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fearzx t1_iu8orwo wrote

Soviet invasion? Are you kidding? Fucking nazis killed so many people in ussr and you calling comeback invasion?


cjb3535123 t1_iu8qolk wrote

Yeah dude. Its not supposed to be a loaded term. Im well aware of what lead to soviets countering and counter-invading Germany in 1944/45


eroticfalafel t1_iu8rf7i wrote

It describes what Russia was doing at the time in Germany. What are you meant to call it? Russia crossed the German border and pushed to Berlin. That's an invasion, and in this case well justified.


Wowimatard t1_iu8tmja wrote

>That's an invasion, and in this case well justified.

I have to agree.

Whilst I dont condone the mass murder and mass rape. The Germans did come into Russia to exterminate a (in their eyes), subhuman species. That is of course, after the subhuman species have toiled the land well enough for the Germans to be able to function without them.

Horrible all around. But I understand. I have never had a family member exterminated before. I cant Imagine the rage I would feel.


UnluckyPumpkin4869 t1_iu94a5n wrote

Thousands of German women and children were raped during this “well justified” invasion.


sh4itan t1_iu9d9g1 wrote

There's a difference in the term invasion and generally being an asshole of a human that uses women as toys in such an invasion. The invasion itself was well justified, but the war crimes (on all sides) weren't.