1320Fastback t1_ity6a64 wrote
maraxusofvladd t1_ity6hhu wrote
Everything but the kitchen sink 🤣😂
Competitive-Cow-4177 t1_ity6n0q wrote
Mr. Reeve = 🧼🐦🧽 with 🐕
skhothane_za t1_ity6su4 wrote
NSYNC - Bye Bye Bye
Alabussy OP t1_ity9d24 wrote
Hey, now, come on.
He has also taken credit for other people's work, caused funding for actual developments to dry up, undermined public-transportation initiatives for his own gain, dropped billions of dollars on projects that he knew were doomed from the get-go, spread scientific misinformation to millions of people, mistreated and sexually abused employees, muddied the waters with regard to artificial intelligence, and repeatedly lied through his teeth about various developments.
All of that must have taken some work, right?
Postgis t1_ity9rx1 wrote
Wow. I'm a bit shocked. It seems like you are belittling his work! Don't you remember the time he falsely called a hero who saved children's lives a pedophile for fun? That's work too, right?
Alabussy OP t1_itya6n9 wrote
I'm not belittling anything!
I am completely aware of how much effort it requires to be a bloviating, narcissistic pseudointellectual who has crowned himself the king of overgrown adolescents! I would dream of mocking that sort of disingenuous self-aggrandizement!
Postgis t1_ityb9oz wrote
...yet you still attack his way of life. Don't forget that his dad, a slave owner, gave him everything he owns. Elon is nothing if not a dutiful son who tries at every turn to advance his employees to slaves. Let's not dismiss young Elon just because he has failed to make slavery cool again...he still has time
fucktrutin t1_ityfr7s wrote
"edgy"... what a publicity seeking narcissist.
Chesterakos t1_itys1dc wrote
Edgelord Musk... people please don't take example of this douchebag.
[deleted] t1_itzzftt wrote
baker39466 t1_iu036y8 wrote
Aww poor baby
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iu0ieb1 wrote
Nice try but that's not a kitchen sink. A restroom sink. And if it was a kitchen sink then the phrase "taking everything but the kitchen sink" still wouldn't work here because he is literally taking the sink.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iu0ijo0 wrote
I think you meant to say
This is the most work he has ever done. LET THAT SINK IN.
hmm_okay t1_iu0rmzf wrote
Nope, he's bringing the sink so he can leave it and take everything else.
WangnanJahad t1_iu2rgt1 wrote
Why is he planning to wash his hands of the deal? Or is this some kind of sink or swim pun?
Immersi0nn t1_iu35ftj wrote
Tbh those are the best kind of puns, I for one hate the dude but god damn that's funny as fuck, full follow through on it too, that's dedication to the bit lmao
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iu6p6m9 wrote
Oh that makes sense
cromestant t1_ity4098 wrote
Bad pun. He said “visiting the Twitter HQ. Let that sink in”.