to another zoo to try for baby polar bears but I don’t remember where.


coldestdetroit t1_ise99dj wrote

This is what happens when a highly intelligent sentient animal gets locked in a mini enclosure thats probably 1/10000000000000000000000 the size of its natural habitat:( it gets bored


berusplants t1_ise99hc wrote

Yey, slave animal does a cute thing


TryingT0Wr1t3 t1_ise9cog wrote

I've seen this move in Donkey Kong Country


cayden2 t1_isegdyh wrote

But hey, at least it's alive. Global warming is screwing polar bears over BAD and threat of starvation is an ever present threat. Don't get me wrong, trapping a sentient apex predator in an enclosure is fucked up, but at least there are people trying to minimize the damage caused by others.


MuddyWaterTeamster t1_isegktv wrote

> Many if not most zoo animals are not capable of returning to the wild. Either they were born in captivity, or they have an injury or disease that would mean they would not survive their natural environment.

So we have to have zoos because animals get born in captivity, but animals get born in captivity because every mid-sized city needs to have a zoo.

> On the other hand, zoos are an excellent tool for keeping critically endangered species alive and reintroducing them to the environment!

Apparently not if they got born in captivity! Conservation in an environment that doesn’t make them completely maladapted to the outside world is a thing that exists.


kautau t1_iseit1a wrote

Aquarium worker here. I’ve worked in an enclosure just like this. Polar bear enclosure, the bear was looking peaceful, sunbathing. There was an orca enclosure next door I had just washed before the whale was placed back in. These two enclosures were only separated by a thin layer of glass, customers liked to see them interact sometimes. But one day, the glass broke. The orca quickly swam through the water, and leapt into the air, grabbing the bear and basically slamming it against the floor of the bear enclosure, breaking it as the bear smashed through it. It was so crazy and then I remembered that the same thing happened where in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and he plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


TheGameSlave2 t1_isema3c wrote

Careful with that flying headbutt. Don't wanna get a concussion. Nice form, though.


rigby__ t1_iseq57r wrote

Sad. Just bored to tears.


Plz_PM_Steam_Keys t1_iserumb wrote

I thought he was going to jump and balance himself on it somehow


Moorebetter t1_isesuru wrote

I love Nikita, she used to be at the KC Zoo, and was a main attraction who did stuff like this all the time. I believe she went to this zoo to be a mating pair for a new generation of polar bears, but I'm not sure.


Jenetyk t1_isetojl wrote

Bah gawd, she killed him


nowake t1_iseu18f wrote

same ones who will take a video of a paper taped to the wall and then use photoshop to write some shit on that paper in the video that will generate a reaction from the comments section.


TheW83 t1_isevy1v wrote

Is that a 55 gallon drum??


TheFox30 t1_isf059x wrote

Is this a full size barrel?


notpetelambert t1_isf6f4k wrote

>The condors there were flightless due to injuries or deformations, but they and some other captive condors at other locations were able to produce offspring- that were then released into the wild, helping to bolster their near-extinct population.


cubus31415 t1_isg39a0 wrote

The best part of this is that the announcers are like "oh, he’s going to do the headbutt!"


DeviantStrain t1_isg5ibu wrote

On the one hand i am fully aware that this polar bear will gladly eviscerate me and munch on me like a picnic

On the other hand awh big doggy


Ahem122 t1_isic8h6 wrote

Why do I vibe with this fucking polar bear, more than I do anyone else in my life?


Normous16 t1_itgb7yw wrote

Interesting. Thanks for sharing. The polar bear at the buffalo zoo does the same. Repeated loop from glass to wall, never seen him do anything else.