lorelaimsmith t1_itduvzr wrote
I so desperately want to learn how to make these.
smarticulation t1_itdwn1e wrote
I like the lil turtle. He seems content.
JSchneider85 t1_ite1e63 wrote
Turtle turtle
wowcrampus t1_ite1u2v wrote
From 1 to 10 I give this a turtle
Riegel_Haribo t1_ite88wg wrote
Ad for your ad spamming spam.
PorkRindSalad t1_iteawpv wrote
Looks like you just buy some bismuth metal, melt it, and let it cool.
NothingISayIsReal t1_itecvur wrote
It's not a real turtle
Drunk_Skunk1 t1_iteg1vb wrote
I was just gifted one of these and luckily they told me to touch it as little as possible because the oils from our greasy ass hands can break down the minerals. That was new info to me
grasshacques t1_itek5m7 wrote
is it weird that I want to eat this?
smarticulation t1_itexg7n wrote
Ya don’t say?
ChrisHaze95 t1_itexsd6 wrote
I remember seeing how this was made once and thought it was so cool and now i can't for the life of me remember a thing about the video
akaispirit t1_itf47dq wrote
Every time I see bismuth I think of that Japanese guy who makes knives that made a really nice looking one out of bismuth and then melted it back down at the end. Sure, he couldn't hold the grip without hurting himself but it still looked nice.
SaphiralFox t1_itfkcsu wrote
Let’s show’em we mean bismuth!
similar_observation t1_itfknyc wrote
🎵 Takin' care of bismuth! 🎵
Cheddarlicious t1_itfl3sw wrote
The jig is up, vex.
Criticalhit_jk t1_itflknk wrote
Your statement and username just killed an AI somewhere
TaskForceCausality t1_itfyznb wrote
According to Ahti, the Turtle is our new Director.
dinoroo t1_itgcfax wrote
Stop with the monkey bismuth!
GreyAardvark t1_itgf78l wrote
can you sell this?
theladyevenstar t1_ith53iz wrote
As a tortoise keeper myself that was quite the nice surprise! These crystals are so pretty
SaphiralFox t1_itha3hp wrote
CoolmanExpress t1_ithcd4f wrote
Was expecting Nile red :(
dbl-cart t1_ithx45t wrote
Part of the Borg Collective Hive.
Ryan-Roach t1_iti1zsz wrote
I like to picture god as a happy lil turtle living in a bismuth cave.
Lexintonsky t1_itks876 wrote
doctorsnorky t1_itzdf2y wrote
Nice! Bismuth is booming!
tino768 t1_itdompu wrote
Looks like an alien death ship...